I don't hate, but I'm not crazy about it. However, here are some reasons WHY it is hatable:
*Edward is flawless. Seriously. He's the fastest runner, the smartest, the most musically talented, the prettiest...etc...etc...it just seems SM was trying to hard to create the perfect guy she never had. Say hi to Marty Stu!
*Speaking of Ed, he abuses Bella. In health, I had a unit on abuse. He doesn't hurt her physically, at least not on purpose, but he doesn't let her see her best friend (he disables her car!), he is the final word on sex, he doesn't let her do much on her own, he spends money on her even though she begs him not to, etc, etc. Is he really Mr. Perf or Mr. Pretty Face Not Beautiful Soul.
* Bella--mary sue. She's somehow beautiful despite her judgement of herself, always has a snappy retort, beloved by all or envied, smart, nice and modest. Any flaws? Well...clumsy. But is that a flaw, or a reason for Edward to be overprotective of her?
* Renesme Cullen (not sure I spelled that right) was MADE for Jacob to get off Bella's back. Seriously.
* SM thinks that if she says every paragraph that Edward is beautiful, everyone will love it. Well, I admit, he does sound good-looking. But that's the only reason a lot of people like it. Shallow!
*Finally, you said it was a fresh take on vampires. Notice they have all the advantages of being a vampire--pretty, sexyangsty, super strong and fast, immortal and none of the disadvantages. Only one way for them to die...you can't even drive a stake through their heart. And they sparkle. WHAT is that about? Some people refer to them as the Sparklepires. Tres clever.
Keep in mind, I like Twilight. However, it is a guilty pleasre, not a serious one.
If you want a more realistic romance, check out the musical RENT. There, everyone has flaws. The token hottie is unbearably cranky and sick and the girl who falls in love with him has to pester him, get turned down, finally go out, then break up a few times before a neardeath experience makes him realize what she means to him. No one is too perfect there.