2006-12-25 20:40:12 UTC
I'm a Stanford psychology student. I somewhat dismayed that I haven't read as many good books as I would have liked. I certainly do not want to become a philistine. I'm not asking to become the next Frasier Crane, but I would like to be more culturally literate.

I have on my reading list books by - Nietzsche (obviously), Marx, Bertarnd Russell, Richard Dawkins, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, J.D. Salinger, Don DiLillo, George Orwell, Rosseau, Ayn Rand, Schopenhauer, Sam Harris, Conrad,

Which works from that list of authors would you recommend that I read?

What books are indispensible to a college student?

This may be a silly question, but to those erudite readers - how do you read a book? - Straight through? An hour a day? Laying in bed? Sitting on a couch? Many people do not know the best way to go about reading a book.

If you don't know a word, do you look it up in the dictionary, or do you just make it out and/or skip it? Thanks!!
Fifteen answers:
2006-12-25 21:02:08 UTC
I totally understand . . . I feel like I'm pretty well-read, but then I hear other people mention authors I've never even heard of and I feel quite stupid!

From the list you've given, I've heard of Richard Dawkins, Tolstoy, Nietsche, Marx, Salinger, Orwell, Rosseau, and Ayn Rand. Dawkins, from what I hear, is about science, so I wouldn't call him necessary. Nietsche, Marx, and Rosseau are all about philosophy, so reading them isn't necessary, but a knowledge of them and their basic assertions is always good. Orwell I'd say is someone you must read, and Salinger too (although I never found much greatness in him). Tolstoy and Dostoevsky are wonderful fiction writers that I'd encourage you to read.

But probably the best way you could spend your time is with Ayn Rand. Seriously- I feel like every person should have read "Atlas Shrugged" by the time they're 20. It doesn't matter if you agree with her or disagree or think the book is utter rubbish- it's simply the kind of work that needs to be read and known and discussed. It will open your mind (it did mine) and you'll be key on a very big part of history- including the philosophy that at one time guided Alan Greenspan, and continues to have many other followers. I just think it's kind of big, and it is enjoyable reading, in my opinion (better than Tolstoy, at least). Give it a try!

And for me, I don't often read a book straight through, or in big chunks of time, unless it's absolutely brilliant and I'm spellbound or very easy and light. I read all through the day- in the bathroom, while eating, before bed, before class starts- little snatches that seem to get it read. That way I don't get burned out on a book and keep it fresh in my mind. But that's just me.

As for knowing words, I generally don't look it up in a dictionary, unless I'm completely stumped and it's crucial to my understanding of the text. I try to discern it as best I can, and if it isn't necessary, I leave it be.

Have fun reading!
Firefighters Wife
2006-12-26 07:15:28 UTC
Out of the authors you have listed I have read at least one by Nietzsche, Bertrand, Dawkins, Tolstoy, Salinger, Orwell, Rand (I tried reading "Atlas Shrugged" but found it very boring), and Conrad. I have picked up "Heart of Darkness" several times but never could get more than half way through. It bored me to tears, but everyone's taste is different. I have been working my way through the classics for about 8 years now, and I could recommend a ton of books.

If you want to be culturally literate, read a wide assortment of books. I can recommend in addition to the authors above: Kurt Vonnegut -""Slaughterhouse-Five, Willa Cather, Isaac Asimov, Upton Sinclair -"The Jungle" and, Sinclair Lewis. Some must reads by Carl Sagan: "The Demon- Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark", "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors" and "The Dragons of Eden". Carl Sagan is my favorite.

As far as which books are indispensible to a college student I would say (as a former college student) read any and everything you can get your hands on. Most (but not all) books are indispensible in one way or another, and contain knowlege to be gained.

When I read I usually read myself to sleep when I go to bed. If a book is really enthralling I will read it straight through, or during every free moment. You just have to figure out what your style is. To me, there is no right or wrong way to read a book.

If I do not know a word, I look it up. I keep a dictionary handy while I read, and not one of those little paperback ones. I have a large hardcover that I use. Though I would be lying if I said I looked up every word I didn't know. It can get monotonous if there are a lot of words you don't know and yes there are times when I "just make it" out, or "skip it". I also keep a notebook and write the words and their definitions down.

I hope this helps you.
2006-12-25 23:27:03 UTC
Ha hahhhahah... I love the way overly eager College students attack everything like dogs attack meat bones already cleaned of the good parts by the more educated... human dogs.

The dog however knows, without understanding, that the marrow, is better for you and better tasting than the entire steak! Concentrated and although it takes just a bit more work to get to it... It is always worth it in the end!

It depends on what you want to know... That should tell you what you should read. What things do you need to understand?

Coming from someone who is severly learning disabled (among other things) and not highly educated in a classic ivy league kind of way... I am however an avid reader and lover of all the best literature classics.

If you want hard... I would have to go with Poetics By Aristotle.

That is the single most challenging piece of literature I have ever read.

Then you have James joyce. This is for a better understanding of the social restrictions in peoples lives and how they mold a man and shape his will either for or against his limitations in the form of his surroundings and upbringing. These books question ideals and beleifs and social structure.

Chaucer... Because everyone should understand the foundations of literature. and learn how to both speak and read old English.

Dostoyevesky. Because it is simplistic and easy to read (possibly in translation alone?) yet complex subject matter, often dark and real.

Kafka. Because wondeful things come from the minds of crazy men!

Yasumari Kawabata Because learning culture through the eyes of a purist is always more beautiful...

As I said... there are too many to mention you have got to be more specific with WHAT you would like to know.

I love to read about Mathematicians and Poets lives and works.

Anything on the Life of Newton is a wonderful read. Gallelio has some wonderful true life stories...

Find your genius... everywhere!
2006-12-25 21:07:16 UTC
I'd add The Stranger (by Albert Camus), of course some Shakespeare (esp. Hamlet and Othello), I found that Dostoevsky's Notes From Underground is short but very thought provoking, esp the first part.

Let's see, there are loads of books you can read. Make sure you at least thumb through Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, as well as Sophocles' Oedipus Rex and Antigone. There are also modern books like Catch-22, which today are referenced as often as the classics.

My advice is to go to amazon and look up different lists recommended by people, like "What you should read to be considered 'Educated.'" (Email me at and I'll send you a full list of books from a high school AP Literature class... it's over 50 books and I don't want to list them all here, it would take forever)

And how do I read? Well, during the semester (since I live at home, I don't dorm) I sit in my bed with earplugs in my ears. I try to read about 2-3 hours at a time, but usually I have to take breaks of about 10 min every hour or two.

I definitely keep a dictionary near me and write down definitions in the margins of my books (if they're mine). But of course, if you're reading for fun and you can make out the definition, I'd just say skip it and enjoy.

I found the best way to read a book is when you're in an unfamiliar environment, but not an uncomfortable one. For example, once I went ski trip with my family and, having too much catching up to do for school, I stayed behind in the lodge all day while everyone went out on the slopes. I read more than I have ever read in one day because there was no TV, computer, cell phone, etc. in my way. Also, I found libraries (if pretty empty) are a natural way to force you to read and even speed it up.

Good luck!
2006-12-25 20:55:44 UTC
Wow, you've read plenty. I'm a psych student too but I tend to read for pleasure. I've tried reading to be a "learned" person but that's too hard because it's impossible to concentrate on books that just don't interest me.

That said, the usual lists are recommended - Booker Prize winners, Nobel Prize winners, the 1001 Books You Have to Read Before You Die, Random House (link below) have good lists for both fiction and non-fiction.

Personally, for writing style, I can't go past Raymond Chandler and John le Carre.

The concept of cultural literacy is fairly changeable, I mean I'm a psych student too but I don't know anyone who's read Ulysses or Ayn Rand for that matter. But I do hear a lot about reality TV and R&B...

And how do I read a book? Any time I can: sitting on a bus, waiting at the bus stop, in my lunch break, lying in bed before going to sleep, lounging around on the sofa.

And yes! I do look up words but not until I've finished the book and I've made a list of words to look up. Unless it's a particularly interesting looking word like milquetoast.

Happy reading! = )
2006-12-26 03:08:45 UTC
I'm not all that well-read myself, but here are some suggestions.

First, on your list, delete the following: Richard Dawkins, Ayn Rand, Sam Harris. They may be worth reading if you want to expand your knowledge of atheist literature, but they're not great writers by any stretch of the imagination. Great atheist writers (other than Nietzsche, Marx, Russell, Schopenhauer & Conrad) would include Diderot, Hobbes, Hume, Schleiermacher, Freud & Darwin. While you're at it, you might also want to read work by the enemies of atheism. I recommend Plato, Aristotle, Genesis, Exodus, Psalms, Isaiah, Gospels of Matthew & John, Romans, Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Dante, John of the Cross, Pascal, Kierkegaard, T.S. Eliot, C.S. Lewis, Flannery O'Connor. (Tolstoy & Dostoevsky would also be considered great anti-atheist writers.)

Second, get hold of Clifton Fadiman's book The Lifetime Reading Plan. It's been through three or four editions, but any of them will give you introductions to most of the 'great books' in Western literature. I think the most recent edition also gives some suggestions for reading in Eastern literature (i.e., India, China, Japan).

Third, read Mortimer Adler's How to Read a Book. This is a small classic in itself and is well worth your time. It does exactly what the title says.
2016-05-23 10:58:15 UTC
The Tao te Ching by Lao Tzu. It's short but pithy and very popular. Or Siddhartha by Herman Hesse a story of a young man trying to find himself. I was never much of a reader but made a resolution to read like ten minutes a night before I went to sleep. At that rate, you can read three books a year without trying. The more you read the better you will get (and the more time you will spend reading). When you find a book of a type that you like, come back to Yahoo Answers and ask if people can recommend more books like that one. You will get lots of helpful suggestions.
Arigato ne
2006-12-26 00:01:39 UTC
I'd like to recommend some classics from the web site below, I hope you can find some interesting titles there to read and enjoy.

As for how I read, it depends. If I have long holidays, I'd spend the whole morning, afternoon and evening sandwiched by relaxing moments or other hobbies till I complete them. I mean I'd read some two or three books in rotation, it's my own plan since I can't stand reading one book till the end, it's too boring for me.

All right, you're in one of the most prestigious US universities so keep going with your reading and don't wonder if you're 'learned'. Read on and on, be humble, then one day some professors or your friends/colleagues will respect your wisdom through reading.
2006-12-25 20:51:18 UTC
I'd move Rand to the top of list. I'd also add Conrad's Heart of Darkness, as well as Shakespeare's better known works.

Salinger is alright. The Catcher in the Rye seemed worthwhile only because it was the Catcher in the Rye (I wasn't particularly impressed). Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle is great.

I'm rather surprised that you're in college without having read Orwell (add Huxley's Brave New World, too) to be honest.

In regards to the looking them up, I like to try to figure out the context unless the work constantly uses the word, in which case I look it up.
2006-12-25 20:52:05 UTC
I wouldn't worry too much and just read books that really strike your interest, but I like seeing Salinger on your list. I would recommend Hosseini, Shakespeare, and Faulkner.

I read a book for as long as I like. I can get absorbed and read for five hours straight, and then suddenly get sick of it and stop. It all depends on my mood.

As far as the word question, I usually just go along with it and try to figure it out from context. But if it really bothers me, I will look it up.
2006-12-25 21:03:10 UTC
Dostoevsky's work is genius. Crime & Punishment or Brothers Karamazov are excellent but his shorter works are also fascinating to read. Much of it is autobiographical with characters and situations developed from his own interesting life such as The Gambler or The House of the Dead. He blends philosophy, religion and astute observations of humanity with fiction
2006-12-25 21:01:23 UTC
Hi Nietzsche - Indispensible are - "Thus spake Zarathustra", "War and Peace", "Crime and Punishment", "The Fountainhead" (I hated it) and "Heart of Darkness."You might try something a little different like Haruki Murakami, Bulgakov or Philip K. Dick.
Scott R
2006-12-25 20:58:45 UTC
Stephen Hawking's Brief History of the Universe would be my suggestion.
2006-12-25 20:58:10 UTC
Read what interests you....."learned" is a path not a goal.
2006-12-25 20:47:52 UTC
I have one word for you:


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.