I'm considering writing a novel, would you read it?
2012-01-02 16:18:34 UTC
I have being considering writing a novel for a few months now and although I am young I understand that writing isn't something everyone can do but it is something I really enjoy. I am not looking to make a career out of becoming a writer, it is just something I like to do in my spare time. I used to write stories and things all the time when I was younger but as I grew up I stopped writing even though one of my stories was published into a book full of short stories when I was 8. So as I haven't put pen to paper in such a long time, I could really use your opinions on what you think to the basic outline of my novel if you don't mind. I would be grateful for any constructive criticism, suggestions or advice on how I could proceed...
Right here it is...

There is a teenage boy at school, a good grade B student with a promising future who changes drastically after being the only survivor in a car crash with his older brother and younger sister. The death of his siblings hits the boy hard and he struggles to cope with everything that is happening in his life. He cannot understand why he was the one that survived the car accident whilst his brother and sister were brutally killed.This causes him to become rebellious towards his parents,friends and school. He then goes on to befriend the wrong crowd at school and it is not long before he is taking part in things such as smoking, drugs,drinking, joy riding - anything that will allow him to forget what happened. Then one night his new friends decide it will be fun to steal his mum's car and take it for a ride, he agrees but is not in the best state as he has consumed copious amounts of alcohol and ends up crashing the car into a tree. Luckily no one is fatally injured - everyone escapes with cuts and bruises, but he is yet again left facing the same question, why didn't he die? The realisation of the events open up his eyes and he realises that he needs to turn his life around quickly to have any chance of succeeding in the career he has always wanted to pursue....

This is the basic outline of the novel, let me know what you think and please be honest!

Thanks :)
Fourteen answers:
2012-01-02 16:35:24 UTC
You should write this.

You have identified threads that are relevant to your own age group and to older readers. It will take a lot of work, but I think you already know that. Although you re writing from the point of view that is relevant to you and your age... don't think that is wrong. All first novels are autobiographical. This is because the principal rule of writing is to write about what you know!

Yours is a mature approach to that first step of being a serious writer. Whether you have the ambition to be a professional writer or not... you have the capability.

I too never wanted to write for a living. I have three novels, two volumes of short stories and almost a hundred poems 'under my belt'. I also write and record my own songs.

I have never tried to have anything published... but I take great pride in my work. My family and friends read my work (some with more interest than others!)... but I am happy that I create. You should be too!

Art is not about so called 'success'... it is about doing something that only you can do.

Good luck. Story telling is so much more important than spouting opinions... and too much writing is about opinions!
2016-05-16 19:44:48 UTC
I'm sure that some novelists read other novelists and others don't read other novelists. However, there is a lot more out there in the world to read than novels and I doubt that someone who doesn't read a lot is going to be a famous writer. That would be like someone who has never run wanting to win a race in the olympics.
2012-01-02 16:54:52 UTC
After the second car crash he then decides to change his life around but why? No one dies in the crash so why should he bother? Normally a death of someone in a story often can make someone change, like how he did when his brother and sister died. Also I think that's a bit over the top that his brother and sister died, why not just have one of them die? I don't really get it, but hey this is your first novel right? So don't take it personal what I say. My first novel I didn't even finish, and still haven't finished any, even though I too would like to write one. I think its good you want to be a writer though. You keep writing yeah, and believe in yourself xx
2012-01-02 16:52:49 UTC
Once a brilliant student, but now shadowed by the fatal accident causing the loss of his siblings, a young man finds himself questioning who he is., he is tossed into a downward spiral of rebellion, hate, drugs, and alcohol. Stealing a car, avoiding school, and looking for a way to drown his sorrow, he finds himself in yet another car accident. Who am I? Why can’t I die? What is happening to my life? Are only some of the Questions he must answer to revive the life that he once knew and to give him any light in his life. Will he figure it all out in time to save his life long dreams? Only time can tell…

I can see it now man, go for it! I have just decided to start trying to write a Novel myself, and you are already farther along than me. Good Luck!
2012-01-02 17:02:09 UTC
In short, Yes, I would read it

I think you have a really interesting theme to your novel, a 'loss of innocence' theme (essentially what you have created) has been done alot,but, from your synopsis, it seems you have steered away from a typical story and created a different, more realistic approach, . Bereavement is difficult to cope with, people react differently, by far the most interesting of these reactions is the darker reaction, something I experienced myself, and so myself, and many others, will be able to relate Relation is one of if not the most importance factors authors need to include if readers are to empathize with your character. If the reader cant understand the characters thoughts and feelings, and feel whatever the character is going through, how are they going to show any interest in the rest of the novel?

Whilst I think the idea is excellent. Parts of your synopsis aren't entirely (and note that I am only focusing on the negative points - rather than the positive points)

I think the main problem is the lack of conflict. Sure, you have a huge conflict of his siblings dying, but you need a major conflict towards the end that really pushes the character. I like the 'stealing mothers car' idea, but rather than having the character's 'realization' spawn from the crash you need to give your character a more prominent reason. Remember you've just seen your character go through alot of pain, and he has channeled it through drugs/alcohol. He isn't going to give up on his mind too easily. Perhaps his mother finds out about the car stealing, and after a shouting match between the two, the mother expresses her disappointment in her son perhaps saying she wishes it were him who died in the car crash at the beginning and not the other two. This could then lead the character (driven by anger over what his mother said to him ) to attempt suicide. Drastic, I know, but altogether shocking and would be a great reason (assuming he survives the attempt) for the character to realize that life is short, beautiful, and that he needs to change his ways. Just a suggestion - but one that I think would pay off brilliantly, both giving an emotionally satisfying conclusion, as well as adding heaps of character depth to your main character.

My second, and last, constructive criticism, is more advice (as I don't know your writing style or how much character exploration you are willing to take on) but since your character is going to be involved in serious stuff, like drugs, violence..., you need to make sure that the guy isn't unlikable. Get into his head and find what is making him do these things. Express these on the page to allow sympathy to blossom for him. If the reader doesn't like the character then they won't care about the pain he is going through. Perhaps he could have bad dreams of the day his brother and sister died. Another suggestion is to have a sense of progress in the novel. Around the middle, make it seem as if he is slowly getting better, maybe have him seeing a therapist, ignoring his 'bad' friends, getting better grades. Only to have him get dragged back down again.s by his 'bad' friends teasing him and bullying him about being a wuss because he doesn't because he refuses to do illegal stuff with them since he stared seeing the therapist. This would increase sympathy for him, as well as allowing the reader a glimpse of what he is capable of (i.e. getting out of his post bereavement depression)

These are my thought with your novel. A brilliant idea that has the potential to be an outstanding novel. You just need to follow my advice on the conflict, and make sure you include enough development to make your character likable.

I would buy this book if I saw it in shops. When you eventually finish it, send it off to some publishers, you never know, they might accept and you could have a bestseller on you hands! :)

I may only be 15, but both my parents are authors so I am happy to help!

Good Luck with your novel !!!
2012-01-02 16:35:33 UTC
When you say the siblings were brutally killed, was there something malicious about the car crash? It’s just that the word brutally makes me think murder.

I guess it will all depend on how the story is written and the ride you take your reader on as they follow him on his plath of self destruction.

If it is a lot of self loathing and self pity as he goes about recking his life , I don’t know if it would be my cup of tea. However if there is something more profound that happens to him then I think I would read it.

As long as that ride is interesting, the story would be worth reading.
2012-01-02 16:25:50 UTC
I think that is EPIC!!!!!! I think that is a good novel outline and it has a moral to it - No matter what happens and you want to forget, drugs,drink,smoking,joyriding won't help
green meklar
2012-01-02 21:28:30 UTC
This isn't the sort of story I usually read, I go more for speculative fiction.
2012-01-02 16:25:39 UTC
why didn't he die? The summary only said he realizes he needs to turn his life around, but why didn't he die in the first place?
2012-01-02 16:36:07 UTC
I so sorry, not trying to be critical at all, its just it sounds somewhat similar to footloose, but it is different in some other ways. but dont let me deter you, its just my honest opinion. gud luck;D
2012-01-02 16:23:04 UTC
This sounds great! You should deffinetly write your novel! I would read it.
2012-01-02 16:24:59 UTC
Really good! You should write it!
2012-01-02 16:23:08 UTC
Wow, very nice.
2012-01-02 21:53:33 UTC
i would

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