Darcy or Rochester?
This is a close call. Mr. Darcy wins in a very close contest, because he is less brooding and has a more noble nature.
Jane Eyre or Catherine Earnshaw?
Jane Eyre, because she is strong and independent; someone who, no matter what, sticks by her own convictions.
Frankenstein or Dracula?
I take it you mean Dr. Frankenstein versus Dracula? They are both interesting, but perhaps Dr. Frankenstein merely because he's a seriously flawed man who learns, too late, remorse. If it was the creature versus Dracula, the creature wins, because he creates a feeling of pity.
Elizabeth Bennet or Marianne Dashwood?
Elizabeth for sure. Marianne is too given to romanticizing everything and following only her emotions. It gets annoying. Elizabeth is bright and witty and full of fun.
Erik (the Phantom) or Rochester?
Mr. Rochester, for me, though I realize many people have a strong feeling for Erik. Still, with all his flaws, Mr. Rochester is a solid man who sees far deeper than the surface.
Colonel Brandon or Mr. Bingley?
Though Mr. Bingley is lovable, Colonel Brandon would be my choice because he's so sensible and good.
Romeo or Hareton Earnshaw?
Hareton, because he grows and changes. When he finally loves, his love is that of a man, not a boy who is fickle and seems to play at love...dramatically.
Huck Finn or Jem Finch?
It's been a long time in both cases, but Huckleberry Finn has the edge. Why? It's vague, but I recall thinking he was clever and loyal (of course, that may be spotty recollection).
Atticus Finch or Bilbo Baggins?
Atticus, though I thoroughly enjoyed Bilbo. Who could beat a man who stands by his convictions and won't waver, even though the world should be against him?
Edmond Dantes or Don Quixote?
Don Quixote, because he is a dreamer who lets nothing stop his idealism.
Gandalf or Aslan?
Aslan, not only for the obvious. He is wise and good, and is there when needed most. Besides which, he created Narnia.
Hester Prynne or the 2nd Mrs. de Winter?
Hester for that very strength that kept her going in the face of humiliation and alienation. Despite that, she was courageous and even compassionate to those who had even less than she.
Maxim de Winter or Mr. Darcy?
Mr. Darcy wins again. Maxim is interesting, but would take a lot of understanding and patience. Once Elizabeth truly got to know Mr. Darcy, she found him to be clever and noble and an all around good guy.
Fun question, Aly.