Hey Harry Potter fans, what do u think is gonna happen in 7th book?
2007-01-25 07:04:35 UTC
(The title is 'Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows')
23 answers:
2007-01-25 16:43:58 UTC
Harry comes of age (for wizards) when he turns 17, and is therefore entitled to perform magic outside of school and to obtain a licence to Apparate. His friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, and many of his classmates, already turned 17 during the sixth year, and Neville Longbottom turns 17 on July 30—The day before Harry does.

There is no explanation at the end of Half-Blood Prince as to the true identity of the mysterious "R.A.B.", who claimed to have stolen one of Voldemort's Horcruxes with the intent to destroy it, while replacing it with a fake that was recovered by Harry and Dumbledore.HBP Ch.28 The most likely candidate is Regulus Black, whom Rowling said was "a fine guess" for R.A.B.'s identity in an interview. I think that RAB is Regalus. She didn't deny it or anything.

Kreacher, the former Black family house-elf who passed into Harry's ownership with the death of Sirius Black, may make an appearance; Rowling told the filmmakers of Order of the Phoenix to include the character in the movie, because he is "very important".

Rowling stated on her web site that there is something "significant—even crucial" about why Dumbledore had James Potter's invisibility cloak in his possession.

J. K. Rowling said in 2001 that Harry might get another pet at some point.Although Buckbeak may have filled this role (Harry obtained possession of the Hippogriff after the death of Sirius Black), she also hinted that Fawkes, Dumbledore's phoenix, might have another role.

Rowling wrote the last chapter of the book some time ago, to give her an ending to work up to. The last word of the seventh book, according to Rowling, is currently "scar" , but she has also said it may change, along with the whole last chapter she has previously written. This last chapter contains details of what happens to each surviving character:

"This is the thing that I was very dubious about showing you... This is the final chapter of book seven. This is really where I wrap everything up, it's the epilogue. And I basically say what happens to everyone after they leave school - those who survive - because there are deaths - more deaths coming. It was a way of saying to myself, 'Well, you will get it, you will get to book seven one day. And then you'll need this!' So I'd just like to remind all the children I know who come around my house and start sneaking into cupboards that it's not there anymore - I don't keep it at home anymore for very, very, very obvious reasons. So there it is." – J. K. Rowling

Rowling has stated that there will be no Quidditch matches in Deathly Hallows.

We will learn something very important about Lily in Deathly Hallows:

Now, the important thing about Harry's mother - the really, really significant thing - you're going to find out in two parts. You'll find out a lot more about her in book five, or you'll find out something very significant about her in book five, and you'll find out something incredibly important about her in book seven." – J. K. Rowling

Rowling has long said that Harry's eyes resembling his mother's is important.

Severus Snape has been an important and enigmatic character throughout the books, as his true loyalty has always remained unclear. It is to be anticipated that as a surviving major character, his loyalty will be settled in the final confrontation of the book.

She has stated we will learn more about Peter Pettigrew, Dumbledore, and his family.

At the Edinburgh book festival, Rowling mentioned that something more would be revealed about Petunia Dursley. Nothing of note occurred in book 6, so this remains to be discovered.

"..there is a little bit more to Aunt Petunia than meets the eye...She is not a squib, although that is a very good guess. Oh, I am giving a lot away here. I am being shockingly indiscreet."

Rowling repeated this comment at the Radio City charity reading in August 2006. Rowling has clarified by stating that Aunt Petunia will not perform magic.

Rowling has said that some non-magical character will perform magic late in life in desperate circumstances. However, Petunia will not be the one to perform magic

Also at Edinburgh, Rita Skeeter was mentioned: "She is loathsome . . . but I can't help admiring her toughness. . . . There is more to come on Rita"

On Dolores Umbridge, "It's too much fun to torture her not to have another little bit more before I finish"

Rowling has said that Ginny Weasley is quite powerful, that we have seen a taste of that in the past, and we will see it again.

Viktor Krum is set for a reappearance.

The two-way mirror given to Harry by Sirius Black and his flying motorbike will return. In fact, Rowling has mentioned in one of her FAQs that the two way mirror "will help more than you think". Rowling refused to comment whether Sirius himself might in some way reappear, but she has also said that there was a reason why he had to die.

Dumbledore was said to have a "gleam of triumph" in his eyes when told that Voldemort had restored his body using Harry's blood, at the end of Goblet of Fire (Ch. 36). Rowling has confirmed that this is "still enormously significant".

Someone from Harry's class, not Harry, Ron, or Hermione, and not who most readers would expect, will become a Hogwarts teacher. This seems to indicate that Hogwarts will indeed re-open, though possibly not until after the main events of Deathly Hallows have occurred.

In an interview after the completion of the Prisoner of Azkaban film, she commented that director Alfonso Cuarón had "put things in the film that, without knowing it, foreshadow things that are going to happen in the final two books. So I really got goosebumps when I saw a couple of those things, and I thought people are going to look back on the film and think those were put in deliberately as clues."

There are indications that at least two of the main characters will die. In a June 2006 interview about the previously-written ending, Rowling stated that:

"One character got a reprieve, but I have to say two die that I didn't intend to die...A price has to be paid. We are dealing with pure evil...They go for the main characters... well, I do".

When further questioned in June 2006 about authors who kill off their main characters, Rowling said "I can completely understand, however, the mentality of an author who thinks, well, I'm going to kill them off because that means there can be no non-author-written sequels'".

Rowling clarified that "Dumbledore is definitely dead", when asked by Salman Rushdie and others at Radio City Music Hall in New York City. Rowling answered the same question three times, each time with increasing conviction.

When asked what questions she should have been asked, she admitted that "the final book contains a couple of pieces of information that I don't think you could guess at", and declined to explain further. On 2006-09-13 she updated her website saying that when she was asked that question, her mind went blank. Since she couldn't make amends, she created a NAQ section of her website, in tribute to the girl who asked the question. In her NAQ section, she states:

"Why did Dumbledore have James' invisibility cloak at the time of James' death, given that Dumbledore could make himself invisible without a cloak?"

2006-09-29, she reveals that Severus Snape was not under the cloak the night of the Potters' death in the Rumors Section.

Asked which five of her characters she would like to invite to dinner, she chose Harry, Hermione and Ron, but then hesitated before choosing her last characters, saying "See... I know who's actually dead", unsure whether she was permitted to invite those who are 'dead'.

Lord Voldemort was voted best villain at the Big Bad Read poll. Responding to the news Rowling commented:

"I hope those of you who voted for him in the big bad read enjoy reading about him in book seven, where he finally gets the leg room for which he has been aching all those years in exile."

At their appearance in New York City on August 1, 2006, authors John Irving and Stephen King joined Rowling at a charity benefit. While there the two famous authors came together to ask Rowling NOT to kill off Harry Potter in her final book, with Irving saying, "I'll keep my fingers crossed for Harry."
2016-03-29 05:52:25 UTC
I have been thinking on this for some time. The overall mood and pattern of these books has been that things tend to work out, at least moderately, at the end. It might not be perfect, but with the exception of the last, the books have has a generally happy ending. It would go against the grain of the entire series and all of the forshadowing if Harry were to die and Voldemort would win. Voldemort will surely be killed. By Harry and company for sure. But I think he lives and becomes the new, permanent defense of the dark arts teacher and eventually headmaster. I am still torn as to whether I really believe snape is a traitor. This is one I am most curious about. On one hand, Harry himself has been most suspectiong of him, but who knows. I think that dumbledore will get a bit of Fawkes's love and pull through. I like a happy ending in a series like this, so that's also a reflection of what I'd like to see. Furthermore, I think the 6 preceeding novels, taken as a whole, only suggest certain viable options for the end. We'll know in a few months!!!
2007-01-25 07:17:30 UTC
The last show down with the Death Eaters should be BIG.

I'd like to see the Order of the Phoenix have a flying armada: Brooms, the Weasley car, thestrals, Beaubatons horse drawn carriage.. and Hagrid flying in on Norbert's (the dragon) back after being trained in Romania by Charlie for the last 7 years.

I am wondering who may get killed. Whose death would inspire many to fight against Voldemort? It might be "Weasley is our King" - Ron

His death would help gather the Dumbledore's Army, Charlie and some Romanian wizards, Percy, and maybe even Pettigrew/Scabbers to turn on the Dark Lord. (I hope I am wrong)

Ron would have to die half way through the book though ... maybe when the trio catch up with Snape or Draco.
2007-01-25 07:41:18 UTC
I think that Harry is going to learn to use the Yahoo Answers "Search for questions" feature instead of reposting a question that gets asked multiple times some days.

Seriously! There are a TON of Harry questions posted. Do a search and you will find more Harry opinions, answers, and people interested that you could possibley ever get through!
frodo from shire
2007-01-25 13:59:53 UTC
whatever happens or not, these things will surely happen

1. voldemore will die, betrayal by wormtail playing a major role.

2. lucius malfoy dies, draco survives to fight another day.

3. harry will not complete his 7th year.

4. ministry of magic will be of no help to harry, with many from ministry swithching sides to the dark lord.

5. werewolves,dementors,giants, will have a free run.

6. hermione and ron become a pair.

7. longbottom will die

8. dumbledores army has a role to play but not a major role.

9. muggles will die in wholesale numbers

10. gryffindors sword will help harry.

11. snape is killed by voldemore.....

12. hogwarts temporarily shuts down for few months due to the troubled times... an attack on hogwarts is a possibility.

13.the ghosts lead by dead sirius black(may be cedric diggory too) have some help for harry.

14. survival of mrs. mcgonagal is highly unlikely.

15. quiditch will be there.

16. harry will use the forbidden curses.

17. hagrid and his giant brother will fight and one of them dies.....maybe saving hermione

18. non of harry,ron,or hermoine dies.

19. first 500 pages will be very slow, then story will pick up and all of action in last few pages.... you will almost feel cheated(like in 5th and 6th part). i hope i am wrong on this point.

2007-01-25 07:30:06 UTC
Harry Potter is gonna turn into the most hallowed death eater.
Anna Hennings
2007-01-25 07:20:58 UTC
I don't think Harry is going to die as so many have speculated. I think JK will want to leave her options open in case she wants to revisit Harry in his older years. But I do think that we will see the end of Voldamort. I think it will be discovered that Snape was truely on Dumbledors side and that Dumbledor is not really dead. Malfoy and his father will become the next evil coo. Hermione and Ron will finally be together. But Harry will remain alone.
2007-01-25 07:38:16 UTC
I'm kinda hoping that Voldemort tempts Harry too much to the Dark Arts and Harry kills him to become the new Dark Lord and resume Voldemort's reign of terror, then be reminded of the good in him by seeing Ginny, Ron, and Hermione in danger from the things he brought about himself and return to defeat the Death Eaters.
2007-01-25 09:13:17 UTC
I think Harry WILL go back to Hogwarts, but the book won't emphasize on that. Harry will die because he is the last Horcrux, and then one of his close friends (or maybe even Snape) will kill Voldemort.

P.S. Snape is totally a good guy.
2007-01-25 07:14:25 UTC
I think that Harry will live... the prophet says something along the lines of that either him or Voldermort will die, that the two cannot live. I do think, however, that one of Harry's close friends will die... and it will either be Ron or Ginny in my opinion.

Regardless... it should be a GREAT book and I'm so excited to see how it ends!
2007-01-25 07:17:02 UTC
Well, a lot of characters are going to die and I think Harry will be one of them. I don't want it to happen, but I just have a gut feeling. Oh, and Lord Voldy-thing is going to kick the bucket as well.
2007-01-27 07:39:18 UTC
i know this will not bring me the best answer on this one but i think u should just let it be. the book will come soon and u will read it and know for sure what happend. with to much of *who thinks what* will maybe ruin the whole story for u. just a thought from a girl with experience in this kinda thing. bye
louisa b
2007-01-25 07:10:08 UTC
i thing Jk is going to eliminate harry and end the whole story full of suspence for the readers
2007-01-25 18:28:35 UTC
Harry is the last horcrux so he will first kill voldemort and before he can become alive again he'll kill himself(don't ask. I know this is weird)
2007-01-26 18:25:33 UTC
I think that Harry & Voldermort will finish each other off.
2007-01-25 07:48:02 UTC
I have heard a lot that harry is going to die in that, but i don't want it. He should live till the age of Dumbledoor........
2007-01-27 08:54:34 UTC
Your guess is as good as mine. The only one who knows is JKR herself. I don't like to try guessing anyway. Its much more fun to just anticipate and then find out by reading. :)
2007-01-25 07:19:37 UTC
i think that in the end voldmort is going to die and harry gonna live happely in the end and no one will die from his close friends maybe one of the teasher will die...
2007-01-27 18:31:26 UTC
I think that Harry and Voldemort will both die...
2007-01-25 09:22:49 UTC
think harry's going 2 b killed.............though i dont wanna b negative................if harry doesnt die how will jkr end the series?
2007-01-25 07:13:02 UTC
i dont quite really know........but i dont wan harry 2 die.........tats 2ooo bad................voldermort should die..........or rather a twist in the tail...........voldermort should loose all his powers...........however.....harry should win at last

do u agree with me????
2007-01-25 07:47:33 UTC
2007-01-25 07:08:32 UTC

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