Favorite good faction: Rohirrim - or Riders of Rohan, whichever you prefer.
Favorite evil faction: The Nazgul
Favorite good character: Frodo/Sam for guys, Eowyn (who else?) for girls.
Favorite bad character: Smeagol. Does he count? If not, then Boromir? Does he count? Okay, if neither count then Grishnak.
Least favorite good: Denethor. Was he really good? He got on my nerves so much. If not, then Lobelia.
Least favorite bad: Bill Ferny.
Coolest weapon: Glamdring/Anduril. I also love Sting. And Galadriel's phial.
Coolest scene: Undefinable. There are so many. To name a few: The Choices of Master Samwise, The Fields of Pelennor, the Grey Havens, and that's just in the last book.
All around coolest character: What said earlier. I can't choose between them.
Coolest creature: Humans - because they have potential for bad, but so many choose good. Of course, dwarves have that option, too, as to other races. But I identify with humans, strangely enough :)