2012-12-29 10:53:12 UTC
The theme of this story: epic mystery. The main characters: stressed champion and boastful heir. The start of the story: argument. The end of the story: tragety.
The theme of this story: humorous caper. The main character: serious traveler. The major event of the story: joke.
The theme of this story: psychological mystery. The main character: grim assasin. The major event of the story: promition.
The theme of this story: satirical drama. The main character: forcefull jailer. The start of the story: misunderstanding. The end of the story: getting lost.
The theme of this story: surreal conspiracy. The main character: antisocial fighter pilot. The start of the story: repentance. The end of the story: promition.
The theme of this story: tragic character study. The main characters: obscure astronomer and misguided pretender. The major event of the story: sport.
The theme of this story: wacky character study. The main characters: divorced marine and drunken blacksmith. The major event of the story: funeral.
The theme of this story: weird action. The main characters: unethical merchant and strong servant. The start of the story: betrayal. The end of the story: repentance.
The theme of this story: weird relationship. The main characters: unathletic hermit and ruthless trader. The major event of the story: argument.
The theme of this story: allegorical action. The main character: mean-spirited daycare employee. The start of the story: critical injury. The end of the story: discovery.
The theme of this story: metaphorical adventure. The main characters: domineering noble and experienced archivist. The start of the story: advice. The end of the story: journey.
The theme of this story: metaphorical revenge. The main characters: persuasive spaceship engineer and concieted champion. The start of the story: journey. The end of the story: funeral.
The theme of this story: noir crime. The main character: melancholy singer. The major event of the story: party.
The theme of this story: psychological character study. The main character: patriotic leader. The start of the story: alienation. The end of the story: party.
The theme of this story: satirical character study. The main character: drunken monk. The start of the story: war. The end of the story: engagement.
The theme of this story: serious horror. The main characters: divorced daycare employee and indecisive pedlar. The major event of the story: misunderstanding.
The theme of this story: surreal character study. The main characters: poised hermit and unwise priestess. The start of the story: birth. The end of the story: resignation.
The theme of this story: surreal crime. The main characters: scatterbrained businessman and patriotic ambassador. The start of the story: party. The end of the story: natural disaster.
The theme of this story: tragic crime. The main characters: tired mercenary and humble garbageman. The start of the story: death. The end of the story: destruction.
The theme of this story: dramatic adventure. The main characters: crazy exorcist and charismatic acrobat. The start of the story: longing. The end of the story: training.
The theme of this story: metaphorical relationship. The main character: nurturing murderer. The major event of the story: misunderstanding.
The theme of this story: psychological horror. The main character: wealthy schoolboy. The major event of the story: journey.
The theme of this story: psychological quest. The main character: unstable wanderer. The major event of the story: lecture.
The theme of this story: satirical relationship. The main characters: religious trader and brave comic. The start of the story: reconciliation. The end of the story: dream.
The theme of this story: serious mystery. The main character: tired druid. The major event of the story: failure.
The theme of this story: wacky conspiracy. The main characters: humble computer programmer and unstable weapons master. The major event of the story: service.
The theme of this story: weird adventure. The main character: philosophical rat-catcher. The start of the story: inheritance. The end of the story: infiltration.
The theme of this story: weird drama. The main characters: old detective and inhibited cleric. The major event of the story: political conflict.
The theme of this story: weird revenge. The main character: miserable lawman. The major event of the story: hunting.