2014-04-06 09:38:28 UTC
If you were 20 years old, barely out of college, and were recruited to spend eight ten months on a space ship traveling to another planet where you would be part of a five-year long research project would you agree to go if they paid you enough? What would be the first thing you would think? When you got to the other planet what do you think you would feel as the space ship (which is your only way back to Earth for five years) was leaving?
Okay, I realize most of this is either entirely impossible and/or extremely, extremely unlikely. But it is all based off theoretical what if's so please just go along with it rather it makes since of not. Thank you all and when you answer the question please explain why or why not.
Also this is all part of a survey/ writing exercise I'm doing if you were wondering why I would ask such a bizarre question.