2010-08-08 07:43:31 UTC
She had a choice. We are all given a choice. Whether old or young we all come to a decision that shapes our future in abstract, unpredictable and quite often undesirable ways. It was a simple enough question. Perhaps anyone else could have replied without thought, but not Ava. She hadn’t known the answers for a while now. Her world had once been a haven of absolute symmetry, now, everything she had once been so sure of seemed veiled, already forgotten, already obsolete. Everything about her was unsure, the way her eyes darted across the room, cautious, scared, and desperate. The straight line of her spine, tense, and full of the fear she dared not succumb to. Her clothes, pale and worn shrank from attention, clearly intended prevent notice though they only emphasized the hollow shell that was her face. A face that had once smiled, a face that had once laughed, a face stripped of all its grace leaving only exhaustion.
Ava was tiered with the world. She was tired of people. Most of all she was tired of the truth. The truth is a fickle thing, one can hold it tight, yet still it changes, for people rule truth and people are at the mercy of mercurial fate. Truth is a lie in itself, as for one truth there is always another opposing, there is never only one story, she knew this well. Dragging her eyes from the papers before her, Ava sighed, though in truth it was closer to a sob. She had what she desired, and now she no longer wanted it.
Outside the dying embers of the sun clung to the horizon in a losing battle with the moon. A red glow stained the patchwork of fields as the sun paid for its obstinacy. Tendrils of light spread through the window, illuminating particles of dust suspended in the air. They waltzed and floated peacefully, unaware of the conversation below. Everything was still. Everything except the woman on the across from Ava, she rapped her nails purposefully across the table. She spoke, “patience was never one of my virtues”, her voice was soft, warm almost playful, but, not quite. Her burning auburn hair tumbled gracefully around her face. She picked her hand from the table and began to finger the heavy locket that hung from her neck.
Ava dared to look into her cavernous, deep eyes. They seemed to boar straight into her soul, know all her secrets, seemed to dissolve all of the courage she clung to, destroy everything she had learnt. “Will you help me?” she asked in her velvety voice, Ava hesitated for one more second taking one more glance around the room. Someone must be coming for her. Someone must care. It was only a moment, but in that moment, all hope left her. She nodded; her fate was sealed.