Harry Potter Or Twilight? And I ONLY want literate and intelligent people to answer!?
2009-05-09 18:46:29 UTC
The reason why I said that I wanted literate and intelligent people to reply is because :
(a) A stupid/annoying twilight girl will come here and say, "OMG! EDWARD IS HOT! AND HE IS MY BFFL"

^.^ don't you think that is PATHETIC?!

I support harry potter, his plot is way better, and he is NOT repetitive and HE DOES NOT keeps describing their appearances.

Whereas Twilight, is repetitive and uninteresting.

Those books should never be compared..
because they are different in MANY WAYS,
Example : A Harry Potter Fan is of any age, and any gender and has sense.

And a twilight fan is a "WANNABE" Edward Cullen's girlfriend who is desperate for entertainment :)

I read all 4 of the twilight series
And I read all 7 books of harry potter.

What do YOU prefer?
Eighteen answers:
Billet- Doux
2009-05-09 18:52:42 UTC
Literate, intelligent answers ... Well that entirely eliminates Twilighters from answering this question. Won't stop them though. NOTHING can stop the wrath of 12 year old estrogen fits.

I have a whole list of why HP is better than Twilight:

Harry potter has sold over 400 million copies, 24 million on its' release date. Twilight didn't even sell half of that.

Twilight has several million plot holes. the book itself is a huge hole

twilight appeals to more females than it does to males. harry potter appeals to BOTH males and females and even a music crazy, a theme park and merchandise has been set up

Edward Cullen has no protein, because his body doesn’t need it. Protein is a component of DNA, which is also found in sperm. Edward has no sperm, so how the **** did he conceive Renessme? Sperm are living cells that need to be reproduced, and if you’ve been dead for a hundred years, I do believe that your sperm would be long dead. It is also physically impossible for a baby to be produced in a few short months. Bella’s body should have rejected the fetus.

Imprinting is when you find your best genetic match, right? So Jacob’s best genetic match is a mortal-vampire hybrid. Now that is droll. Oh and 23 chromosomes and 24 chromosomes does not produce a viable kid. Nessie should have down syndrome or should be dead. GAH!!

Another fault – Alice saw the Volturi invasion right, even though werewolves were involved? What happened to her not being able to see things when wolves were there?

Oh and why the **** does Jasper go to school when he can’t be around people? I mean, they could have hid him well enough. They don’t even have to go to school!!!

Also, Edward’s really scared about getting venom in Bella’s mouth when he kisses her. And if she didn’t get preggers off his sperm, she got pregnant off his venom??? WHAT? I think her moot would have been deformed, if getting venom in her mouth would have transformed her into a


And my favourite one - Carlisle was hiding in the London sewers in the 1700’s … London didn’t have sewers in the 1700’s lol.

Harry Potter has way stronger and better structured characters... Twilight has characters with NO personality like moronic wh*res like Bella and Edward who has less of a personality than my goldfish?

Harry Potter is both appealing for adults and kids, whereas Twilight is more appealing to 12 year old girls

Eurgh! Harry potter just pwns Twilight all over
Adam Falcon
2009-05-09 19:23:36 UTC
Ok well if you expect and intelligent literary answer you should start by asking a question of equal value for the record. When you spend your entire question bashing a book without and of those "logical" reasonings behind it you can't blame them for responding with equally lame answers. But fine you want a logical answer and I'll give you one anyway.

I prefered Harry Potter....but the Twilight series was really good as well, and excellent books by a literary standard. If they aren't your type then so be can respect that and not throw a temper tantrum.

I always see people complaining that Twilight is weak writing, weak plot, overly simplified characters, cliche', yadda yadda. The problem is...that its not true for Popular Fiction which is the genre that Twilight falls under! Most people do not know the difference between Popular Fiction and Literature Fiction.

Literature Fiction has deeper more complex characters and plots. Cliche's are avoided and the writing level is usually very high. Its intended to stimulate your mind/intellect. Harry Potter fits better into this chatageory...although it flirts between both a bit. Its just an incredible book in all senses. A classic.

Popular Fiction on the other hand is a much lighter, simpler form of writing which is aimed to sell books. The writing doesn't have to be of a high level, and usually isn't...its wrote in a simple way that anybody could read and thus sell more books. Also cliche's and simple plots are a staple...its supposed to be a light sunday afternoon read. It isn't intended to stimulate your mind or intellect....its intended to stimulate your emotions. The goal is to make you relate on an emotional level and send you through the story on the same roller coaster of emoitions that the characters are feeling. This is why so many fan girls fell in love with Edward....Meyer's did an excellent job of putting Bella's feelings into the writing and transferring them to the reader. WHY would you want to stimulate emotions and not intellect....well because its fun. Thats right....FUN. The aim of a Popular Fiction book ultimately is to simply be a fun book to read. You don't come away with anything other than the enjoyment of losing yourself in someone elses life for a while. Both Harry Potter and Twilight did excellent jobs of this. The fans...yes they're anoying,....but if nothing else they are obvious proof that the books did their job. They were fun, made a lot of people happy, and sold a lot of copies!!

So yes... Harry Potter is the better book because it did it all. Was deep, made you think, feel emotions, and was fun. was light, easy to read, took you on that roller coaster of emotions, and was a fun way to spend an afternoon. Both books hit their mark.... apparently you aren't a Popular Fiction fan. Nothing wrong with that....just don't try to judge all books by that standard or you will be sorely dissapointed. Based on Literature Fiction standards...Twilight was terrible. Based on Popular Fiction was excellent. Different strokes for different folks. But try to be open minded and accept that just because you disliked it...doesn't mean it was a bad book.

Harry's the man....but I liked them both. Oh and I'm a 20 year old man by the way.
Jessica E
2009-05-09 18:59:21 UTC
I read both. Since you want intelligent:

It's stereotypical and ignorant of you to say that a Twilight fan is a wannabe Mrs. Cullen, and to imply that they are without sense. Even when I was a Twilight fan, I never liked Edward. Or Bella for that matter.

Now that that's out of the way:

I liked Twilight when I first read it, but then it got boring to me. The only characters I really like are Alice, Jasper, Jacob, and sometimes Emmett.

I hated Harry Potter when I first heard of it, then my parents made me see the movie and I started reading the books. I like all the characters and I love the plot.

Anyways, in conclusion, Harry Potter FTW.

But both series are a bit overrated.
2009-05-09 20:12:23 UTC
Its actually difficult to compare the two series because they are both entirely different. I am a Twilight fan and I have read some of the HP books. I really enjoyed both the books ( I read up to the 4th HP book) Rowling definitely has more experience in writing under her belt, but in each book Meyer has grown as a writer. In fact, I don't feel like people should have to choose what series is better. Obviously, people will have loved both the series or just loved one of the series, they are entilted to their opinion. The main thing I didn't like in HP was that at times the writing was a tad boring, and I am well aware of the fact that Meyer can ramble too long about an event that happens in the story. The only vice I had with Twilight was the main character: Bella. She can be demanding, bratty, and a snit. In the Twilight series Edward is one of my favorite characters but I don't go around saying "OMG! EDWARD IS HOT! AND HE IS MY BFFL." Keep in mind that in both of the series these characters aren't even real...
2009-05-09 19:00:07 UTC
I thought they were both decent books, I did like Harry Potter quite a bit more, but I'm not going to say twilight fans are only wannabe Mrs. Cullens. ;)

I like Harry Potter because it has very many unique ideas; the vampire falls in love with a human is somewhat cliche. There are many vampire romances (I'm not sure my Twilight is so much more popular) but there's only one Hogwarts, one Harry.

I feel like a lot more effort was put into the HP books because of all the many angles and the way they all fit together. I understand that Twilight had many angles as well, but not as many of the characters were developed in my humble opinion.

Speaking of that, I thought that the characters in HP had so much more depth. Almost everyone had their story. In Twilight, the only extremely developed characters were Bella, Edward, Jacob and choice members of the Cullen family. Her parents, friends, etc didn't all prove themselves and have their own history, or at least one that showed.

I do like how in Twilight none of the big characters were killed off, but that also made HP a bit more interesting as well. I know I wasn't the only one of my seat when we found out people were going to be dying in the final book. ;)

Overall, I do like both books, but I do like Harry Potter more. Twilight is good for a light read, at least in my opinion. I know people prefer Twilight, and that is of course their opinion as well. Not all of them are desperate Mrs. Cullens. ;D (Though there are quite a few... :p )
Jennifer M
2009-05-09 19:12:35 UTC
I have read all the books in question.

First let me say that I am a super huge vampire novel book fan.

Next let me say that Twilight is NOT the best vampire novel series.

Harry Potter is better organized, better written, provides for better imagination of the world, and has far far better storylines and plot twists. Harry Potter appeals to your want of: a world where nearly anything is possible, magical problems and occurrences, interpersonal relationships, love and friendship, battle of good versus evil, and allows for a much better "escape."

Twilight is very very easy to read because a.) genre and b.) content. I read Twilight in like 8 hours. Yes it draws you in partly because it is interesting and partly because it is so easy read. The twilight novels reminded me of the L. J. Smith Vampire Diaries novels. These types of books appeal to that want of young perfect love with a dangerous twist to it.

The thing that saves twilight is....Edward. If there was no Edward or if he was not as alluring as he is made out to be in the books then there would be NO twilight, twi-nerds, twi-hards, whatever. Also what helps Twilight is Robert Pattinson. Love him or hate him, he makes a good Edward (when he is acting well that is.) Do you see any boys sitting on the edges of their seats biting their fingernails until they can see Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) again? That would be because the vast majority of Twilight fans are tween to teenage girls and we all know the power of that demographic (read: Titanic is still number 1.)

I prefer Harry Potter out of the two choices.

If you truly want to some good honest meaty vampiric reading? I suggest Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake series and Charlane Harris' Series which is what HBO's Trueblood is based on. Both of these have much much much better storylines and don't leave you wanting. I wanted to burn "Breaking dawn" after reading it...god, prose vomit.
2009-05-09 19:03:04 UTC
Easy question. Harry Potter pwns Twilight for many reasons. One being that Stephanie Meyer is in the writing business to 'challenge' J.K. Rowling because J.K. acutally has common writing sense. Rowling is an epic genius and her books are very 'literature-esque'. Meyer's books are droll and a stupid plot bunny, thought by half of the teenage girl population to be 'wonderful and charming', though the last one, 'Breaking Dawn', I believe, was nothing but a horribly written FanFiction piece. J.K. is inspiring and her last two books actually made me cry, despite her last irritating thought on trying to be cool and making Dumbledore gay and Harry with Ginny and Ron with Hermione, but that is an opinion, not a literary fail. Meyer did nothing with her characters but restate the fact that the whole reason Edward and Bella were together is because Bella wanted to jump his bones and he was an acient fool who was never going to get any. On that note, I am sorry if this offended anyone, because that was not my purpose.
2009-05-09 18:54:26 UTC
I read all Twilight books in 4 days.

I read each of the HP books within a day and a half.

Twilight sucked. Stephenie Meyer drew her character up as thin as a stick figure. Apparently all of the people in it have perfect little lives, and Bella's only flaw is her clumsiness, which isn't even a flaw. VAMPIRES DO NOT SPARKLE!

Harry Potter is terrific. Every character has flaws and strengths, and each has depth to them. Even though the story is fiction, it's still believable. What I love about HP is that J.K. Rowling doesn't search through a thesaurus for 50 different versions of one word and throw it into a sentence. Meyer uses 'chocolate shaded eyes" and "marble smooth skin", a surefire sign of an very amateur, mediocre author. I can't recall Rowling ever doing anything like this.

Twilight's plot line is as thin as the pen marks I drew in an X on the cover, too much drama over a kiss/view of Edward, and things just don't fall in place that well, not to mention as many plotholes as there is blades of grass on this planet. Harry Potter has a spectacular plot, little things that just fall in piece by piece, good humor, action, and just the tiniest bit of romance.

And let's just face it... Bella is the storybook version of Stephenie Meyer.

EDIT: In response to the above user, I believe Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire had a dance...the Yule Ball, perhaps? So your little prom excuse has officially been axed!
2009-05-09 20:47:10 UTC
I have read both the Twilight series and all 7 books of Harry Potter. Both series have their weaknesses and their highlights. I don't think they should be compared at all. Two totally different genres, with two different writing styles. I like them both for different reasons.

On a side not, not all Twilight fans are tween girls. I'm 24, married, and have a child. I was still able to enjoy reading the Twilight series.

I can't choose between the two because I like both books equally.
2016-10-20 10:40:02 UTC
I actual have examine the great Twilight Saga(greater desirable than as quickly as) and that i'm only approximately performed with the Harry Potter series. incredibly, magazines and all that public stuff made an excellent mistake comparing the two books. It places uneeded rivlary with the Twilight followers and Harry Potter followers. additionally, the people who're followers of the two experience a ought to decide on between the books. all of us is going to have distinctive evaluations on it is larger and which isn't. There the two distinctive and the only factor they have in straight forward is the committed followers, it only happens J.ok Rowling has lots greater. to answer your question, lots of the time human beings have not even examine between the series and declare that the only they examine is larger. Pathetic i comprehend.
2009-05-09 18:56:48 UTC
I think the Harry Potter series is better written as it is more in depth. There's more storylines, mystery and a variety of storylines and characters.

As much as I tried not to though, I love Twilight. I think it works BECAUSE it is mainly the one theme of love conquering all, and a lot of people still have hope that such a love exists.

I think they are both great books, but for entirely different reasons.
2009-05-09 19:02:12 UTC
I like harry potter better because it more magical than mythical where as twilight is more mythical. and you're right stephanie meyers described edward like fifthy times a book. also in twilight the only problem is someone wants to kill bell weather it's aro, james, victoria, laurent, or edward himself. In harry potter he has to over come different people and problems and more inner conflicts than twilight. and people dying is a lot more serious than your boyfriend leaving then coming back five months later.
2009-05-09 19:20:39 UTC
You ROCK!!! I totally agree with you. Those books have nothing in common. Harry Potter will forever be the best books in the world to me. I don't even need to read/watch Twilight to know it's bad (don't tell me I'm judging, I've read excerpts and seen clips, and it sucks).
2009-05-09 20:35:33 UTC
Honestly, Harry Potter is a bit boring.
2009-05-09 18:53:48 UTC
I definitely prefer Twilight. Mostly because Harry Potter is really boring and it's uninteresting to me. I'm not a Twilight Obsessed freak but i do like it much better than Harry Potter.
2009-05-09 18:55:36 UTC
i ve read both. and i prefer harry.though twilight is good,bella swooning all over edward couldnt be tolerated beyond some point.and the 2nd part bored me to death.
2009-05-09 18:52:14 UTC
i also read the whole series of both!!!!!!!!!! the way i see it, twilight is more romantic, and harry potter is more plottish. idk which one to choose. they r both so good.
2009-05-09 18:54:17 UTC
twilight, they are more realistic [not including the vampire part] but they have normal relationships, friends, things to go to [prom], and normal life events. so twilight. :]

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