Well, I don't have much to add, but I think it somewhat depends on their age and experience with writing.
When I was ten, I think I would have probably gone and asked people for all their great and plentiful ideas if I knew such a thing as the internet existed. But then again - I wouldn't have really cared because my stories had no plots (as in beginnings, middles, and ends) anyways... :P
But it's true you can always be excited about all those little things - like that nice spot on your shoe, the snail that left a trail on your mail (har, har :P), your object of affection (namely those wonderful stuffed animals sitting over there :P), or a computer game... well, it works... >.>
So I guess I'll conclude some people are not happy with what they come up with, or find their own world too boring/too difficult to extract ideas from.
Therefore, by the Great Decree of 2011, all idea-sapped writers shall commence the History of Clementines. I, personally, think it's a wonderful idea-starter: doesn't it make you have to come up with the history of clementines? :P You could research it, make up talking clementines, take them from a sci fi point of view - you know, crashing into the earth or created from some strange whoknowshwat...
I think I'm getting carried off... :/
BQ1: Just a random thought - does it bother you that the word "circle" doesn't have an "o" in it? I mean, wouldn't that make sense? The word "line" has a line in it, and TRIANGLE (in capital letters) has a triangle in it (the A). Shouldn't a circle be called a "corcle"?
Brain. Exploded. Your logic has overpowered me.
BQ2: Do you write in 1st or 3rd person? Ever tried second person?
First, when I'm bored. Third, usually - I do it better. Second, I would probably mess up horribly. :P
BQ3: What do you struggle most with in writing?
Now I could go on forever... :P Now, plot aside (since it's not the *most* important aspect - in some ways - yet still enough to get me stuck up on it for a few months... -_-) I have a multitude of problems :D
-Stereotypes, unrealistic characters/events/world, extreme cheesiness
-Boring, a crime. And too many words, too little ideas conveyed. I try to write a short exchange of "How was your day?" and it takes a page.
-'tis shallow. Little, if any, deeper meaning behind it.
-Inaccuracy (which goes together with the unrealistic part) :P I try to research, but sometimes I have preconceived notions that make me screw up anyways...
-Writing that is plain, dull, wordy, rambling, choppy, and what have you.
Oh, wait, were we suppose to choose one? :D I'll keep this list with me anyways... XD