Congratulations, Ari! The 10,000 point mark is quite an accomplishment! You should really be proud of yourself.
1. Do you title your stories just for fun? How do you choose the title, if you do?
-- I do title my stories. But after some time, I'll begin to have doubts and start looking for a new title. It's not a very efficient system, but eventually I find a title I adore. And most of the time, I look for general titles. I actually really like the title "Eclipse", even if it's by S. Meyer. It revolves around that one thing Jacob says, when he tells Bella he - the sun - can't fight with an eclipse. I despise those super specific titles that are like, "My Locker Partner is a Vampire" or something. And I don't like titles like "City of Bones" either, because in that novel, visiting the City of Bones is actually only about one or two chapters. It doesn't cover the main issue of the book. (I know it's the story that counts, but I've always thought titles are significant and should reference the book's issue/theme.) :D
2. How do you choose the names of your characters?
-- Most of them are names I already like. When I'm naming really minor characters, I might use the name of someone I know. I named a mother in my story Joanne, and that's my sister's name. Otherwise, if I don't already have a name in mind for a character, I'll stress about it for days. I'll watch TV shows and examine each character, I'll read every author's name on the spines of books at the stores and libraries and I'll scrutinize the Baby Names app on my iPhone very closely until something makes me go, "Eureka!"
3. Is the story you're currently writing you're favorite story of yours?
-- I'm only writing one story. But in my opinion, it's the best idea I've had yet, and so it beats out all of those other stories I've tried to write before.
4. Out of all of the characters you've ever created, who is your favorite? Why?
-- I like Amie Mowbray. She's the most complex. I spent the most time polishing her and cutting her into a diamond with many sides.
5. Has anything you've ever done personally inspired a whole story plot for you?
-- Something I've done? No way. I'm not that lucky. My story plots come out of the things I see, because those trigger thoughts and notions and possibilities. One of the CSIs in an episode called "Lab Rats" said, "It's not what you look at, it's what you see."
6. How far along are you in your current story? Draft number? Words?
-- I write in scattered chapters, so I can't say for certain. But honestly, I'm not very far into it. My progress has really been increasing in the plotting field, because I can't seem to leave this plot alone. It feels almost ready to write, but not yet complete. So I've only been writing some scenes that I'm positive are going to be a part of the novel.
Good luck with your story! [=
-- Thank you, darling! Good luck with yours, too! :)
1. Ducks or Tiffany lamps?
-- Tiffany lamps! <3
2. Giraffes or dolphins?
-- Giraffes, definitely. They seem more like the type to sport some heavy vintage, which is cool.
3. Pen or pencil?
-- Pen. I love thick-tip ball-point BIC pens. Can't stand writing with any pencil that isn't mechanical and very, very dark.
4. Your current protagonist or antagonist?
-- My current antagonist has a more interesting role in the story than my current protagonist. I'm plotting his 'arc' right now, so you can see why I would choose him now. Ask me again in a few weeks, and it'll most definitely be my protagonist.
5. Handwritten or typed?
-- Typed, for sure. Unfortunately, I lack the self-discipline, perseverance and motivation to actually write an entire novel by hand.
All the best for your novel, Ari (: