Punctuation rules do vary in at least three ways: (1) They have changed over time: currently, editors tend to prefer a more open punctuation than in, say, the 18th or 19th centuries; furthermore, more experimental punctuation now reaches publicaton, especially in fiction and poetry. (2) There are a few differences between British and American publishers, especially with regard to quotations. (3) Nowadays, most publishers and many periodicals have their own style sheets, which determine how prose will be punctuated, especially in order to maintain consistency on matters in which, generally speaking, variations are allowed.
Therefore, assuming your editor represents a publisher or periodical, your question is better addressed to him or her than to grammarians or the general public.
Semicolons would not be used to introduce a quotation, whether in dialogue or scholarly citation. A semicolon, however, would be used between two independent clauses separated by conjunctive adverbs or having no conjunction at all (the latter usually short, closely related independent clauses; e.g., "I came, I saw, I conquered"). In such cases, the placement of the semicolon will depend on whether (a) the quotation consists of two independent clauses or (b) is a part of one of the independent clauses; for example, in the following two sentences.
(a) "I will not pay," the customer shouted; "you cannot make me."
[Note: many editors probably would prefer that you simply punctuate this as two separate sentences.
"I will not pay," the customer shouted. "You cannot make me."]
(b) She overheard members of the audience whispering, "This has been going on too long"; therefore, she decided to omit her last point.
On the matter of colons, there is greater variation among publishers. For the periodicals that I edited, the style sheet was somewhat conservative on this point. In introducing lists or quotations, it permitted colons only when the introduction consisted of a complete independent clause; for example,
I heard the customer shout the same thing over and over again: "I will not pay; you cannot make me."
The customer shouted over and over again, "I will not pay; you cannot make me."
The customer shouted over and over again: "I will not pay; you cannot make me."
Ordinarily, editors for publishers and periodicals expect to edit manuscripts, bringing them into conformity their their style sheets--and they may reserve the right to do so silently, without seeking the writer's permission. They do not expect free-lance writers to do this for them; nor do they expect free-lance writers to object when such editing is done.
By the way, in reviewing manuscripts for possible publicaton, editors are much less likely to wonder about the writer's qualifications when such minor punctuation errors appear than when there are sentences like your last one: "Is my editor just wrong, or.....has these grammar rules changed throughout the century??!!"
This is grammatically incorrect; it should read, "Is my editor wrong, or . . . have these grammar rules changed throughout the century??!!" That kind of grammatical error (subject-verb agreement) does call into question the writer's linguistic maturity, a more serious issue.