Fav Sci fi novels?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Fav Sci fi novels?
Twelve answers:
2008-03-07 23:18:41 UTC
1 Frank Herbert Dune [S1] 1965

2 Orson Scott Card Ender's Game [S1] 1985

3 Isaac Asimov Foundation [S1-3] 1951

4 Douglas Adams Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy [S1] 1979

5 George Orwell 1984 1949

6 Robert A Heinlein Stranger in a Strange Land 1961

7 Ray Bradbury Fahrenheit 451 1954

8 William Gibson Neuromancer 1984

9 Isaac Asimov [C] I, Robot 1950

10 Arthur C Clarke 2001: A Space Odyssey 1968

11 Larry Niven Ringworld 1970

12 Robert A Heinlein Starship Troopers 1959

13 Philip K Dick Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? 1968

14 Aldous Huxley Brave New World 1932

15 H G Wells The Time Machine 1895

16 Arthur C Clarke Rendezvous With Rama 1973

17 Robert A Heinlein The Moon is a Harsh Mistress 1966

18 H G Wells The War of the Worlds 1898

19 Dan Simmons Hyperion [S1] 1989

20 Arthur C Clarke Childhood's End 1954

21 Ray Bradbury [C] The Martian Chronicles 1950

22 Orson Scott Card Speaker for the Dead [S2] 1986

23 Kurt Vonnegut Slaughterhouse Five 1969

24 Neal Stephenson Snow Crash 1992

25 Joe Haldeman The Forever War 1974

26 Niven & Pournelle The Mote in God's Eye 1975

27 Ursula K Le Guin The Left Hand of Darkness 1969

28 Orson Scott Card Ender's Shadow [S1] 1999

29 Isaac Asimov The Caves of Steel 1954

30 Jules Verne 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea 1870

31 Philip K Dick The Man in the High Castle 1962

32 Frederik Pohl Gateway 1977

33 Roger Zelazny Lord of Light 1967

34 Madeleine L'Engle A Wrinkle In Time 1962

35 Michael Crichton Jurassic Park 1990

36 Stanislaw Lem Solaris 1961

37 Kurt Vonnegut Cat's Cradle 1963

38 Robert A Heinlein Time Enough For Love 1973

39 Alfred Bester The Stars My Destination 1956

40 Neal Stephenson Cryptonomicon 1999

41 John Wyndham The Day of the Triffids 1951

42 Anthony Burgess A Clockwork Orange 1962

43 Daniel Keyes Flowers for Algernon 1966

44 Carl Sagan Contact 1985

45 Isaac Asimov The Gods Themselves 1972

46 Philip K Dick UBIK 1969

47 Vernor Vinge A Fire Upon the Deep 1991

48 Walter M Miller A Canticle for Leibowitz 1959

49 Isaac Asimov The End Of Eternity 1955

50 Michael Crichton The Andromeda Strain 1969

51 Kim Stanley Robinson Red Mars [S1] 1992

52 Mary Shelley Frankenstein 1818

53 Neal Stephenson The Diamond Age 1995

54 L Ron Hubbard Battlefield Earth 1982

55 Jules Verne Journey to the Center of the Earth 1864

56 Kurt Vonnegut The Sirens of Titan 1959

57 Iain M Banks Player Of Games [S2] 1988

58 Niven & Pournelle Lucifer's Hammer 1977

59 Greg Bear Eon 1985

60 Ursula K Le Guin The Dispossessed 1974

61 Peter F Hamilton The Reality Dysfunction [S1] 1996

62 David Brin Startide Rising [S2] 1983

63 Philip Jose Farmer To Your Scattered Bodies Go 1971

64 Alfred Bester The Demolished Man 1953

65 Gene Wolfe The Shadow of the Torturer [S1] 1980

66 Harry Harrison The Stainless Steel Rat [S1] 1961

67 Iain M Banks Use of Weapons [S3] 1990

68 Margaret Atwood The Handmaid's Tale 1985

69 Philip K Dick The Three Stigmata Of Palmer Eldritch 1964

70 David Brin The Uplift War [S3] 1987

71 Connie Willis Doomsday Book 1992

72 Arthur C Clarke The City and the Stars 1956

73 Robert A Heinlein Citizen Of the Galaxy 1957

74 Robert A Heinlein The Door Into Summer 1956

75 Robert A Heinlein Have Space-Suit - Will Travel 1958

76 Robert A Heinlein The Puppet Masters 1951

77 C S Lewis Out of the Silent Planet [S1] 1938

78 John Wyndham The Chrysalids 1955

79 H G Wells The Invisible Man 1897

80 Clifford Simak Way Station 1963

81 Ursula K Le Guin The Lathe of Heaven 1971

82 Dan Simmons Ilium 2003

83 Julian May The Many-Colored Land [S1] 1981

84 Philip K Dick A Scanner Darkly 1977

85 Edgar Rice Burroughs A Princess of Mars [S1] 1912

86 Mark Twain A Connecticut Yankee in KA's Court 1889

87 E E 'Doc' Smith Grey Lensman [S4] 1951

88 William Gibson [C] Burning Chrome 1986

89 David Brin The Postman 1985

90 Alastair Reynolds Revelation Space [S1] 2000

91 Orson Scott Card Xenocide [S3] 1991

92 Edwin A Abbott Flatland 1884

93 Arthur C Clarke The Fountains of Paradise 1979

94 Greg Bear Blood Music 1985

95 Clifford Simak [C] City 1952

96 John Brunner Stand on Zanzibar 1969

97 Robert A Heinlein [C] The Past Through Tomorrow 1967

98 Stanislaw Lem [C] The Cyberiad 1974

99 Theodore Sturgeon More Than Human 1953

100 Philip K Dick VALIS 1981

and if you can't find a good read in that lot it's time to switch the telly back on.
2008-03-10 12:44:05 UTC
Wow - I must be the biggest SF nerd! I've read over 90% of these most comprehensive lists.

Don't miss:

Anthony Burgess - A Clockwork Orange

Dorothy Bryant - The Kin of Ata are Waiting for You

John Brunner - More Things in Heaven

Jack Chalker - all his stuff

Gordon R. Dickson - The Tactics of Mistake trilogy

and, if you like speculative Science/Engineering:

Ben Bova - but Ben is best as an editor of short stories (like John Campbell) with periodicals like Analog and Omni

And, of course, you must not miss out on Harlan Ellison for his short stories and scripts and, especially, astute commentary on the genre.

SF comes in a spectrum and many are adamant about the differences - Hard SF involves extrapolation of known science and engineering to "alternate universe" (which is usually allegorical - a place to comment on this world without offending anyone) and general escapism.

Keep in mind that Frankenstein (Mary Shelley), Dracula (Brom Stoker), The Time Machine and War of the Worlds(H.G. Wells), Round the Moon (Jules Verne - many decades before the moon shot he had worked out the math!), The Wizard of Oz (L. Frank Baum), A Connecticut Yankee in King Aurthur's Court (Mark Twain), The Once and Future King (E.B. White), Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Robert Louis Stevenson) and, of course, Beowulf (Unknown - the first English fantasy epic) cover most of the basic ideas and genres of story that can be told in this realm. These and, basically, all folklore. Try reading Joseph Campbell's The Hero WIth a Thousand Faces and you'll see what I mean.
The Tenth Duke of Chalfont
2008-03-08 16:21:29 UTC
By H G Wells:

-The Time Machine

-The Island of Doctor Moreau

-The Invisible Man

-The War of The Worlds

-The First Men in The Moon

-The War in The Air

-The Sleeper Awakes

-A Modern Utopia

-The Shape of Things to Come

By Jules Verne:

-20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

-Journey to The Centre of The Earth

By Arthur Conan Doyle:

-The Lost World

-The Poison Belt

-The Land of Mist

-The Disintegration Machine

-When The World Screamed

Hope these are of interest.
2008-03-08 14:43:00 UTC
Anything by Robert Shekley

The Status Civilisation

Mind Swap

Short Stories Omnibus

(Immortality Inc)
2008-03-08 05:08:09 UTC
This is a list from my website.

James White

Beginning Operations: A Sector General Omnibus includes: Hospital Station, Star Surgeon, and Major Operation.

Alien Emergencies: A Sector General Omnibus includes: Ambulance Ship, Sector General, and Star Healer.

Double Contact (about the Cinrusskin, Dr. Prilicla)

General Practice (includes Code Blue - Emergency and The Genocidal Healer)

Mind Changer ISBN 9780812541960

The Watch Below

The Silent Stars Go By

Madeleine L'Engle:

A Wrinkle in Time *

A Wind in the Door *

A Swiftly Tilting Planet *

Many Waters *

An Acceptable Time *

E. E. "Doc" Smith:

Triplanetary *

First Lensman *

Galactic Patrol *

Gray Lensman *

Second Stage Lensman *

Children of the Lens *

The Vortex Blaster (a.k.a. Masters of the Vortex) *

The Skylark of Space series *

Andre Norton:

Starman's Son *

Galactic Derelict *

The Time Traders *

Solar Queen

Ursula K. LeGuin:

The Telling *

The Word for World is Forest *

The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous Utopia *

The Left Hand of Darkness *

City of Illusions *

Planet of Exile *

Rocannon's World *

The Lathe of Heaven *

Lois Lowry:

The Giver -

Gathering Blue


Scott Westerfeld:

Uglies, Pretties, Specials, and Extras.

Jules Verne:

Journey to the Center of the Earth *

Isaac Asimov:

Prelude to Foundation


Foundation and Empire

Second Foundation

Foundation's Edge

Foundation and Earth

Forward the Foundation

I, Robot (Nothing like the movie!)

The Caves of Steel (Robot Series)

The Naked Sun (Robot Series)

The Robots of Dawn (Robot Series)

Robots and Empire (Robot Series)

The Currents of Space (Empire Series)

The Stars, Like Dust (Empire Series)

Pebble in the Sky (Empire Series)

The Gods Themselves



Fantastic Voyage


The End of Eternity

Ray Bradbury:

The Martian Chronicles *

Farenheit 451

Dandelion Wine

The Illustrated Man

H. G. Wells:

The Time Machine *

The War of the Worlds *

The Island of Dr. Moreau

The Invisible Man

C. S. Lewis:

Space Trilogy - Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra, and That Hideous Strength

Larry Niven:


Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle:

The Mote in God's Eye

Lucifer's Hammer

Edwin A. Abbott:

Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions (Dionys Burger wrote a sequel called Sphereland. The two can be purchased in one volume.)

Arthur C. Clarke:

Against the Fall of Midnight *

Childhood's End

Rendevous with Rama

The City and the Stars

The Fountains of Paradise

2001: A Space Odyssey

2010: Odyssey Two

2061: Odyssey Three

3001: The Final Odyssey

Robert A. Heinlein:

Rocket Ship Galileo *

Space Cadet *

Red Planet *

Farmer in the Sky *

Between Planets *

The Rolling Stones (Space Family Stone) *

Starman Jones *

The Star Beast *

Tunnel in the Sky *

Time for the Stars *

Citizen of the Galaxy *

Have Space Suit-Will Travel *

Nothing Ever Happens on the Moon *

Tenderfoot in Space *

Green Hills of the Earth

The Past Through Tomorrow

Double Star

The Door Into Summer

Starship Troopers

The Moon is a Harsh Mistress


Glory Road

Time Enough for Love

The Puppet Masters

Podkayne of Mars *

Time for the Stars

Red Planet

Farnham's Freehold

Stranger in a Strange Land (a classic of science fiction)

Stanley Robinson:

Mars Trilogy - Red Mars, Green Mars, and Blue Mars

Orson Scott Card:

Ender's Game

Ender's Shadows

A War of Gifts: An Ender Story

Speaker for the Dead

Michael Crichton:


The Terminal Man

The Andromeda Strain

Jurassic Park

Walter Tevis:

The Man Who Fell to Earth

Frederik Pohl:


David Brin:



Startide Rising

The Uplift War

Brightness Reef

Infinity's Shore

Heaven's Reach

Glory Season

The Postman

Kiln People

Joe Haldeman:

The Forever War

James Blish:

Cities in Flight

Gene Wolfe:

Book of the New Sun

Stanislaw Lem:




The Star Diaries

Philip K. Dick:

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

The Policeman Said

Flow My Tears

The Man in the High Castle


George Orwell:


Frank Herbert:


Dune Messiah

Children of Dune

God Emperor of Dune

Heretics of Dune

Chapter House of Dune

Kurt Vonnegut:

Slaughterhouse Five

Cat's Cradle

Aldous Huxley:

Brave New World

Douglas Adams:

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Nancy Farmer:

The House of the Scorpion (Humans despise clones, but young Matt is the clone of El Patron and that gives him special status.
2008-03-08 01:39:41 UTC
Most of the books i'd recommend have already been mentioned, but on top of those i'd suggest:

Alien Embassy - Ian Watson

The Ophiuchi Hotline - John Varley

Anything else by Ursula K Le Guin, in particular The Telling & The Birthday of the World (short story collection)

Anything else by Iain M Banks - Consider Phlebas, Excession, Look to Windward, Feersum Endjinn

And lastly, very difficult to get hold of but one of the most underrated writers ever: Barrington J Bayley, The Pillars of Eternity / Soul of the Robot / The Zen Gun / The Seed Of Evil.

I could recommend loads more, but it would be more "hard sf" which i don't think would be so much to your taste...

Oh and one more thing - SF writers hate it being called sci-fi! Look on book covers, it's only ever shortened to SF...
2008-03-07 23:29:13 UTC
The C S Lewis one is one of a trilogy, can't remember the name of the other two though.

Ursula le Guin is supposed to be good, and although I love the Wizard of Earthsea novels, I haven't been able to "get into" any of her others.

John Wyndham wrote many other books as well, all as good as The Chrysalids.

Marjorie Blackman's trilogy, starting with Noughts and Crosses is very good, and Margaret Atwood has written some greta futuristic novels, The Handmaid's Tale being one, Oryx and Crake being another.

What I usually do is try to read the first chapter of a book, and if it engages me, I carry on.

There are lots of possible books out there, don't disregard "teen novels" as they are just as well written as adult books.

Hope you find something that appeals.
2008-03-07 23:19:27 UTC
Not much of a sci fi person but i totally loved "Jurassic Park" and "The Lost World"
2008-03-07 23:18:27 UTC
My favoutites are by Ian M Banks. Particularly his Culture novels with The Player of Games being my favourite. Also like Against A Dark Background by him and am currently reading his latest Matter.
2008-03-07 15:07:16 UTC
Try 'Ender's Game' by Orson Scott Card. It's considered to be one of the best Sci Fi novels out there - I'm not much of a Sci Fi reader, but I really, really enjoyed that one.
2008-03-07 23:17:09 UTC
I am more of a fantasy novel person really but there are, in my opinion, some great Sci-fi stories out there.

1. Ann McCaffrey's 'The Ship who Sang' and the short story sequel I can never remember the name of in 'Get Off the Unicorn'.

2. Tannith Lee's 'Silver Metal Lover'.

3. Philip K Dick's 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?' (base for movie Blade Runner and far better and more thought provoking than the film!).

4. John Wyndham's 'Day of the Triffids'

5. Ann McCaffrey's short story 'The Coelura'
delores l
2008-03-07 23:07:35 UTC

I have a great book.


Delores 1

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