Flip you to see who does her first."
"Dude, you're sick! She's, like, unconscious!"
"She is totally hot."
— Law And Order Special Victims Unit
Girlfriend in a coma, I know, I know, it's serious.
— The Smiths, "Girlfriend in a Coma''
This is a kissing trope most common in anime and manga; the setting is a bedroom, or simply a place to rest, and two characters, one often harbouring unrequited feelings for the other.
The premise is that one character is unconscious, whether previously knocked out, feverish, comatose or simply asleep; the other falls for 'their attractive sleeping face', and unable to resist, leans in to lock lips...
This situation will progress differently depending on the genre of the series, and the status of the characters. They may or may not pull it off, resulting in an Indirect Kiss, First Kiss, etc., or they may be interrupted by another character bursting in, usually including a guilty start.
It is not unknown for the other person to be feigning sleep when they realize that the character might kiss them.
Frequently used in shojo series and shonen love comedies, where the girl's vulnerability seems irresistible to the male character. This trope is fairly gender-equitable, though, as girls are also prone to this urge.
Sister Trope to Converse With The Unconscious.
Contrast Kiss Of Life, which is often mistaken for this.In Hellsing, when Seras is the target of an illusion, she remembers her mother's death, where the murderer decided to do the dead body. When his partner says "Dude, she's dead!", he replies with "she's still warm!".All while she watches helplessly.
Parodied in The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, during the student film episode "The Adventures of Asahina Mikuru". The star is Mikuru as the battle waitress from the future, who faints at one point and is carried to the home of Itsuki Koizumi, her in-movie love-interest. After putting her to bed, he silently deliberates over this, and gets very close to kissing her. She is acting, though, and uncomfortably aware of it. He is belatedly interrupted by Yuki Nagato's character, although there was a good chance of our completely disgruntled cameraman (and in-series narrator) Kyon disrupting the scene.
And that's not the only creepy part. As Kyon points out, after she is knocked unconscious, Koizumi took her to his house instead of calling an ambulence, undressed her, bathed her, and then redressed before trying to kiss her.
Only in Kyon's narration of the student film. In the actual production, they all went to Tsuruya's house, and it was the other girls who got Mikuru's clothes changed and put liquor in her juice to get her dizzy.
In the novels and the rerun added episodes this scene is slightly less humorous: Tsuruya and Haruhi spiked Mikuru's drink in order to 'improve her acting', which Kyon realizes from Mikuru's lack of resistance; he refuses to keep filming, and it's the only scene in the series where he becomes seriously angry with Haruhi, to the point of almost socking her in the face without realizing it before Koizumi stops him.
Goshuushou-sama Ninomiya-kun: Shungo nearly does this to Reika, thinking it necessary to revive her. When she wakes up in his arms minutes later: "What are you doing, Ninomiya Shungo?! Don't tell me you've been doing This And That while I was unconscious? ...Actually, do it while I can remember!"
She herself attempts to do this to Shungo, and possibly other things. Except he defends himself against her while he's sleeping.
Tokyo Mew Mew, more than once, and always with an explanation. However, even without said explanations, they're treated as some of the most romantic moments in the entire series (and this editor would have to agree, but that's because she ships canon.)
Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch
Subverted in Naruto Shippuden 68 as Fuka gave Naruto a "Kiss of Death" while he was unconscious. Then he woke up and was observing that blood in her hair was still there and then Naruto pulled her hair later which lead to her defeat. (Her age is unknown so I assumed that she lived for a long time).
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Shinji deliberates on kissing Asuka when she sleepwalks into his bed. He eventually changes his mind when she calls out for her mother but that doesn't stop Asuka from accusing him of doing it. Reversed (and a common cry by the audience) in End of Evangelion when Shinji doesn't kiss her but instead masturbates over Asuka's comatose body. Even he points out that he is "The lowest of the low".
The dubbed version has Shinji say, "I am so ****** up."
The End of Evangelion example is borderline High Octane Nightmare Fuel due to how well it drives the point home that Shinji is utterly psychologically broken.
Try and find the source, but this is meant to be a take that at hentai fans. Of course, the wallbanger comes in when quite a bit of Eva merchandise is ecchi.
(REF URL http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Ptitle2zyyqezbehpc?from=Main.DudeShesLikeInAComa)