God! They'll let anyone teach English nowadays, won't they? Condolences for your chance at a education. If at all possible, see if you can get a different English teacher. Yours is an idiot.
If you can't, you're stuck between getting a good grade or proving a point. I'd lean towards proving a point, but, hey I already sucked up to a few lousy English teachers in my time. I got the Communications degree, so had to suffer through a few idiots to get the grades to get the degree.
If you're feeling gutsy, and then if you're willing to take on this fight, write THAT paper. You've fulfilled your class assignment if you do. BUT make it a damn good paper. Make it an A paper, if you take that on. And then, if she doesn't give you the A or doesn't accept it, then take it up the ladder to get that idiot fired. If the principal, dean, and/or chancellor doesn't see your point, then take it to the news media. That idiot gives "English teacher" a bad name.
Yes! Most certainly. Your teacher is a raving idiot, and take that from someone who wanted to be a high school English teacher. ;)