I suppose it depends on your definition of a classic. I've put in those which I think are classics or are interesting in their own way. (I love The Little Prince and Secret Garden *sigh* I want that garden!)
To Kill a Mockingbird
Clockwork Orange
Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Silence of the Lambs
Jude (from Jude the Obscure by Hardy. Christopher Eccleston. Mmm)
The Outsiders
Pride and Prejudice (prefer the BBC miniseries, although it is 6 hours)
Sense and Sensibility (<3 Emma Thompson)
Dracula...although I actually don't like any of the Dracula movies...despite Gary Oldman and Christopher Lee.
James Bond series
Name of the Rose (Sherlock Holmes meets Aristotle!!)
Picnic at Hanging Rock (Australian film)
Camelot (the musical...lol...with Richard Harris...singing :) ) From T.H. White's Once and Future King. Also, Disney's Sword in the Stone is from that series.
Interview with the Vampire (not really a classic...but Tom Cruise, blonde. Hahaha)
American Psycho
The Grapes of Wrath
Gone with the Wind
Bladerunner (sci-fi by Philip K. Dick)
Solaris (Stanislav Lem, sci-fi)
The Invisible Man (H.G. Wells)
A Night to Remember (Walter Lord)
The Princess Bride (William Goldman)
Rosemary's Baby.