I think you can find all you need here http://www.louisaburton.com/fictioncraft/manuscriptformat.html
The Basics (condensed)
* Must be double spaced.
* Paragraphs must be indented with no line spaces between
* Scene breaks should be indicated with a double line space.
* Center title and name (real name must be included, pseudonym optional) about haldway down.
* Include anywhere (single spaces) your name & contact details, and word count
* Ignore word processor's word count; calculate it bu multiplying the number of pages by 250.
* NOT on title page
* On every other page, have a header consisting of title (or abbreviation thereof), real surname and page number.
* Chapters must start on a fresh page
* Chapter headings should be centered about 1/3 of the way down, and followed by 3 double line spaces
* Traditionally, editors have preferred nonproportional fonts with serifs like Courier.
* It's good to go with a a font that prints large in 12 point - the only size you should ever print a manuscript
* Indicate italics with underlining.
* Titles, headers & chapter headings can be any font