this is a pretty interesting topic ;)
i did some research.
here's a list with some info:
here's some more info: (sorry it's so long- the site was hard to read so i copied and pasted it)
Everybody of us heard about supernatural abilities of some people. There are a lot of people who have such abilities and use them that nowadays discussions about their abilities are not a secret any more. The most frequent supernatural abilities are deportation, telekinesis, telepathy, levitation, foreseeing of future, superpower. These and a lot of other abilities were taken as a base for many plots and there are a lot of comics that tell us about super people that use their abilities whether to help people or to harm them.
Deportation is a process of disappearance in one place and appearance in another one in one moment without existing of an object in other intermediate points between two destinations with the help of technological means or supernatural abilities. Teleportation is thought to be supernatural ability that is described in many books and thought to be magic.
Telekinesis is a term of parapsychology that is used to name supernatural ability of a person to influence and move the objects with a power of mind. According to some scientists almost every person has this ability. During evolution people simply lost this ability and this ability is not supernatural but natural.
Scientists try to explain this ability and some people even try to develop this ability.
Telepathy is the ability of transmitting of thoughts and emotions to others with the help of mind and making influence in such way on objects without using any technological means. Till now the existence of this ability wasn't proved. The base of this ability is considered to be intuition, Déjà vu. And people who have this ability are called telepaths.
Levitation is the ability of an object to overcome gravitation. During history a lot of people were considered to have this ability. Some people say that it is a gift of God and many religions mention this possibility of God or saint people. Famous comics are based on this ability of some people. World known Superman could fly too.
Superpower is enormous power that a person may possess. Nowadays the definition of this term is much contradicted and is not determined. The question is what power should be considered supernatural. But still it is a popular ability for heroes in fantastic and magic.
Foreseeing of future is the ability of a person to see future and know what is going to happen. One of the most famous people who had this ability is Nostradamus that predicted the Second World War.
Whether people have these abilities or not is a question that is very complicated to answer. We can't know it for sure. But the main problem about these possibilities is whether a person uses them for good or to harm someone. But till now scientists try to give scientific explanation of such abilities.
here's some more info:
if you're interested, try searching specific abilities- typing in "supernatural abilities" into yahoo is going to bring up thousands of things.
also, try your library- there are lots of books about supernatural topics
you could try looking for books online, too- books you wouldn't see in a library. there's lots of bookstores that sell books about religions, abilities, how to gain supernatural powers, and other topics.
i'm not sure how much i believe in all of the supernatural powers& everything, but that is very cool about your friend
if you're looking to gain supernatural abilities, there's a lot of websites and books on that- do some research.
there's even games online that are made for practicing psychic abilities and stuff- or just for fun.