I'm in 9th grade and just turned 15 years old. I heard that A Clockwork Orange is one of the best books ever and I really want to read it, but I'm hesitant considering just how X-rated the movie is. Is the book as porny, violent, and profane as the movie? If for some reason in school I have to tell my teacher all the books I've read and I put down A Clockwork Orange, would she be like "A Clockwork Orange? My fifteen-year-old student is reading THIS? My word...This is NOT suitable for someone of that age!" (OK, my teacher doesn't actually talk like that...but you catch my drift.) I'm not worried about all the "bad" stuff in it, those kinds of things never really get under my skin, but I'm just not sure if reading this would be OK with say, my parents and teachers. (One more thing: if you've read A Clockwork Orange before, please tell me how good it is!) Gracias :)