Cats: ( I'm just gonna give you several different characters, since i don't know if you have anything particular in mind)
1. celeste
a female cat in her prime: white fur and golden eyes, she is admired by all the others as 'the beauty'. Her looks come in handy when it comes to humans and other - mainly male - cats, but she is a ruthless ambitious killer with only one thought in mind: revenge against the humans who harmed her family. This sole focus of hers causes conflict within the group as she cares more about her goal than the team.
2. Professor Purrrr
a grumpy old professor who acts like a tough nut to crack but is really just a softy inside. Used to be a librarians cat, he understands Human Nature and gives insider information - but also defends the humans from Celeste and her ever-changing followers as he knows they are not all evil and killing machines.
3. Ramon
an tough street cat, this guys the leader of the gang: strong, ambitious, curious but also loving in his own way. He is secretly very insecure about himself but hides that with a slightly macho exterior. He is Aliss' older brother, and very (!!!!) over - protective of her.
4. Aliss
the youngest of the group, she is bouncy and curious in her kitten like qay, but is forced to grow up quicker than she would like under the pressure the humans are putting on the cats.
Stil, she is mollycoddled by the rest of the team, and therefore slightly spoilt. Celeste espevially takes intrest in her ( perhapa it could turn out that celeste and the rest only meet later and celeste is in actual fact ramons and alisses mother? ramon is black with a white strak all down his back, aliss has golden eyes and white flecks on her otherwise black fur)
5. Dust
an excitable grey teen cat, Dust is the frisky one: he is scared to death of water, but can brave anything from heighs to humans, and is in awe of Ramon. He is funny and takes himself and his jobs very seriously, and secretly has a crush on Aliss. Ramon notices maybe and they argue? He rarely has ideas that are not unbeliavably dangerous, but he is carefree and loving and the joker .... he camn make everyone laugh even in hard times. good friends with Chuck.
a big tibetian mastiff, who is not very bright, a bit of a lug, but very freindlay, kind, caring and loving,. he does all the heavy lifting and rescues them frim tricky situations.
happy go lucky beaver - a bit of a risk taker but awesome all the same. has great ideas and is loved by all of the others.
he loves his food and has a great sense of humour. He has a huge family who come to help in times of need. he has aleays wanted to be able to whistle and is obsessed with the beatles ( why? no idea!)
possibly: tina
chucks cousin, happy, caring beaver. she helps with food supplies and is a good nurde, so can nurse People back to health. she and ramon get on very well, he has a bit of a soft spot for her. she has big plans for the future and loves a bit of adventure.
hope i helped! good luck!!