I need ideas for a novel.?
2015-11-24 12:14:30 UTC
Hey guys! My name is Maddie and I am a young writer. I was hoping y all could give me some brief ideas that I could use to write a book. Please make them short and sweet so that I can elaborte more on them when I do write. It does not have to be genre specific but I do have an interest in horror. Thank you!!
56 answers:
2015-11-24 19:59:30 UTC
I'm 16 and I started writing a screenplay. My advice, if you truly are a writer, ideas naturally happen in your head. It happens out of nowhere you get an idea and you're like, wow that would make a good novel.

It happened in the shower I got an idea for a dystopian futuristic sci-fi script.

Or if not write about your life. Your friends your family. They say to write about what you know. I personally don't listen to that rule and write about what I don't know incorporating my own knowledge into texts.

Or find articles in a newspaper or something, like a murder for instance. Find three or four articles and then create a story between them.

A playwright that I know read an article about a murder, and then he had another one about a troubled boy who ran away from home. And he created a play based on the two articles and made a brilliant story.

That's my advice. Try taking a shower and just brainstorm, it really helps. Or some people its at night before bed. Find the time when you are most creative and you'll get ideas trust me. Jot them down and eleborate and voila you'll have a tremendous idea.

Good luck

First get an idea, it will just hit you.
2015-11-25 01:53:59 UTC
You are not yet a writer if you have not yet written anything. If you have a strong desire to write and are willing to put in the effort to learn to write, then you may soon become an aspiring writer. Writing is a job. It is work, not something that someone just decides to do. I, personally, put in up to 12 hour a day at my keyboard. Not everyone puts in this kind of time, but it does take this kind of devotion. And, as a writer of fiction, of any genre, you would never ask others to tell you what to write. If you do not have an imaginative nature, then stick with writing articles for periodicals or websites - nonfiction. Others here have given you advice on how to get ideas so I'll give you one also....Put away your cell phone or your other mobile devices when you are in public and rejoin the world. Become a people watcher, imaging why someone dresses the way they do, why someone acts the way they do, how does this someone make a living, where did this person come from and where is this person going,,,etc... You get the idea....Creating back stories and putting them on paper.... Learning to create believable characters is the best start...then use these characters to create a story...with a beginning, a middle, and an end.
2015-11-24 22:05:17 UTC
Sometimes, out of complete nowhere, a totally random, but AWESOME idea pops into your mind!! Those are the best ideas there are! Just make sure you don't steal them from others and be original (or at least as original as possible). Finding the initial idea from your own brain at random times is (for me at least) the most thrilling part of writing because it just fills you with so much giddy excitement that it must be good!!

Try resting your brain, and slow down the number of thoughts you think in a day (just relax) and eventually, a random thought will come to you, but it'll be so random, that it is totally original, and that makes it interesting!!

(not trying to be weird here but...) Many great ideas occur when in the bathroom, specifically while on the toilet or in the shower! So try to let your imagination juices flow while you're doing these two things!

I know that I didn't exactly give you what you were looking for, but it is definitely MUCH more satisfying to have come up with your OWN original idea and work from there rather than have somebody feed it to you. I personally have always HATED needing to write things in English classes on topics chosen by the teacher, as well as being forced to write in certain styles, simply because it is difficult (again, for me , at least) to expand on pre-ordered ideas.

I hope that this can help you and that whatever you come up with can eventually become a success!

Have a lovely day/night!

2015-12-12 17:16:44 UTC
If you are having writers block, I suggest you read the book Wild Mind: Living the Writer’s Life by Natalie Goldberg. This book has a lot of interesting exercises called “Try This” to help start the creative ideas flowing through your mind. It also has a chapter called Mink on page 115, to help you resolve any issues preventing you from writing. The other one is an article by Gail Godwin called “The Watcher at the Gates.” This is about a specific issue one faces when dealing with the actual writing process of actually writing: the inter editor.

I would recommended not only reading other horror authors, but also learning everything there is about horror: its history, subgenres, how it blends nicely with other genres, becoming familiar with the Horror Writers Association (HWA). I have included some of the sources below, including a book to help you get started that is published by HWA. Good luck!
2015-11-27 16:43:58 UTC
What I do when I am lost for a novel is start from some sort of prompt that I can leap off of. Which is what I think you are asking for, I don't see why people are getting that upset. All writers get writers block, god knows that I do. I mean what you need is a spark not someone to do the work for you, so I would suggest using a sentence prompt. My favorite writing blog (Writers World) has an assortment of prompts to help you get your ideas flowing. It is not plagiarism or anything like that, it is just a seed that you can grow into a sapling with the proper nurture. These might help you get started on something and get the ball rolling. They are like the first sentence and then from there you write the second sentence, then the third and then you have a start! Here are some of their most recent prompts:

-We’re not here to make small talk.

-You have one last shot to get this right, then I’m calling it.

-I have no choice but to banish you.

-Are you getting enough sleep?

-He can kill her for all I care.

-I see you’ve decorated.

Horror Prompts (this is from another prompt blog)

-“We all have it in here. We are all infected.”

-I doubt that she will make it through the night.

-She's had this weird feeling for a couple of days now...

They also have a lot of picture prompts so you can start your novel from an image, as well as song prompts. They are super good to get started with. I don't think you should take a story to write, just because that does not leave much room for the creative process. Things like this may be helpful to you. Good luck to you! Let me know what you think!
2015-11-24 12:40:00 UTC
I know it sucks to be told to come up with your own idea when you're excited to write. If you come up with a story idea all on your own, you're more likely to love it. Which means you're more likely to finish it. You have to love what you're writing, otherwise you won't finish anything you start.

You write because you have something to say. If you don't have something to say, that's fine. Just listen for now. Read as much as you can. Published novels in your genre, but also good books from other genres. Think about what sorts of stories appeal to you. Make notes of what you like about certain books and what you didn't like. Read the news. Listen to people's stories. I bet if you asked everyone you know "What's the scariest story you've heard?" you could get a million ideas for a horror story.

Remember to brainstorm. Grab a sheet of paper and scribble down everything you're interested in, what you believe about the world, what sort of stories you like to read and write. Then try and match these options up. Let's say you like water-skiing and believe that animals are better than people. You could turn that into a survival horror story about a pro water-skiier stuck on the ocean, while fighting off dolphins that want him dead. Stupid example, but I bet you could find your own interests that could lead to a story.
2015-11-24 22:42:43 UTC
As a writer, its always best to write what you know about, what interests you most, and personal experiences. Think about what kinds of books you like and the authors that interest you, so that you can get a feel for how they write and where their ideas come from. I hope this helps. Thats usually what I do. :) Also, just try and let some ideas come to you instead of trying so hard to think of a topic/story, because that sounds a little stressful. Good luck!!!
Steven J Pemberton
2015-11-24 13:16:27 UTC
As someone who's been writing for longer than you've probably been alive, I find the thought of not being able to come up with ideas on my own pretty horrific...

The ideas are the easy and fun part of being a writer. If you can't do that, you have no hope of being able to do the hard and boring part (the actual writing). What are you passionate about? What makes you excited, or afraid, or angry? Write about that.
Barney Google
2015-11-26 09:33:17 UTC
The most sound advice is "a writer writes." Nothing else is more cogent and practical, because you need to establish a style all your own, a routine of writing for say, two hours a day, where you are alone and away from distractions. You need to choose a genre that will kick off a career, and no one can give you that. You like horror? Then do horror. Sit and write for two solid hours every day. Don't stop writing to edit or fix a phrase it is just a way to get things flowing. A lot of something called 'flow'. Flow of energy, of spontaneity, be clever, be as good or better than the last thing you read. And aim high.
2015-11-25 10:04:21 UTC
If you can't come up with your own ideas, you are not ready to write a novel.
2015-11-24 12:38:20 UTC
Ideas are the easiest part of writing a story. If you don't want to/haven't got the patience to think up your own ideas, unfortunately, you'll find the rest so much harder.

So instead of asking for our ideas, try asking how to think up your own ideas. Learn how to think for yourself. Don't rush the thinking process just to get writing sooner - if you cut corners, ask others for ideas and try to rush the planning stage you will end up stuck again within in a few days/hours. So take the time to plan, come up with your own ideas and think up your own story.

Start by writing down various genres you like reading or watching on the television. You'll find you are a lot better at writing a genre you're familiar with and actually like. So begin by listing some you like.

Next write what general ideas you like within those genres. For example, you might say "Romance", and a general idea might be "Love lasting beyond life" or something similar. Do you understand what I mean? It is that simple. It just requires brainstorming!

Alternatively come up with a character first of all. So think of their name (and do not listen to anyone who says the name has to match appearance and personality - it isn't true. It just wastes time). Think of their **basic** appearance and get started on their personality and backstory. Based on their backstory, figure out what could go wrong for them. There is your rising action, and that could lead to a conflict and finally a resolution. It's just up to you to fill in the finer points
2015-11-24 12:48:45 UTC
I agree with Jepchamp, you have to wait for the idea to come to you not you to the idea. You can gather information from nature and so on. You could also do writing prompt that could inspire you. If I was you I would wait until the day comes, however I would write everyday, so that when the day comes you can write a book based on your idea. Also keep every idea you have. This is what Tolkien did and look what happened. :)
2015-11-28 17:31:23 UTC
You can find ideas everywhere. Maybe an argument you overheard at school, or a teacher who looks to be a little stressed out, or a bit in the news that makes you wonder "Now how did that happen?" Let your imagination take over with things you see, hear, and read and you will be amazed at what you come up with.
2015-11-24 12:20:06 UTC
You have it backwards, Maddie. A writer has an idea, a story to tell, and wants to tell it. What do you think writing is? Typing someone else's ideas? And it's spelled "elaborate." What you need to be right now is a young reader, not a young writer.
2015-11-25 02:21:12 UTC
Taylor Swift
2015-11-24 12:24:46 UTC
Hi Maddie, I'm David and I'm an old writer.

Best of luck in learning to write. Your first hurdle is finding out how to seek out inspiration. Asking people to throw ideas at you is not how to do it.
2015-11-28 13:23:07 UTC
Write a horror novel based on a true life horror: Terry Schiavo being starved to death because her husband insisted on the court ordering it. She could not speak anymore to complain but her parents used to go to the nursing home and feed her and she sat up and looked at them and took bites of food in her mouth and chewed and swallowed. Because of the court order, her parents had to sit with her like 36 hours or longer watching their daughter starve to death, while she looked at them not understanding why she was not being fed, when she was so hungry. She could not speak to protest or ask for food. That was real life horror.
2015-11-25 10:39:08 UTC
Write a novel with various short stories having same characters present one story with various angle in every story.
2015-11-26 23:59:17 UTC
Okay how about this: There's this guy, let's call him "Baha", and this "Baha", he really has it in for this one particular er, shark, yeah, that's it - it's a shark. So this "Baha" sets sail to find this shark and kill it at any cost. Maybe you can use a third-person narrator, call him Isaiah or something like that. What do you think? Great stuff, right?

If you don't like that one, how about this: So there are these three brothers and they live somewhere in Russia, let's call them "The Brothers Kusnetsov", okay? So these three brothers, they're all very different in character and all of their lives have gone in different directions and the book can touch on the themes of family, free-will, mortality, Christianity, life and death and maybe poverty too.

Still not sold, okay here's another one for you: There's this guy, let's call him "Lambert-Lambert", anyway, he's a foreigner and an anarchist and a bit of a snob. Oh and also he's an odious pedophile but we'll get to that. Anyway, this Lambert-Lambert falls in love with a pre-pubescent girl named Tristressa. Lambert-Lambert marries her mother (whom he despises) and carries on a terribly awkward and incredibly immoral affair with the girl and in the process, ruins both her life and his own until he is driven to commit murder before finally dying of a broken heart (codenamed "coronary thrombosis") Pretty sweet, huh?

The point is, write your own books and make up your own stories.
2015-11-24 12:15:33 UTC
It is your job as the writer to come up with ideas. If you cannot come up with any ideas on your own how do you expect to complete a novel?
2015-11-24 23:16:37 UTC
Writers do not typically field for story ideas. Writing is Story-Telling in print form. Of course, if you're really hard up for a story idea, why not simply watch some made-for-television movie and tweak it enough to make it your own.
2015-11-24 13:22:22 UTC
If you want to write a story, or a book, the whole point is that the plot, the characters, the names, the places - everything - has to come from YOU.

If those things come from other people, it’s not YOUR book at all.

And if you really can’t manage to invent those things, with no help from anyone else, you’re either not ready to write a story or you just aren’t interested enough.
2015-11-26 13:45:35 UTC
Lol I'm also sixteen like that other guy and I'm also writing (its a novel but still)

If you havehave no ideas than don't even try you will hurt yourself and everyone

2015-11-25 22:56:22 UTC
Here's an idea: A merchant who buys and sells souls. The clients he sells to would be artists -- sculptors, painters, filmmakers, etc. The clients he purchases from are desperate people willing to sell their souls to have some dream fulfilled. The Soul Merchant is long lived -- he's been around for centuries -- consuming some of the souls he buys to extend his life. He is also an art dealer and can fly a helicopter. His motivation is that long, long ago, the soul of the woman he loved was taken and broken up into 7 pieces. He searches through space and time to find the pieces of her soul and put them together again.
2015-11-25 23:12:19 UTC
Try reading other novels to spark up ideas!
2015-11-24 12:26:08 UTC
Person has been stolen from family, grows up unaware of it; learns as she/he matures.

Related: "Tree Shepherd's Daughter trilogy;" "Alcatraz versus the Evil Librarians" series; the "Michael Vey" series. Obviously, a well-written theme; what makes each of the above series work is the special talent or situation.

P.s.: "Creation: Artistic and Spiritual," by Omraam Aivanhov, is good for insight and guidance.
2015-11-27 04:00:39 UTC
Every novel starts with an idea. They burst into your mind demanding to be written down in words and determined not to let go until you satisfy their need.
2017-02-28 02:11:12 UTC
2015-11-25 23:52:47 UTC
It's all about originality. My teachers always said I have an active imagination. I gain ideas mostly from my dreams and nightmares so I recommend keeping pen and paper at your bedside. I gain ideas from conversations and T shirts. Writers even gain ideas from walking down a busy street. I wrote a short story with three lead characters that was autobiographical. I pulled from different areas of my life - different parts of my personality - to create them.
2015-11-26 12:32:50 UTC
1. ask your school librarian. 2. ask your English teacher. 3 look up story writing ideas on the internet. 4. you did not mention your age so I assume you are about 15. if there is a community college in your area, check into their "creative writing" courses and see what that curriculum calls for. 4. get a copy of "On Writing" by Stephen King. 5. look for a copy of "Writing Down The Bones." The woman who wrote it is from New Mexico.

Please let us know if you follow up on any thing.
Sweetdaddy Rex
2015-11-25 09:42:52 UTC
Cabin in the woods, Ghosts in the "mist", Adopted step-sister/brother, Killer in the cemetary, Escaped convicts in home, Rapist/cannibal at Girl's Camp, Snowy mountain cave, with Mountain lion. Kidnapped by mentally disturbed person.
2015-11-24 22:21:16 UTC
How about a vacation or filed trip, that you enjoyed? Or start with something that you witnessed at a party, and let your imagination take it, from there. Inspiration can come from anything.
2015-11-26 03:37:20 UTC
you can write about adventures of some people who are fighting with other people because of clues which leads you to make contact with the alieans and you can make bad and good people and this idea is not only for a book but a whole collection
2015-11-26 05:26:22 UTC
You do realise how the industry works right? I mean, you're asking for others to give you THEIR ideas and storylines so you can copyright it and use it as your own? Let's say you got some media attention and a journalist or chat show host asks you where you got your inspiration from, you're either going to sit there and lie by making up something or you're going to tell the truth and say "oh I got the idea from someone off Yahoo Answers".

How do you think that's going to go down? Either you're lying to your fans or you're telling them straight that you lacked the ability to come up with the book yourself. You may have elaborated, but the base story was stolen from someone else.
2015-11-25 06:21:38 UTC
I understand writers block and all, so I go to Pinterest (writing prompts) to solve that problem. But your story should come within.
2015-11-28 09:47:50 UTC
How about an anthropology student who starts finding body parts in the woods?

I would suggest that you start with short stories.
2015-11-27 10:16:32 UTC
1. watch horror movies horror books

3.find out your weakness and fear on horror

4.start writing what also make your heartbeat so fast
2015-11-25 21:02:24 UTC
Vampires. Dystopian setting. Love triangles. Lots and lots of angst.
2015-11-24 12:34:38 UTC
A mutant inbred race of hideous deformed people. they have have worts, and genetic diseases, and they corrupt society and cheat people. they mutilate babies penises and suck the blood out of them. you shouldn't say outright that they are jews bc that would not bc PC, but describe them to a T. the hero has to reveal their evils to the world and destroy them
Iron Butterfly
2015-11-26 04:25:18 UTC
A small town girl finds remains in the attic and begins to get haunted by a girl that was killed in that house and the mystery was never solved. in order to put the ghost to rest she must shine a light on the murder to avenge the girls death...
2015-11-26 01:26:32 UTC
most people like romantic or fairy tales like novel but it depend on you that what are u thinking about and also in which you are best
2015-11-26 00:47:27 UTC
The real Terrorist American Gang Members.**Why does our American legal system allow these Terrorist to continue terrorizing every community.

"domestic terrorism" for purposes of Chapter 113B of the Code, entitled "Terrorism”: ... Involve violent acts or acts dangerous to human life that violate federal or state law;
2015-11-24 12:23:58 UTC
If ou hsve to ask us the basics then writing is nit your bag.

write whst you know about.
2015-11-25 03:45:54 UTC
2015-11-26 21:10:27 UTC
For you, someone with an interest in horror, write about your biggest fear.
2015-11-26 06:15:09 UTC
what's my cut for using my idea?
2015-11-26 21:14:56 UTC
Write your own story it might be hard but if u r.a writer it will come to u
2015-11-25 15:18:13 UTC
how about a twist on alien invaders? except humans are the invaders.
2015-11-25 19:09:47 UTC
jerry spinelli once said write about something you care about
2015-11-26 09:23:06 UTC
People watch, it inspires me
2015-11-26 18:13:55 UTC
2015-11-25 17:11:56 UTC
i think a sea voyage
2015-11-27 08:57:02 UTC
2 kids were playing in the woods and they found this huge bra.
2015-11-25 03:20:47 UTC
ideas could be anywhere.
2015-11-25 21:58:54 UTC
horror surfing story!!! That'll be soo cool!! coz heaps of people love surfing and horror and if you put them together...BOOM!! BEST.BOOK.EVER!!!!!!!!!!!
2015-11-26 00:10:48 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.