I'm not a huge fan and haven't read the book for a while either, but here goes:
17 year old Bella Swan moves to rainy Forks, Washington to live with her father Charlie, since her mother has remarried to a minor league baseball player who travels a lot. Bella is instantly popular when she arrives at school being the "new girl," she doesn't think of herself as pretty but clearly is attractive to her male classmates, however, Bella is only interested in Edward Cullen. when Edward and his siblings, who are all adopted by Dr. Carlisle Cullen and his wife Esme and incredibly beautiful (with white skin and golden eyes), enter the school cafeteria, Bella's new friend Jessica explains that they are all together, Rosalie and Emmett are a couple, Jasper and Alice are a couple. when Bella arrives at biology class the only seat available is that next to Edward, he stares at her as though he hates her, and Bella is confused. she wants to confront him but he is not at school for a few days, Bella obsesses over him. when he returns they talk, Bella tells him that she moved and reveals her martyr trait, she notices his eyes change color. they have a few interactions, when Edward saves Bella from getting hit by another student's van, with what seems like super hero like reflexes and strength. Bella starts asking him what he is exactly, when she spends a day down at La Push beach and meets up with her friend Jacob, a native american, who explains that the Quieleutes (the native americans who inhabit La Push) were descended from wolves, and they encountered an enemy clan of "cold ones," or vampires, and made a treaty with them to stay off their land even though they (the vampires) didn't eat humans, they ate animals. after this Bella goes to the city with her friends but ends up getting separated from them, some men start to "herd" her but Edward saves her and takes her out to eat, she then realizes what he is, but it doesn't matter to her because they are "in love" with each other. it is revealed that Edward hated her at first because she smelled so good to him, they spend a lot of time asking each other questions about the other, Bella learns that Edward can read minds, Alice can see the future, Carlisle changed Edward into a vampire. also, their personality traits are revealed; Bella is stubborn and clumsy, Edward is protective. Edward takes Bella to his house to meet his entire family when some other vampires (that eat humans) come through. one of them named James smells Bella and wants her blood, Edward reads James' mind and sees that he's a tracker, so won't stop hunting Bella until he's had her. in order to get Bella safe she has to leave, before she leaves she acts like she's never coming back to her house to protect her father, she hurts Charlie by leaving him the way her mother left him before Alice and Jasper take her to the airport to go to Phoenix (where she used to live). James ends up calling Bella and saying that he will kill her mother unless she meets him at her old dance studio, which she does, but her mother's not even there. Edward ends up getting there in time, but not before James bites Bella's hand. the other Cullens arrive, and Carlisle tells Edward he has to suck the venom out of Bella, which is hard for Edward to do because once he starts drinking Bella's blood he'll want to drink all of it, but he does. Bella ends up okay, her father ends up not trusting Edward, and a strain is put on their relationship because Bella wants Edward to turn her into a vampire too, but he doesn't want to turn her into one. they go to prom together, and I think that's the end.