Yeah, it's twenty past eight here, or to be more precise *eighteen* minutes past eight in the evening.
11) If you were going to be in a rock band, what would you want to be? (Ex: Singer, keyboardist, bassist, drummer, guitarist, dancer, etc)
Drummer, I've always thought it would be cool to be able to play the drums. Course, I have no musical talent, lol, so I'll just stick to writing.
-1) What would your character like to be?
Mathew - Drummer, he can let all his anger out by hitting them.
Dani - Singer.
Jade - I can't imagine her being in a band, lol.
10) Would you and your character be in two separate bands or have a band together?
Separate because we live in different worlds. My band would fail, lol. Mainly because there'd be no one in it apart from me. Do you want to join? (Please...)
-2) Would you two get along? Or would you fight a lot?
Oh, no. Me and my characters would fight like there was no tomorrow. I love them all, though, lol.
9) You’re getting ready to go on stage. You get to do your character’s hair and makeup and outfit and accessories and yada yada. How do you dress them up? You’re not having too much fun with it, are you?
All of them would go on as goths. That would be funny...
And my *characters'* hair and make-up? What about mine?
-3) Okay person’s character, you now get to dress up your creator however you like before going on stage to rock out. How do you dress them up? They have already dressed you up. Are you having fun dressing them up?
Jade: Let's dress her up like a dead person. See how she like to be dead...
Dani: No! Idiot, do you want to scare the crowd away?
(Mathew stands in the background, knowing absolutely nothing about hair and make up).
*I go on stage dressed up as half a dead person, half a mythical creature, the overall effect looking like a unicorn in drag.*
8) Your antagonist appears backstage and tries to steal your rock band instruments. What do you do?
Stab them with my drumsticks, or hit them over the head with the guitar. I've always wanted to smash up a guitar, but the closest I've got is pretending to do it with the guitar hero one, lol.
-4) What would you demand to have in your dressing room before the show? What happens if they mess up your order?
Instructions on how to play the drums.
Well, then I'd better learn how to improvise.
7) What would your character demand to have in their dressing room before the show? What happens if they mess up your character’s order?
Jade: A bucket to puke in.
She'd puke over Dani, then, lol.
Dani - She doesn't like to make a fuss.
Mathew - New clothes, he looks a wreck.
-5) You’re about to go on stage now. I guess it’s a good time to ask: You don’t have stage fright, do you? What about you, person’s character?
*Pukes.* Yeah, probably should've mentioned that before.
All at the same time:
Mathew: Um...
Dani: No!
Jade: (Didn't even hear the question and is crapping her pants).
+-6) Are you having a rocktastic day?~~I mades up a word. :p
Sure, why not? Congrats on the word making-up...
xx :) xx