2009-08-02 21:14:17 UTC
I've recently, as in this morning, finished reading the Harry Potter series and I truly love J.K's attitude towards writing. She has the skill to be the perfect blend of a writer because she is not afraid of death while writing and she isn't afraid to make her characters seem normal to the point of being terrified. She has those amazing skills and that’s what made me fall in love with her writing and since I'm finished, I need to know what book suggestions come next.
I want other books along the lines of being a hero but being afraid of what you are. I want to read an author who isn't scared to kill the characters in the book because the fight for life is the point of death. I want something that isn’t necessarily easy to read but isn’t difficult either. I just love the thrill of the story.
If you have any suggestions on what I should read please post them for me so I can check into them. Here is a brief list of other books I’ve read so that you know and I don’t get a bunch of double posts and it might possibly help to find other books for me as well.
Anita Blake series, Bite, Blood and Chocolate, Catcher in the Rye, Crank, Harry Potter Series, How to Kill a Mockingbird, Impulse, In Cold Blood, Pride and Prejudice, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Host, Twilight series, Where the Heart is, and Women of the Otherworld.
Here’s another thing that might help, I’m not into books that seem to repeat themselves which is why I’ve only made it 5 books in on the Anita Blake series and the Women of the Otherworld series. They’re quite repetitive with the battles and challenges that they face. I love Twilight, so Twilight fans please don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m not an undying fan of weak lead character, I like someone who is a little bit stronger. I know there are a couple romance books listed but I’m not a romance junkie, I’ve only read them because of the movies.
So now that you know a little bit about me, I hope that helps get some really good book suggestions on here. I’ve looked at a few related questions and they didn’t seem to really help me out.
So if you post something, thanks for your effort, but please, don’t be a smart aleck.
P.S. Will J.K. ever write again now that Harry Potter is finished? Or is she just going to be one of those one hit wonder writers? I’d really love to see something new from her.