Do you know any GOOD story starters/writing prompts?
2007-03-31 16:04:52 UTC
Please only say it if its a good one i.e. not those 1 sentence "'On halloween night... Fill in the blanks" And it would be appreciated if you could give some websites with some.
One tip I found on a website was to eavedsrop in the street and go from there. of course, there are lots of boring people out there!
i like to watch chatshows/ soaps and build on one paricular aspect of somehting you see there. no, it doesn't count as stealing in my mind because you will totally transform it so that it will eventually be totally unrecognisable!
Sarah H
2007-03-31 23:19:31 UTC
My husband bought me a couple of writing prompt tools when I was in the midst of NaNoWriMo. They're called The Observation Deck (Naomi Epel) and The Writer's Block (Jason Rekulak), and they came in pretty handy. Here are links: