How to publish an ebook?
2010-09-10 09:43:59 UTC
I have a book that I have almost finished writing, I would like to convert into an ebook. The problem is, I really don't know where to begin!...I have read ALOT of information online, and it seems somewhat easy, but there is information I really just CANT seem to find!
Is there anyone who could offer me a little guidance?
What program can I use to create my ebook? Are there any FREE programs?
How many pages/chapters should an ebook be?
Do I need to license it in any way? Claim any rights?
If it does need to be licensed....How much could that cost me?
When I choose the title for my book, do I need to be careful? What if someone else has the same title...and I didn't know?.........I know I have alot of questions, but I feel like the information in my book could really help alot of people, and I am ready to get it out there!
If you can answer any of the questions that would be great! Thank you soo much! :-)
Five answers:
2010-09-10 09:56:18 UTC
K, there's legitimate publishing in which the end product is an ebook, and there's vanity publication in which your final product is digital rather than print.

Identify epublishers who seek work in your genre. One place to begin the search is

Ebooks often run shorter than print books. Conform to each publisher's guidelines before submitting. In all likelihood, you're looking at 10,000 - 15,000 words less than the same genre's lowest acceptable count for print publishers. Think 45,000 instead of 60,000 words as the shortest publishable length--unless you find an epublisher seeking novellas or novelettes.

You need no license. Your copyright already exists, although you may want to register that copyright if you self-publish in any form (ebook or print).

Titles cannot be copyrighted, so if your title is also the title of some other book, not a problem. Do try not to use a well-known title, of course. You don't want to write the *other* "Twilight" or "Tale of Two Cities."

Legitimate epublishers will not charge you anything at all. The moment any publisher asks for any money, they're announcing they are not legitimate and you should sever contact.

Hope this is helpful to you.
pj m
2010-09-10 17:00:31 UTC

What program can I use to create my ebook? Are there any FREE programs?

Once you find a place that will publish your work, they will set that up for you. Most of the time they will ask you to take out the indents and make the left margin even. They will also ask you to put a space between paragraphs, unlike the written word in book form. You’ll submit your work by email attachment most of the time as well. Amazon's "Kindle" is an electronic publisher. Some don't care for it very much though.

How many pages/chapters should an ebook be?

Just as many as a paperback or hardcover. It’s still a book, but in electronic form.

Do I need to license it in any way? Claim any rights?

Your work will be automatically copyrighted by the publisher. Your work will also receive an ISBN. International Standard Book Number.

If it does need to be licensed....How much could that cost me?

Be careful with vanity publishers. They will charge you a bucketful. The work will not always be what you want to see either. This goes for paperback form also.

When I choose the title for my book, do I need to be careful? What if someone else has the same title...and I didn't know?

Books and movie titles can’t be copyrighted and neither can ideas.

You can help yourself greatly by getting a copy of Writer’s Market for the current year.

2010-09-12 06:16:15 UTC
Creating an ebook is pretty easy. You'll need your work finished and editing properly. This means you'll need to check for mispellings, proper grammar, and revise as much as possible.

Generally books are in Times Roman font at 12 point with 1 inch margins. It also helps to add page numbers in the corners.

Your first question would be; Where are you going to sell it? Do you have your own web site? If not, you'll need to consider making one. Some sites, like not only helps build ebooks (and even print on demands books), you get a free web site you can then market.

If you have your own web site, then you can simply use OpenOffice which is a free download via The word processor easily exports your documents to PDF format, including formatting into various size sheets for printing.

Once you have your ebook, then you'll need to market which is a whole other lesson
2010-09-10 16:52:03 UTC
To crate a ebook you need to convert either into .pdf format or .epub format.

There are many software available, the best one is Indesign, quark express. Indesign is quite easy to use. All you need type out in a word processor like MS Word and import and flow into indesign.

You can also try Scribus which is free. you can download it


Hope this helps, else mail to me,

i can make it for free, or i help teach you to to do that
2010-09-10 16:48:12 UTC
You dont have to do anything. Just send to a publishing place who handles e books

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.