2008-07-02 18:34:29 UTC
Post anything. I have no limitations on what it is. Mystery, Romance.
I like romance. But most do.
I was also curious about romantic classics for my age like Pride and the Prejudice. I know that is cliche, but what can I say? I would just like to understand it and not get bored.
That is one of my main focuses, a book that will keep my interest and will not make me feel like it is a chore to read the book.
For example, at the moment I am reading Shatterglass by Tamora Pierce and I am trudging through that book so I can read the Empress one that comes next. I liked all the other ones...I don't know, the plot is dragging on and on. STUCK. Ok, I will stop ranting about it...
Please post all the books you can think of!
Gracias. :)