2009-01-09 01:57:54 UTC
Out of the corner of my eye I watched her. She was smiling and her deep blue eyes were locked in concentration. Clasped in her hand was a small black pebble and she was looking out to sea, watching the waves as they crashed peacefully against the shore.
“Ashley hurry up, its cold.” I said, sitting on the sand shivering. Overhead the clouds swirled like marble cake, a million different shades of white and grey. She threw it, the rock skipping a few times before sinking into the ocean. She sighed before turning around and offering me her hand.
“Come on Michael. Lets go.” She said, and we began to walk home along the road that winds around the beach. “Do you remember all those years ago Michael? At the beach house with Macey?” she said, her voice suddenly sad.
“Ashley, you don’t have to talk about it.” My heart began to beat faster. Please don’t, I thought to myself franticly.
“No Michael, I want too. I-I don’t think it was an accident.”
I sighed.
“Ashley, please… It happened three years ago. I thought you had moved on. It was an accident Ashley. That’s all it was.” I said defensively, looking away from her so she wouldn’t see the panic etched across my face. She had caught me off guard.
Her blue eyes watering and her arms hanging limply at her side she walked away from me.
“Ashley, wait up! I’m sorry.” I called to her, the wind pulling forcefully at my hair. “Hey! Didn’t you hear me? I’m sorry!” I yelled, my voice breaking. She didn’t turn around, the back of her head covered by a grey hoodie she walked against the wind, her footsteps slow and heavy on the ground. I stood there watching, waiting for her to turn around and come back to me. She ignored me and kept on walking. “Stop Ashley. Please, just come with me…” I pleaded.
She didn’t stop. Her slender legs shivering in the cold as she walked along the shoreline. I sighed. Guilt weighed on me like a brick and I ran up to her, putting my arm on her shoulder I turned her around. Salty tears streamed down her face and her cheeks were stained pink. Her eyes stared into mine and we stayed like that for what felt like hours. Eventually she glanced away and the spell was broken.
“Didn’t you hear me?” I whispered, her face just a few inches from mine. She nodded in response.
“I loved her so much Michael.” she said, her voice barely audible against the wind.
“I’m sorry Ashley, I really am.” I said. My entire body was covered with goose bumps and I pulled at her arm. “Come on, let’s go.”
“No Michael. Don’t just push it away, that’s all we’ve ever done. I need to talk about it Michael, three years is a long time. “
“She was in the water and she got pulled under by a strong wave. That’s all there is too it.”
“But they never found her body Michael. They looked so hard and yet they never found it. Does that not sound suspicious too you?”
“Ashley just leave it! Some things are better left alone.” I said angrily, my eyes flashing darkly. I remembered Macey in the water, her face full of desperation as I pushed her under.
“It was a wave Ashley. Believe me. Lets go home now; your parents are probably wondering where you are.” Her eyes opened wide in realisation and she stepped away from me. Her hood fell off her head and her sandy blonde hair whipped her face.
“You did it didn’t you? Oh god. You did it.” I remembered Macey’s body, pale and limp in my arms.
“What? No of coarse I didn’t Ashley. What are you trying to say?” I said defensively, my arms crossed against my chest.
“You’re lying! I can tell when you lie Michael.“
I was defeated and we both knew it. “Ashley I’m sorry, it was an accident. I didn’t mean to do it. I was angry. She was trying to take you away Ashley… She didn’t like me.“ I said, surrendering. Her face clouded over in recollection, remembering the years gone by. “All these years and I never knew . . . She was my best friend. “ She shook her head and swore, tears filling her eyes. “Go away Michael. Please, just, just go.”
I stood there, watching her as she cried, wanting to comfort her but knowing I couldn’t. “Michael. Leave me alone, please.” She pleaded, her bloodshot eyes glancing at mine.
“Ashley, don’t tell anyone.” I begged. She shook her head.
"I won't." Glancing one last time at her I turned around and walked home. I still remember the cries that carried on the wind that night. Her perfect face red and blotchy, her hair knotted and covered in sand, her slim arms hugging her knees and watching the waves cash against the shore.