2013-04-15 04:14:57 UTC
The trian is cramped and it stinks of sweat but it will all be worth it in the end. I'm moving to the place of my dreams. It is only twenty more agonizingly long minutes away. I stood up holding my suitcase, hoping we would stop soon. Hoping the conductor would anounce, "New York City!" and let us off. As of right now I am whoever I want to be and I love it. I love that the people next to me don't know if I am a ballerina or a trombone player. Whatever I tell them they have to believe because they don't know me and they can't prove me wrong. I can be anyone. Definately in New York. Big City. No one will know me. I get to decide how people see me this time, and they are gonna love me, I just know it. No longer am I the small town girl from Minnesota but an independant woman from Ney York.
The train screeched to a stop and the doors opened. I stepped out in the crowd and everyone seemed to be going a different way. I pushed my way through and made it out of the train station into the more crowded sidewalk. Taxi's littered the street so I figured it would be easy enough to snag one. Unfortunately I was wrong and it took me about twenty minutes before I hopped in. I told him the address of my brand new apartment and we were off. The cab couldn't go fast enough for me and I kept fidgeting around hoping it wasn't too far. We eventually reached it and I gave the driver his due pay before scrambling out of the smelly car and up to my new home. I slowly put the key in the lock and it fit perfectly so I turned and opened the door.
The interrior was mainly white. The carpet was perfectly white without flaw and the walls were a slight cream color. It lacked furniture, which I would need to buy soon, but it was very nice without it. There was a small island separating the living room from the small kitchen. It only had room for two barstools and it had a hazel colored marble top. In the kitchen there was a small stove and fridge. As I walked down the short hall I noticed four doors. The first on the right led to a little closet. The next, a small bedroom. The last one on the left opened to a master bedroom ant the first one to a bathroom. My parents paid the first payment on the apartment and said I would have to pay the rest and buy the furniture but that was fine. I had everything planned out. First I will buy the furniture, then I will need a roomate and a job, after that I should be good to go.
With my luck though, my plan will be flawed. Tomorrow I will go out and buy the furniture and tonight I will have to sleep on the inflatable matress I brought. I turned out the lights, locked all the doors, and went to sleep.