2009-03-09 15:49:31 UTC
Picture a young man, his dark leathery wings the same colour as his oily black hair; his eyes the colour and opalescence of grey moonstone. Akin to the typical citizen of Moonlight, his fingers are clawed as a cat’s and his pale skin appears to hold a certain flaky fluorescence. On his chin are the scant, barely visible beginnings of a beard. Loved by none, lover of no one, Shaft of Moonlight is a Wanderer. The Wanderers are generally treated with the same hospitality as lawyers or taxmen, as you surely know.
Picture the ever-present-over-water smog, being penetrated by a sudden ray of blinding rose light, and the brimstone brine that blanketed the brackish floor of the lake being dissolved by this light.
Now a 1-10 rating for paragraph two:
As the sun quietly set on the horizon, Nathaniel found it ever more difficult to concentrate. There were so many things that could go wrong at any moment; in fact, it was a miracle that they had lasted this long without being taken out. He admired his father for keeping the mob so well organized, however, he knew that he could not possibly do so well himself. Not only that, but people were determined he never get a chance to lead. With twelve known attempts on his life, and possibly more that never got off the ground, Nathaniel Skye is one of the few teenagers ever to face the perils of death by assassination.
Because of this, and much more, he is currently writing a suicide note.
Paragraph three:
Leo jumped down from one of the rafters on the thirty-foot-tall ceiling and landed nimbly on his toes in the middle of the crowd. There was silence. While Ylva’s voice wavered uncertainly when she talked, due to some odd gene that controls the great howls of wolves, Leo’s voice was a sort of crooning; he could have any person entirely mesmerized when he talked. This has always seemed odd to me; cats are more knows for their silence than they are for their vocal abilities, but sometimes you never know.
“It doesn’t seem unethical to me, and doesn’t my opinion matter the most? Besides, if these good scientists didn’t behave incredibly ‘unethically’ I currently wouldn’t exist. And I will say I’m rather happy to be alive,” he continued.
Which paragraph is the best?