2008-11-19 18:10:58 UTC
My mom had passed away for 3 years when my sister was on the plane to visit our family back home. She sees this lady that looks exactly like my mother and starts crying and later takes a picture with her. On her way out the plane, this lady sends my sister a flying kiss and waves. exactly the way my mom used to do it.
We have all seen the picture and she looks exactly like mt mom's twin sister would, if she had any. You know only very minor differences that our friends wouldn't notice, but we as her kids would.
My mom used to talk to us about how life used to be at her time when women were giving birth at home with the help of their midwives. Some were horrible stories that when midwives used to deliver twins, they would steal one of the new borns, never telling the mother that she had twins. She would then sell the baby to families who had no prospects of having any of their own.
Horrible right? Sorry about that but you need to know that.
My theory is that this happened to my grand mother and she lost one of her twin girls. The reason for my theory is that my grand mother had twin sons. Now two of my other uncles who were not twins ended up with twins as well. So I have a reason to believe that my theory is strong.
Do you know how I can get in touch with this lady? maybe her picture on the papers or internet. Of course I don't want to be sued. Are there services that unite people when there is so little information about them?
by the way, my grandma is dead so is most of her family.