Just DON'T do it... at least not yet.
A person can only really write what they know. That is what they always tell you in writing class right?
So... when a young person thinks they want to become a writer they start writing what they know...but the only thing they know is what it is like to be a young upper-middle class white kid in an American Suburb...becuase that is what most of writer wannabes are.
Then they go on to college and become English majors... and produce HORRID novels that are all set in college english departments. Murder in the English department... romance in the English Department... insufferable self-important upper middle class white kids who take themselves WAY to seriously sitting around talking in English departments and thinking they are profound...UGH!
The poor people who have to read (and then reject) their manuscripts suffer so much...ugh...
My advice is to go do what Jack London did... and to a lesser extent Hemmingway.
BEFORE you try to write about life ...GO LIVE IT.
Take a road trip. Get a job. Go become a waitress at a Mexican Resturant and become friends with your co-workers and learn about their lives. Volunteer at a homeless shelter and Hang out with poor people. Volunteer at the Musuem and learn to Hang out with Rich people. Speaking of Volunteer go Volunteer at a V.A. hospital and get to know some shot up Marines...THAT will teach you a lot about life! Help build a Habatat for Humanity house. Go to church. Go to five different Churches. Go to Synogogoe. Do a police "ride along" program and learn what it is like to be a cop. Get a couple of friends and drive around town ALL night, hop from one coffee shop to another till dawn, and see what and who you meet. Go tour a fire station. Go hang out at the airport, watch people coming off the planes, and make up stories about them... who they are, where they are going, and why. Go learn how to shoot a gun. Hang with an Air Force Recuiter for a couple of days. Eat foods from six countries you can't find on a map. Learn how to belly dance. Volunteer at Republican Headquarters for a week... then go volunteer at Democratic Headquareters for a week. Go rock climbing. Read a really hard classic book you normally wouldn' Plato or Aristotle. Take some martial arts classes. Go downtown and sit in a court room for three days and watch some trials. Wear a really sexy bathing suit to the pool. Adopt a cat.
Above all... meet people and LISTEN TO THEIR STORIES. Listen, listen, listen, and listen.
When you are done...and ONLY when you are done doing that.. THEN write your novel. THEN you will have something to write about that will be worth reading.