Why do you HATE Twilight?
2009-06-10 13:22:07 UTC
This is a serious question. If you hate Twilight, I respect your opinion, I'm just curious as to WHY?

I'll say the reason I liked Twilight so much is because it was a fresh take on vampires.

It gets a little old reading about vampires that burn in the sun, you can kill them with a stake through the heart, they're sensitive to garlic, and they sleep in coffins.

Vampires' hearts aren't supposed to beat, so why would a stake kill them?

And last, in a lot of books, vampires have to ask permission to enter your house. This makes no sense. The reason humans are supposed to be afraid of vampires is because they prey on you in the dark, and originally, they were thought to come kill you in your sleep.
How do they kill you in your sleep if they can't enter without permission. Ridiculous.

That is why I personally like Stephenie Meyer's take on vampires.

Your reasons?
62 answers:
2009-06-10 13:26:00 UTC
It's the writing style that bothers me. The story's not bad though.
2009-06-10 13:50:50 UTC
Twilight lacks plot, character development, and promotes unhealthy relationships. The plot is cliche; there are many stories that have this whole "forbidden love" theme. At the beginning of the book, Bella is a whiny brat. At the end of the series, Bella is still a whiny brat. The fact that there is no change is annoying Edward has virtually no character flaws, which makes for a dull plot. Edward and Bella have an unhealthy, abusive relationship. I won't go into details here, but if you really want explanation, I will mail you a rant I made a while ago.

There are many other things I dislike about the Twilight books, but I don't want to post them all here. I have a huge rant on Facebook about this, and if you really want I can send it to you. Now these are reasons I don't like Twilight. The reason I hate Twilight is because of all the crazed fangirls out there... like the ones on this question that are like, "OMG I dont hatE TwIiGhIt I luuuurrve it!!!!" You must face the fact that Twilight is just an average, if even at that level, book. It is not epic like Harry Potter and it will be forgotten in time. I hate Twilight because of those folks out there who actually think Twilight can compare to J.K. Rowling and Shakespeare and authors with real talent. Haha here come the thumbs down!
Sly and Cunning [Zwei]
2009-06-10 13:34:12 UTC
Oh it's not fresh in the slightest. And it's definitely not "her take". She almost copied every single concept of Anna Rice's Vampire novels. Believe it or not. Read the Anna Rice novels and see for yourself.

And you know what's ridiculous? Vampire's are dead. So how the hell did Edward Cullen manage to get Bella pregnant?! He has no more hormones or any other "stuff" you need. He's dead for god's sake! Like that make's sense. Meyer obviously forgot her middle school health lessons.

And apart from that, Twilight is terribly cliche. And predictable. I mean seriously...I read the first few chapters and I already knew what was going to happen. Oh and it's horribly written. Either Meyer didn't go to school, or her editor was on crack. Because that book has so many grammar would take a lifetime to correct them. And this isn't just me's my English professors.

Oh...and the movie. I gave both the book and the movie a chance with an open mind. But oh-my-lanta....that movie was absolutely pathetic. If I got a nickel for each corny or awkward moment in that movie; I'd be richer than Bill Gates. And how about the excellent use of glitter and sparkly, multi-colored confetti. Of all the places to put it...they put it on Edward Cullen. What the hell?! Honestly, I'd be rather freaked out if my boyfriend started sparkling in the sun.

But whatever. This is my opinion. And I doubt anything's going to change it.
Roger's Blaze of Glory
2009-06-10 14:00:13 UTC
I don't hate, but I'm not crazy about it. However, here are some reasons WHY it is hatable:

*Edward is flawless. Seriously. He's the fastest runner, the smartest, the most musically talented, the just seems SM was trying to hard to create the perfect guy she never had. Say hi to Marty Stu!

*Speaking of Ed, he abuses Bella. In health, I had a unit on abuse. He doesn't hurt her physically, at least not on purpose, but he doesn't let her see her best friend (he disables her car!), he is the final word on sex, he doesn't let her do much on her own, he spends money on her even though she begs him not to, etc, etc. Is he really Mr. Perf or Mr. Pretty Face Not Beautiful Soul.

* Bella--mary sue. She's somehow beautiful despite her judgement of herself, always has a snappy retort, beloved by all or envied, smart, nice and modest. Any flaws? Well...clumsy. But is that a flaw, or a reason for Edward to be overprotective of her?

* Renesme Cullen (not sure I spelled that right) was MADE for Jacob to get off Bella's back. Seriously.

* SM thinks that if she says every paragraph that Edward is beautiful, everyone will love it. Well, I admit, he does sound good-looking. But that's the only reason a lot of people like it. Shallow!

*Finally, you said it was a fresh take on vampires. Notice they have all the advantages of being a vampire--pretty, sexyangsty, super strong and fast, immortal and none of the disadvantages. Only one way for them to can't even drive a stake through their heart. And they sparkle. WHAT is that about? Some people refer to them as the Sparklepires. Tres clever.

Keep in mind, I like Twilight. However, it is a guilty pleasre, not a serious one.

If you want a more realistic romance, check out the musical RENT. There, everyone has flaws. The token hottie is unbearably cranky and sick and the girl who falls in love with him has to pester him, get turned down, finally go out, then break up a few times before a neardeath experience makes him realize what she means to him. No one is too perfect there.
Louise G
2009-06-10 13:44:26 UTC
I am actually going to give you a coherent answer.

I read Twilight when the hype started out of curiosity, and found it disappointing. Firstly, she committed a lot of grammatical errors and over used a lot of words. Generally, there should be a flow when it comes to writing, both in grammar and style; how a book is written should reflect its content. Her style was very bland, with a few big (read: thesaurus-big) words thrown in, and her structure did not vary at all. Her character was very static; as a general rule, when using the first POV, your character should be as engaging and interesting as possible. Her characters were also very inconsistent, especially with Jacob, whose moodswings rival a PMSing woman.

Her plot, and its delivery, are poorly sequenced and rushed; it felt like she was rushing to insert a plot for a few chapters then went on about Bella's (overrated, exaggerated) misery. There's hardly every any character development and the characters themselves are so out-of-touch with reality - especially the human ones (and especially her portrayal of the adults).

Admittedly, the book could have been good, but the writer isn't, so we have this. (And this take on vampires isn't as fresh as you might think; after all, we had the Underworld series, right? And vampires are supposed to be dead; how the hell did Edward manage an erection?)
2009-06-10 13:28:57 UTC
I personally don't hate it. But it's not as good now as it was. I think that the fame is kind of making it dull and uninteresting. The movie was nothing like the book which made me loose a little bit of dignity in the series. If the people making the movie can't capture the same feelings from the book into a film, it's purely a matter of money. And I feel that as a writer becomes much much more widely known, they start to loose their spark. I couldn't finish the 3rd book after 200 or so pages. It just lost all of it's charm. While the first and second book I could not put down.

The same sort of thing happened with J.K. Rowling. She came out and said Dumbledoor was gay? Alright... are you just looking for more attention because you're not writing Harry Potter anymore? Grow up.
2009-06-10 13:51:18 UTC
Vampires are not real. Do not critise how someone portrays what is not real.

No one knows what a vampire would be like because there are none to go on, everyone has their own take, just like God. I personally find in more interesting to have the stake in the heart, asking permission to go into someones house etc, than a sparkling pretty boy vampire who seems the only way for him to die is being burned to death, but besides that he can do what he wants? CRAP.

I liked twilight when i first read it, then read other books and realised it was rubbish in comparison and now i just really don't like it. Because it's a bad book and the hype.
2009-06-10 13:35:39 UTC
Funny, the stake through the heart/ burn in the sun vampires was what I liked in particular about them. In my personal opinion, Meyer's vampires were too "human." And they sparkle...

Both Twilight and other vampires books are fiction. Any vampire killing myths you hear about in, say, Dracula is how vampires were perceived at the time, and how these very real fears affected everyday people who didn't have answers for the things that go bump in the night.

I didn't like the book simply because of how it was written. I found it hard to engage myself and keep reading. I liked it when I first read it, but over time I lost all interest in the series, and couldn't even get halfway through the second book.

So for me, it's simply because I don't like Stephenie Meyer's writing style, plot choices, scenarios she gave her characters, etc. If you liked it, fine.
2009-06-11 06:37:06 UTC
The reason I DID like it was because of the new spin on an old idea. I agree completely with being tired of reading about the same concepts just in different words. She was a fresh take and she hit a demographic that has that easily-obsessed mentality. I don't think that was her intent and just because other people are obsessed doesn't mean you can't enjoy the reading.

On another note, I don't consider it 'literature' per se. It's just a vampire novel, not some brilliant piece of writing that will last for hundreds of years to come. If you go into it thinking that's what you're going to get, of course you'll be disappointed.

Overall, very good story. :)
2009-06-10 14:00:52 UTC
There are so many reasons here. I am just going to list them here, although most of them concur with what other people have to say.

1. This book is a vampire book but totally kills the Vampire Genre. I don't mind a few twists and turns and additions, but it does it without any MEANING whatsoever. If you read Anne Rice, she has put some twists on vampires too but the way she tells it is amazing and makes more sense logically.

Meyer: They dont go into the sun because they glitter (uh..huh...)

Reality: They freaking die.

2. The characters are bland. Edward by far is the flattest character I've ever met. He lives for only Bella. It's like he's just like a limb of Bella not a person in himself. He has no goals, no ambitions, and no personality except in reference to Bella. It's very boring. Some people may call him perfect but it's by far from perfection. He's like a walking zombie. His passion isn't even passion to me, it looks like obession

3. Bella is retarded. She lives for her boyfriend, same as ever - no ambition or goals. She is selfish and cares only for herself and her relationship with her Edward and no matter who she hurts in the long run; her parents and her friends. She can't take care of herself, she can't even walk straight. The "damsel in distress" is taken to a boundary that is sickening. She is also a bad role model for all these little girls out there. She is telling them, go get a lover and then if he doesn't want you kill yourself. Great going!

4. Meyer's writing is terrible. She writes at a middle school level but it's to be expected since that's who she is writing for. Then again in middle school I was reading Dumas.

5. It's predictable to every sentence. I can tell everything, and there is no real plot at all. What is the plot? "Bella and Edward must be together". That's it. Really that's all. There is no real twists and turns and the ones that are there look like they were pulled out of thin air, not actually building up to it.

6. Last but not least, I have read all the books, so I can't say I'm pulling this out of thin air. I just didn't like them at all. It's just like those soap opera's you watch when you're bored and just want to finish to get it over with.
2009-06-10 13:30:42 UTC
i don't like twilight because it takes vampire law and wipes it **** with it. every book and film about vampires have the same set of rules, because it has been established that they can't do these just seems the writer has ignored all these rules so it makes it easier to write the story without thinkg of ways to write in the rules, maybe if she followed the rules it would be more interesting. also twilight is full of douche hormonal teens who have so many high school "problems" and are so "depressed". a stake to the heart would kill a vampire because he has to drink blood because their own blood cannot support hoemoglobin so they have to use others, the blood still has to flow through the body and to do that it would have to through the heart. i do agree with you on the whole door thing though that is a little old fashioned.
2009-06-10 15:03:08 UTC
I used to love it but Breaking Dawn was a wake up call, because i can't remember why i liked it so much

i am not saying its because of the fan girls or the hype, i hatethe main characters in the story and how it ended

the love between bella and edward is so shallow, it makes me gag

she is ready to throw away her life to be with the creepy, cold, annoying, manipulative stalker

and i hate how meyer made jake imprint on the the lochness monster

WTF, it ruined his character, and its not a happy ending for him at all, he didn't want to be imprinted.

I also hate how its always about bella, i mean what is the point of developing a character and then abandoning them midway through the book

i.e Leah, all of bella's normal friends, etc

i guess meyer just ruined what potentially could have a good story, i would still like if bella was a better character rather than some emo ***** and left edward or if edward sucked her bones dry, atleast then it would be more interesting
2009-06-10 13:30:59 UTC
I really liked book 1. So much so, I read the rest of the series. After book 1, it became ridiculous. The baby sequence (oh, yes, let's rewrite human biology processes?) brought down the whole series. The Italian vamps - come on - if 50 people disappear in the same general area, time after time, there is going to be an outcry. Italy is not a 3rd world country in a war zone. Just doesn't work. Clearly Edward thought nothing of his family of vampires - didn't give 2 cents about them after he thought he lost Bella. Come ON! The guy would have had clear mental illness before that to come to that stupid decision. It's a shame he didn't die. The single book would have held up far better. I appreciated her novel approach to vampires without all the movie myths.
2009-06-10 13:38:37 UTC
I hate Twilight for 1 reason, and 1 reason only.

Twilight killed my grandfather.

My grandfather and I had always had a...strained relationship. He was a NYC cop in the 60's and he was a rough fellow. Me, I used to be a pot smoker, I'm liberal as hell, etc. I think he also held a grudge because I owned him $4,000, but anywho, we were like the odd couple, except we never talked to each other.

One day a few months ago my mother called me and asked me if I could take old grandpa to his doctor's appointment. I reluctantly agreed and I picked him up at 10:45am sharp because he HATED to be late, and I took him to his doctor's office. On the way there, and on the way back, we talked a lot about his life and I gained a certain respect for the old man. He'd been through a lot, including a stroke, a heart attack, a few recessions and a world war.

As he opened my car door to leave, I asked him, "Grandpa, you want to go to a movie with me?" He agreed to it and I smiled and drove away. Grandpa had always had a bad heart. He'd had a heart attack just a few years prior and I was a bit reluctant to bring him to a loud, large screen movie theater because, well, I wasn't sure his heart would be up for it. But I figured things would be okay so I called him a day later and we set a date. I asked him what he wanted to say and he said "Twilight". I was so shocked I almost knocked my laptop into the sink. Twilight? Turns out my little sister had gotten him the Twilight books for his birthday and she told him she'd be quizzing him on it, so he felt obligated to read them. I guess he'd finished the first book in a day and then moved on to the rest. In a week's time he'd read them all including her other book "The Host".

The day came when we were supposed to see it and so I got in my car and drove the short way to his house. He got in, we exchanged some casual conversation, then I pulled over and shot him to death.

Twilight, grandpa? Hell f*ck no.
2009-06-10 13:32:37 UTC
I HATE Twilight because it strays too far from the mythology of vampires. Vampires are supposed to be cunning and violent, that is what they scare humans who are cunning and violent as well. A creature would have to be even more so to frighten us. Twilight takes all of that away. Vampires do not kill you in your sleep, in fact it is just the opposite. Vampires lure you to a place where you are not supposed to be and out of your element. If you are home in your bed, generally you are safe. My favorite take on vampire mythology has to be from Bram Stoker. This vampire was violent, cunning and in love all at the same time, but the mythology stayed in, he DID NOT sparkle in the sunlight!
Imma firin mah lazor!
2009-06-10 13:27:21 UTC
My big reason for disliking (not hating albeit) Twilight is that it was entirely predictable. I stopped reading the series after the first one so I can't say anything about the later books but for me it just was not an in depth plot line. I prefer a plot with many twists and turns such as Pendragon or A Song of Ice and Fire (both serieses [no idea how to spell that]). The Wheel of Time was also good.

I'm curious how many people actually read the book and how many are just going off of the movie? Book to movie ports will almost ALWAYS be horrible.
2009-06-10 13:44:59 UTC
I loved the book but the reason y i think some people don't like it is because half r boys which leaves girls left. Some girls are not that sensitive, some are, some are not the passion type and some are. My point is everyone is different. People like different things. I think the main reason is that some love the love edward and bella share with each other and some are not ready for that. or some wanted her to be with jacob. either way
2009-06-10 13:30:32 UTC
I hate twilight because girls obssessed with it are annoying. (I guess I hate twilight fans, not twilight)

but I also hate it because from all I've heard about it, it has no literary value yet people say it "The greatest book ever"

As for the take on vampires, theres been a lot. Some stupid like you say. Twlight's take is to make them sparkly. It's one of the more stupid, and if I may say "girly", takes on vampires.
2009-06-10 13:28:18 UTC
My objections to the books have nothing to do with vampires. I find Meyer's writing style very close to unreadable, the characters flat and not interesting, and the first book almost entirely lacking in plot until one is shoehorned in at the end. I mean, Edward is perfect. Edward's eyes are topaz. Repeat that as many times as you want, I still fail to see what's lovable about him.

I also have a problem with the message girls might be receiving from this book, which is "Stalkers are not creepy, they watch you sleep because they really really really love you. Also, your purpose in life is to win a man. If he is absent from your life, you have no life, just a series of blank pages."
2009-06-10 13:29:21 UTC
Vampires are made up, everyone has different interpretations, so I don't really think anything can be classed as "ridiculous".

I really liked the books.

Most people went CRAZYMAZY for the books.

I thought the film was pretty crap.

I didn't like the cast or the acting.

Every girl (almost) went haywire for whoever plays Edward and then suddenly he was everywhere.

It was like , instead of the sun burning vampires skin, Edward Cullen was burning my bloody eyesight everywhere I looked.
Odwin Oddball
2009-06-10 13:28:19 UTC
The characters were poorly defined, the roles were cliched, the vampires were sparkly, the plot was predictable, and overall its just average in every way.

Vampires are a myth. Myths are based on legend and fairy tales. Why would you expect them to fit a logical narrative?
2009-06-10 13:28:28 UTC
I HATE Twilight because it has ruined vampires for me! Read the Daren Shan saga and watch the original lost boys- Vampires are supposed to be cool! Not bloody ugly boys with baby faces and woman eyes!

Jesus people, come on! What is up with all of these ridiculous people obsessing over it? It's lame!

2009-06-10 23:19:08 UTC
i used to love it but now i just like it. the storyline is good but i've read better. it ruins the reputation of vampires and it is very predictable. when i finished breaking dawn ages ago the ending was far too happy. the books are good.....not so crazy about the film; they rushed it and the effects were so fake.
2009-06-10 13:36:43 UTC
It's overrated, They kinda copied Harry Potter. Also all those screaming girls, And they only watch the film because they love the good looking guys in it. Btw, Edward Cullen is so not cute - my opinion. And I don't hate it and I don't like it. Just the fact of watching in the cinema and everytime someone 'good looking' comes on or something 'romantic' comes on and everyone going "aw oohhh loookkk sexxxxxxaaaaaayyyy OH MIIIIIYYYYYYY GAHHHDDDDDDD I LOVE EDWARD CULLEN... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA'' would really piss me off. But I will try to buy the DVD and see what all the hub bub is all about. But we're all welcome to our own opinion? :D
2009-06-10 13:32:26 UTC
Its not that i hate twilight, vampire movies, to me, are very lame and done in bad taste. As regards to twilight im tired of hearing about it and seeing the freaking faces of that guy and that chick.
2009-06-10 13:53:16 UTC
because SM makes all the teen girls (with no bf's that dream of the perfect man) she makes all the girls and women fall in love with FICTIONAL Edward Cullen (who if you take a closer looks is a stalker rapist obsessive boyfriend). once they fall madly in love with this character they then obsess and cant breath without the other books so they buy the rest of them and then find new character Jacob who is a horny little teen and they love him too.

THEN SM creates some piece of crap book breaking dawn which is basically a big slap in the face to all her adoring fans and walks away with millions.

thats my take.
2009-06-10 13:34:05 UTC
Something I found hilarious on here:

"The same reason I 'hate' the Jonas brothers.

Retarded screaming fangirls who are only interested because there are hot guys involved."

...and directly under that:


I agree with the first one XD
X.So Long And GoodNight.X
2009-06-10 13:34:03 UTC
Haha. I love this question.

I actually sorta enjoy the books. They just get tedious to read because their boring sometimes.

Twilight have become a commercial thing. Its all about the "stuff" like edward dolls and standee things. Its stupid. Also the movie sucked. The book is much better. The actors/actresses sucked and are drunk pot ppl. =] People are thinking ROBERT is actually EDWARD. They are 2 different people...people. LOL Its just a sell-out.

the end.

2009-06-10 22:10:29 UTC
That's why I hate it!

Vampires ARE supposed to be like count Dracula.
2009-06-10 13:50:40 UTC
I don't hate twilight, but I like Lara Adrian the midnight breed better. That's also a vampire Series, but its not young

adult, Its adult.
Rachel RN
2009-06-10 13:26:38 UTC
I don't HATE twilight, but I dislike it. The reason why is because I don't know what the hype is about... I watched the movie and I thought it was just like any other love story. Ya-you're right, it does have a fresh take on vampires... but What's the Big Deal! I don't see what the obsession is about!
2009-06-10 13:27:37 UTC
I just borrowed the movie but haven't had time to watch it yet. If I like it, I'll read the book. I'm only familiar with Bram Stoker's Dracula, which is a classic book, so I'm curious about a new take on it. Anyway, I doubt I'll hate it, but I might not catch onto the frenzy like everyone else.
2009-06-10 13:27:50 UTC
I don't hate it. It's a book. It's a collection of words printed on a series of pages for people to read. I'm not sure I understand the intense emotions surrounding this work of fiction. If you don't like it then don't read it, simple.
2009-06-10 13:32:05 UTC
I agrre with

and i respect why some ppl hate it

but why critisize it

i mean we dont critisize ur likes

i love the books
2009-06-10 13:27:18 UTC
Because it totally messed up on the whole vampires cant go out in the sun thing!! And they sparkle?? God! I understand you like them :) that's cool I guess the new vamps are just not my style :/
2009-06-10 13:31:59 UTC
I like Twilight...but certain things weird me out and bother me.

Like how Bella is always like, "I don't like you Jacob" and then holds

his hand and makes out with him.

And how the imprinting thing..i just think its strange that Jacob is babysitting the baby he will be with one day!


besides that i love it!

Oh and how she is obsessed with Edward..i mean come on live for someting more then a guy!
2009-06-10 13:27:01 UTC
I hate Twilight because people are freaking out, making a huge deal over it, I hear it everywhere and it gets so damn annoying.

It's over rated and people are having obsessions over fictional characters:


Dumb asses, they're fake, grow up & go fall in love with a real man.
2009-06-10 14:11:49 UTC
I don't hate Twilight; I just don't like it.
Aubrey Says:
2009-06-10 13:27:01 UTC
omg i hate it becuz everyone else loves it!

like they worship twilight like it is the best thing to come out...

it is gloomy and depressing and i havent even finished the ending

becuz i just couldnt take it

and the book sucks too

i wish they would stop making them
2009-06-10 13:27:26 UTC
I don't.

Actually, I love it.

But Stephenie Meyer messed with the classic vampire.

She totally screwed it up.

But, still, I love the books and the movie.
2009-06-10 13:27:03 UTC
I don't think vampires should be sweet and lovey dovey.

+ It's way over-rated.

All the stupid little scene girls are obsessed with Twilight.

Too many girls, in my town anyways, are going crazy.

2009-06-10 13:26:49 UTC
stephanie meyer is not a good writer. it's that simple. it irks me that you can get away with being a bad writer if you target ignorant little girls
2009-06-10 13:26:39 UTC
It's not the content that makes it bad, your right it is a new interesting take on vampires, but the writing is just so so so so so awful.
2009-06-10 13:27:29 UTC
i loved the books, i didn't hate the movie.

i very much disliked the actor that played Edward. I think he does not know how to act and hes fake.
2009-06-10 13:26:45 UTC
Unrealistic expectations for men. and Little giddy vampire preteens. Gross. slutty
2009-06-10 13:26:04 UTC
The same reason I "hate" the Jonas brothers.

Retarded screaming fangirls who are only interested because there are hot guys involved.
2009-06-10 13:29:08 UTC
i dont hate it i absolutly LOVE it

answer mine
2009-06-10 13:26:01 UTC
twilight was just an average overrated move that wasn't as good as harry potter. i dont hate it
2009-06-10 13:27:55 UTC
I love Twilight. The books are great, the movie. . .not so much
Reggiona C
2009-06-10 13:26:37 UTC
Because it is a stupid movie all about nothing that doesn't make any sence
2009-06-10 13:25:50 UTC
Because it changes what a real vampire suppose to be

Its a emo love story, which is annoying and they are to serious, personality wise.
2009-06-10 13:29:59 UTC
the idea is just dumb. i cant stand it!
2009-06-10 13:27:09 UTC

first long book ive read
2009-06-10 13:26:02 UTC
I don't. I LOVE Twilight. I'm Team Edward all the way!
2009-06-10 13:26:28 UTC
I liked that movie, that guy is so hot
Martin the baby
2009-06-10 13:25:37 UTC
Sorry I do love twilight and Im not into vampires and other fairy tale stuff :) grow up, girl !
2009-06-10 13:26:06 UTC
2009-06-10 13:25:30 UTC
because i am not 11 years old, nor am i a girl
2009-06-10 13:25:54 UTC
I LOVE twilight
2009-06-10 13:25:33 UTC
Sorry, hon...I'm in love with twilight!
miranda, <3
2009-06-10 13:25:21 UTC
i dont hate twilight, i love it :)
2009-06-10 13:26:01 UTC
Twilght rocks my socks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 Eat it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha lol jk xD

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.