2012-02-08 18:50:55 UTC
Or fantasy novels that have guilds/clans in them (ex. mercenary guild, thieves guild, magician guild, etc.).
Or fantasy novels where mercenaries/magicians/etc. can be hired by clients to go on missions/to assassinate someone/search for something/etc.
If you can't think of anything with the above themes, can you recommend some other novels?
anything except:
A Song of Ice and Fire
Abhorsen trilogy
All of Anne Bishop's books
All of Brandon Sanderson's books
All of Jane Fletcher's books
All of Marion Zimmer Bradley's books
All of Raymond Feist's books
All of Tamora Pierce's books
Amazons of Aggar
Black Company
Coldfire trilogy
Curse of Chalion and Paladin of Souls
Dark Tower series
Deed of Paksenarrion
Dragonlance Chronicles
Dresden Files series
Earthsea Cycle
Farseer trilogy
Harry Potter
Honor Harrington series
Hunger Games triology
Kingkiller Chronicles
Legend of Drizzt
Lies of Locke Lamora
Liveship Traders
Lord of Rings and The Hobbit
Mortal Instruments
Narnia series
Night Angel trilogy
Nightrunner series
Percy Jackson series
Sword of Truth
Talion Revenant
The Blade Itself
The God Stalker Chronicles
Twilight series
Way of Kings
Wayfarer Redemption
Wheel of Time
Winds of the Forelands