2010-02-06 16:13:45 UTC
It was harsh. Having 12 siblings, being the third oldest of 13 kids. How could anyone deal with it!? Of course, by now I was used to it. But still, I hated it.
I’m sorry, let me properly introduce myself. I am Ellea Summers, daughter of 39-year-old Ella Springer, and 41-year-old John Summers. I have two older siblings. Cassian and Cassandra – Cassie for short, age 18, twins. My twin sister is Elleia. We’re both 14. Our closest siblings are younger than us, both girls, and - you guessed it – twins. They are Ellie and Ella, age 12. After them come the 9-year-old quadruplets, Aza, Areida, Ariadne, and Ariaunna. Then comes Luke, the only single child in the family. And last, but not least, Kezi and Zenia, the newborn twins. My life is very hectic – hopefully you can tell, if not, the brain-transplant hospital is looking for you.
This is the story of my life.
Chapter One
“Hello? Anyone home?” I yelled from the echoing doorway. I had just arrived home from a long day of algebra and history at school. Joyous cries greeted me, and Ariaunna toddled into my arms. Elleia stood next to me, silently awaiting the rush of hugs. From the dining room I could hear Kezi’s loud cry and the cool voice of my mother soothing her. Aza screamed and ran at me, nearly knocking me over. A small voice poked up from the bushes.
“El-wee-ha!” Luke cried loudly. He was just learning how to talk properly. The small boy hopped out of the garden and greeted me with a huge smile. Ariaunna rushed away. She was going through the Boys-Are-Cute-Yet-Disgusting Stage. Luke ran quickly to take her place by my side.
I walked slowly into the room as a volcano of kids erupted around me. Elleia followed silently.
When we got to our room I climbed into my bunk without a word.
“Can I come up, too?” Elleia asked quietly. “I won’t touch anything.”
I couldn’t refuse. The soft tinkle of her voice rung in my head as I answered. “You’re always allowed in my bed!”
“Oh.” Elleia muttered. “All right.” She stepped onto the ladder and began to climb. “It’s just that---” She broke off. “Never mind.”
We sat in silence for several minutes, until I couldn’t stand it any longer.
“Elleia?” I began slowly.
“Yes?” She said turning quickly towards me.
“Um…..why weren’t you at school? I mean…why’d you ditch?” It wasn’t like Elleia to skip school. I did it every once in a while, but Elleia was Little Miss Perfect, a teacher’s pet kind of girl!
“I didn’t,” she whispered ferociously, her face flushing bright red with anger and embarrassment. “Where did you hear that!?”
“Um…..Well, you weren’t in History or Biology, and Jessica said you didn’t make it to Choir or Writing either.”
“And you believed her!?” She screamed bewildered. “That rotten, lying---”
“Elleia, hold up! Jess didn’t do anything wrong! But what about history and biology!? How can you explain that!?” I was less than 3 inches from her face.
“Ellea, I was th--- Oh! Hey Cassian! When did you get here?”
Our older brother stepped slowly into the room. “I think you know, Elleia.” He muttered, his voice soft. “What were you two talking about?” He asked, a sudden cheerful tone in his voice. He looked at me, then Elleia, and back to me. “Well…..” He encouraged.
“Oh, nothing. Just girl stuff.” I glared at my sister. “Are you home early? Aren’t you supposed to be working at the Ice Cow?” I giggled softly as I said the name of my favorite ice cream shop. “You said this morning you’d be working late.”
“No…..” Cassian replied slowly. “I never said that, did I?”
“No. But Elleia told me. And I believed her.” I turned toward my sister and said, my voice cold, “Why’d you lie to me?” How was I supposed to know she’d take me seriously!? How was I supposed to know she’d cry!?
Well, my super-sensitive sister did cry. She punched my pillow and wailed, “I didn’t mean to! I just needed to talk to you alone!” And then she started crying again.
“Okay…..” Cassian muttered and looked at me. “Do you want me to leave?”
“No, it’s okay. If you want to leave, go ahead, but you can stay if you’d like.” I replied.
“If you don’t mind I have some homework to attend to……” Cassian whispered.
“Go. I can take a hint.” I answered harshly.
The next day in school I had music for first period. I absent-mindedly placed my fingers on the strings of my cello. I didn’t even realize I was daydreaming until
Mr. Culbat called on me repeatedly. Whenever he asked a question, I tried to pay attention, but it didn’t work. My mind kept straying to Elleia, who was supposed to be here, but wasn’t. I even played arco when everyone else was in pizzicato position.
“Is everything okay?” Mr. Culbat asked when I failed to answer his question, even after he repeated it 3 times. “Is it beca