After reading your summary, I would never read it myself.
Honestly, people who read HP Fan Fiction just aren't really interested in the lives of the fans. We want to see some HP action! We want to see a story line. We want to read an actual story, where the main characters are the protagonists and antagonists! Even some OC's aren't really appreciated in the HP fandom.
Well, that's what at least 95% of us, want.
I don't mean to be cruel, but I really don't see you getting very far with that story line.
Your summary itself isn't very interesting. Also, I would have turned away just because there are 4 chapters and only approx. 5, 500 words, including the A/N's per chapter.
Believe me; if you're a good writer, and you write an HP fan fic based off the actual HP characters, rather than some people we don't even know, you'll get good reviews.
Hell, there are BAD writers who get lots of reviews for sappy stories just because it's a fic about the characters, included with a sufficient story line.
I'm currently writing a HP fic called "expecting". It's a snape/harry MPREG story (yes, I said it: MPREG. In my fic, Harry Potter is pregnant with Snape's child.). I've only written three chapters so far, and I already have 45 reviews.
It's about how good you can write, about how well you portray the characters, and how great a story you can make.
If the story is good, people will eventually flock to it. Readers with communities will add your story to theirs if they think it's good. People subscribe to communities, and will be alerted if your story is added. If it's really good, they will even mention it in the forums. *Shrugs*
If you're really dead set upon getting some readers, I would suggest browsing the HP communities and searching for one where you can ask to add yours. They may reject you, though.
Good luck!
"The Reviews Lounge Forum"
Here is an HP forum where you can add your story.
It's for authors who have stories they believe are should be recognized more than they are, and for readers who have read amazing stories, and wonder why it isn't as popular as it should be.
The people here usually read the new requests, too.