NO! NO "more colors!" It's refreshing to see a page that's about CONTENT and not about "glitz!"
Everyone is saying this is boring because they are looking for fun stuff. They have no interest in your topic, hence, it's boring.
But you don't care about drawing in someone uninterested in your topic. Someone interested in a topic doesn't CARE about pretty colors or graphics. They want to find something, and will navigate through "web site hell" to find it. Your job is to make that as easily accessible as possible.
The only things you MIGHT add:
- Absolute MUST, that is missing from your site: Every page, EVERY SINGLE PAGE should have a navigation scheme at the top and the bottom so you can get to ANY other part of the site from where you are. "Return to home page" is a waste of space. Put a nav bar, in plain text, for all the major areas of your site, something like
Home | Adults | Ages 4-8 | Elementary | Kids Like Us | Birth-Age 3 | History | Math | Science | Misc
With each a link. EVERY PAGE, top and bottom, bottom is important because some of your pages are quite long, which is OKAY in this case - it's all content.
- thumbnail pictures of the books, if you can get permission to use them. Although everyone says "don't judge a book by it's cover" kids often do.
- excerpts of an interesting part of the books, but don't list them on the page. Make it a link, like "Read an excerpt." You may also need to obtain permission to do this.
For marketing, submit it to the the following suggest a site suggest site links:
There are similar ones for AOL and Alta Vista.
Yahoo has only a pay-submit. But that's okay, they use the same databases as Alta Vista and Inktomi, get in Google and MSN, and the rest will follow.
Do not fall for link directories. These are spam farms and may actually hurt you rather than help you.
Search engines read TEXT. Your site has lots of TEXT and will index VERY WELL. Ignore all those that talk about design. Successful web sites are about CONTENT and solving visitors' problems, not pretty graphics.
Stay the course, you are one of the FEW who is on the right track!