Is the show 'Dark Secrets' fact or fiction?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Is the show 'Dark Secrets' fact or fiction?
63 answers:
2014-07-05 00:58:46 UTC
Ok guys, I came across this a bit differently - I just wanted the wiki page for the show(which doesn't exist yet).

The show is obviously fake from the beginning, thanks to the opening sequence - "A secret room is found containing...blah blah blah... Dark Secrets!"

The backstory of the show is easy to grasp - the hidden room that is found contains all this information - interview recordings, police documents, pictures, etc... and then from all that, the producers of the show put together "Dark Secrets." The interviews, recordings, pictures, all that is quite old - my best guess is several decades based on the equipment shown - such as the quite old recordings device that is often shown while the narrator AKA The Detective is talking.

The Detective, as I like to call him, is the guy who has put together all this stuff. He is not one of the show producers (also, please keep in mind that this is all fiction and I'm just telling you the backstory of the show). He did all this quite some number of years ago - THAT IS WHY THE VIETNAM VETS ARE SO YOUNG. While the show producers are showing the show now, the actual recordings of the interviews and whatnot are done by the Detective quite some number of years ago - that episodes case, soon after the Vietnam War.

I believe, as part of the backstory of the show, the show itself only provides the reenactments. IE, the scenes where the due is beating the heads in of the Viets, or when the old dude and his wife are sitting in their house and he tells his wife that he needs to take a crap. It would be kind of hard for a guy in a basement to get footage of that, so I'm assuming that we're not supposed to think it was provided by the Detective.

So, three things to keep in mind while watching the show to enjoy it:

1) It is completely fiction

2) The Detective did not produce all this for the TV show - the producers of the TV show stumbled upon his work and used it to make the TV show (That's the fictional backstory).

3) The Detective did all his work (interviews, recordings, detective work, etc...) DECADES AGO. Between the 1960's and the late 1990's, it seems like.

It seems like so many people get angry/annoyed at this show simply because they can't grasp it. Some people get angry because they think it's real and then find out it's fiction and feel lied to. Others get angry because they think there's inconsistencies (and yes, there are a few, but most of them that get called out aren't really inconsistencies... an example being the Vietnam episode).

So please, go back and re-watch - pay attention to the opening sequence (it'll be the part towards the front of the show where a guy with a completely different and younger-sounding voice explains the shows premise about finding a secret room full of all the documentary stuff). You'll enjoy it so much more then.
2016-12-24 10:01:10 UTC
2014-07-02 21:17:12 UTC
Episode 2 gives it all away. Not only do the actors look too young to have been in the vietnam war, but the silver star letter at about 11 1/2 min says its being presented by siver star and has multiple typos. Granted the government makes plenty of mistakes but misspelling credit and saving on an official document for a silver star seems more far fetched than the theories they have. Would be cool though if a room like that was ever found.
2014-07-02 05:10:46 UTC
I did a Google search for info on the first episode where Jerry Houghton spontaneously combusts. All I found was an imdb account for Alissa Julez or something like that, who was interviewed as his daughter. She has a website with her resume, listing the show as one of several acting gigs. This show is complete fiction.

I don't mind them attempting to entertain and weird people out, but at least don't file this under "Reality tv", that's just irresponsible. There are too many people willing to believe whatever they see on tv or read online. They almost got me, but luckily the skeptic in me required confirmation.
2014-07-02 12:40:17 UTC
I saw 6 episodes back to back and did as you did.. research it to learn more and nothing came up. Beyond the shows introduction which just seems like an out there kinda tale, the one episode that basically showed it was choreographed was one where they were interviewing the handyman of a hotel or something and during the interview, the guy was dressed up as a handyman holding a mop. If looked so staged. I don't quite get the value of this show, but it is somewhat entertaining.
2016-12-15 15:36:42 UTC
Dark Secrets Series
2014-06-28 07:52:11 UTC
After searching everything in regards the subject material in every episode I've come up with absolutely nothing. So much so that individuals directly linked to episodes for example: Lonesome Traveler, Prof. Sascha Rasmussen of Dayton University... a person who you should easily be able to look up... does not exist, nor has ever been part of the faculty at Dayton University. That is just one example of my inability to learn anything factual regarding any information, or key person involved in each episode. At no point do the creators of this show say that names have been changed to protect identities, the people are portrayed as actual individuals (although the actors portraying these characters can easily be found on imdb) and as such, one should be able to find at least one person from all the episodes with a simple internet search.

My overall opinion is that everything about this show is made up... entertaining and amusing, absolutely, but I take it for what it is, captivating stories meant to shock and entertain pure and simple.

I'm a skeptic pure and simple, I just can't accept out of hand any sort of claim without hard evidence.
2016-10-06 06:47:40 UTC
Dark Secrets
Amelia G
2014-07-06 09:00:31 UTC
The narrator is supposed to be "The Teller" that we are introduced to at the beginning of each episode. The narration, interviews, and photos are supposed to be what was "found" behind the locked door that they mention. Like we're watching the entire archive of "The Teller". This is 100% science fiction.

Also, the reason the Vietnam vets are 35 is because we're supposed to be watching the interviews that were done with them many years ago when "The Teller" originally interviewed them.
2014-06-29 19:28:12 UTC
All im saying is those Vietnam veterans in episode 2 were wayyyyyyy too young to be legit. They should've been about 60 by now and all looked no older than 35. Researched all the material. Nothing. Show is bullshit.
2014-07-07 21:22:22 UTC
Fiction. Plain and simple. Very entertaining however. I do wish the house in killer house did exist to knock off a few poeple I don't like. Kidding kidding of course.
2014-12-29 06:30:44 UTC
Personally I find the show very entertaining. Interesting. All I can say, is just because something isn't on Google, doesn't mean it might not be based on something true. Like there has never ever been anything false found on the internet! The absence of info on the internet, can't completely debunk a story in my opinion.
2014-06-29 23:52:23 UTC
It's listed as Sci-Fi. Travel Channel's

: America's Dark Secrets Declassified is not Sci-Fi
2014-06-27 18:45:05 UTC
I'm watching the show now. Looked up on google and can't find any evidence of the stories. I am still searching. Great show this far.
2014-07-08 19:51:32 UTC
I think its fact, well not the show of course, but the story's.
2014-06-28 19:07:40 UTC
Wow weird. I found this because I'm doing the same thing: researching names from the show and looking into IMDB details of the show itself. I can't find anything that proves it either way, but my opinion is that it's fake.
2014-07-09 23:18:03 UTC
OMG......It is soo fake....that after u pay attention to detail, you even wonder; did I really google it? However, it's somehow entertaining :-) after watching first episode I continued watching it anyway. Yes, don't waste your time looking for information you won't find anything not related to the show itself.
2014-07-09 23:35:16 UTC
The imdb page for 'Dark Secrets' says it's Sci-fI, so, probably not real. Lol
2014-06-29 17:37:25 UTC
Ive haven't been this entertained since the shows "the haunted" and "paranormal witness" came on the scene. 1st glancing at this on netflix, I thought it would be another cheesy bland supernatural show like a lot of em. SURPRISE ! 4 star program !
Well, you asked...
2014-07-02 22:56:35 UTC
Yeah, the Vietnam episode convinced me, too. All of the Vietnam vets I know are in their late 50s to late 60s. The guys they interviewed would have been born after the war.
2014-07-10 06:40:03 UTC
Though the show is fictional. The world around us is always in the opinion of "Keeping an open mind" A lot of people once believe dinosaurs never existed. We discovered these creatures then we began digging deeper finding lost cities like Pompeii, Herculaneum, the Valley of the kings in Egypt. Anything is probable we have extincted animals showing up and discovering new species of insects. As I said I like the show and how entertaining it is even though it's fictional.
2014-07-26 23:23:53 UTC
So I went about everything different instead I researched the claims like the one about sound killing people. I was amazed to find out that it is the truth. As week as several other facts displayed in this show. "The best trick is to make everyone believe it's fake just as the devil has people believing he isn't real."
marla i
2015-03-29 12:07:12 UTC
I also think that it's fake. There was an episode of soldiers from Vietnam and the people who were supposedly with this soldier was WAY too young for them to be the actual soldiers...not to mention, the soldier's mom would have probably been dead, but she looks young too...which makes me believe that, even though it's entertaining, it can't be true.
2014-07-04 12:03:18 UTC
2014-07-15 08:57:17 UTC
IMDB lists this show as sci-fi and has the people being interviewed as performers, so this should be enough evidence to prove that the show is purely fictitious. Like the fake documentary "Mermaids" I expected to see a disclaimer at the end saying that it was purely fictitious but I didn't see one. I really don't agree with these shows that portray themselves as real because it perpetuates misinformation. Even with the disclaimer so many actually believed that Mermaids: the New Evidence was real because it was presented as a documentary on Animal Planet.
2015-04-15 19:05:19 UTC
Season 1 Episode 8 has Lucerne County Chronicle...It doesn t exist. There s a Luzerne County.
2016-09-18 07:47:12 UTC
Extremely interesting question, hope we'll get some good opinions
CurtNeedsaRide _
2014-08-19 21:02:57 UTC
2014-07-10 11:27:50 UTC
The show itself is fake, that part in painfully obvious, HOWEVER, at least some of the stories have some sort of truth. For example, with the Talon creature, at the end, when the Detective is telling how a sea monster's body was found in a net, had photos taken, and then thrown back into the sea, THAT is true.

That story links up with I BELIEVE this photo, but don't quote me on that, part of me thinks I saw a different photo linked to it, but I didn't find anything on Google Images besides this one, which at least looks similar if not the same photo just edited. It's actually just a really decomposed whale, but was thought for the longest time to be a sea monster.

Also the whole killer dolphins, now I don't THINK anything like that actually came to be, but again, don't quote me on that, but I do know that it was at least in the works in various secret experiments from the government some decades ago.

So, most likely they took bits of interesting unexplainable incidents and made stories out of them, they did good, I love this show. Lol
2014-07-03 08:29:51 UTC
I found this searching also for the truth also. There could be little bits of truth in each story but for the most part, I think they have added their own flair to make it entertaining for people like us.
Christopher Leon
2016-06-28 07:13:16 UTC
Look listen to the show you know when your told to shut up and leave that's not fake the government funds forces to do the simple task of making you unaware of things like this not hating just saying what everyone else who knows what the government and federal reserve are up to behind our backs and you see it with Bernie Sanders
2014-06-28 08:04:32 UTC
honetly man i am watching it right now. and it all "seems" beliveable but if you want my honest opinion the only story here that seems beliveable is the story of that creature that violently destroyed and mangled the body of the diver that was diving with his freind near the "allen" ship.

oh yeah and the one story about the "RCO" "remote controlled organism" in the vietnam war. its allllll "very" unlikely in an end note because of the fact that because if they were real the goverment would never have allowed it to air. i dont know how long the show has been out....and i havent looked to tell you the truth all i know is there is only one season out. which seems to make it very recent. if any of these things are real i would expect that the show will dissapear from existence without warning or annoucement. well just have to see what happens

and keep in mind that i am a very spiritual person i belive in alot of things in this world i have even experienced some of these things i belive in (causeing my belive in other things) before someone misinterperettes no i dont mean i experieced the events in the show. i mean "my own" stuff like when i was a kid i was able to jump out of a second floor window of a barn on fire completly surrounding me i dont remember doing it i had blacked out, and all i remember was being in he fire and then later in my life i had intervied the firemen that saved me from the field in my fathers farm (not to far from the wreckage o the barn) and they said that there was no way i could have just walked out of there and the second story window looked like it had been dived thru.

there are alot more details proving this to be true. but im a lazy *** 23 year old and i dont feel like typing a damn 10 page essay to you. just know that by the time i woke up in the barn that the fire was touching everything, everything except a large portion of the floor where i was standing. and then thats when i blacked out and suppossedly dived out of the second floor window from the only non engulfed part of the barn.

things way out of the ordinary are really possible....its just that these things even tho i have been thru what i have been thru....its hard to ****** belive them.

we will just have to see what happens to the show i guess.

im srry if you dont belive what happened to me.....quite frankly i dont care. but you needed to know why i belive at least "some" of the storys were at least possible. just give it time and the truth will come out as always
2014-06-29 02:32:44 UTC
This has to be fiction. They almost had me, until I was able to actually sit down and pay attention to it. As I am watching now, it seems too far out there.
2014-07-25 06:54:53 UTC
I believe these are fiction with a remote basis for truth. The 7hz story is completely plausible.. Although a single fan is unlikely to cause that wide an effect...
Samuel Blondahl
2014-07-12 21:19:08 UTC
It was the 25 year old vietnam vets that made me come here. I know they are fake, but they they play it so straight, I wondered if it was supposed to be reenactments of "witness" testimony. Not sure what to make of this show now, but I do know that the History channel only continues to damage it's credibility with stuff like this.
2014-07-05 17:01:38 UTC
Fake as hell....35 year old Vietnam vets...lmao.....its fake like The Lost Tapes and Fox News
2014-07-02 14:48:15 UTC
its fiction, the ranger episode confirmed it for me, the classified photos of a "investigation" are pretty much the confirmation. and the 30 year old Vietnam vet telling part of the story.
Kristy H
2014-07-16 21:14:27 UTC
I'm sorry, your wife believes there are Vietnam Vets that when filmed in 2013 look like they are in their 30's? That is a dead give away. Also, while absorbed twins is actually a real thing, the underdeveloped brain of one is not going to be able to take over a person. While I am not sure how far the territory of the Aztecs went, I think the program may have them out of area. I know a large part of their territory was in Mexico. And those villages that can still trace their roots back to the Aztecs are pretty much Catholic now. I'm not aware of anyone still worshiping the Aztec gods. Oh, the show it being tricky. Nahuatl is not the name of the people. It is the name of the language group. The people would be called Nahua, not Nahuatl.

I probably would have found it entertaining if it was in Science Fiction. Part of the reason this makes me mad is that I found it under documentaries when I started watching it.
AnnRuel Home Inspections
2014-07-04 18:56:28 UTC
Its like watching the major network news , all made up to entertain the masses
2014-07-13 10:46:27 UTC
It's funny how photos of the weird "tribal zombie" match up exactly with the re-enactment footage. Just pay attention people.
2015-01-25 14:27:31 UTC
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2014-07-13 20:32:45 UTC
It's just fiction. Just like good ol' law & order. Really, really good; so good that they got us hooked.
2014-06-28 10:06:36 UTC
I believe it's very well crafted fiction.....extremely entertaining....kind of like watching Fox News ......
James M
2014-08-28 02:54:23 UTC
Jeezus you people aren't bright, except for the one who still failed to find or offer the tale behind the show. The real question is "did someone really find a room full of **** some dood collected as research upon which they based this show?" It's pretty cool if it's based on the ramblings of some potential crackpot reasearcher that someone stumbled upon. It's not as cool if it's just some guy saying "hey let's pretend we found a bunch of stuff and pimp it as some avid researchers lost life's work!". Cool idea, but lame to present on the history channel without explanation. If the opening thing is true "hey we found this **** in a garage, cool huh?" then it's fair to present it as it is. Oh and in either case, they are all actors doing uh.. you know re-enACTments, dipshits. lol
2015-04-16 23:57:09 UTC
Super silly fiction seriously.
2014-07-26 09:07:24 UTC
Although names are wrong and interviews are obviously actors; you can't dismiss everything as fiction. All urban legends, myths, and tall tales are usually based on some fact. The interviews, as reenactments, would be set at the time of the interview. For example, if you do a war reenactment, you wouldn't portray the soldiers as they are today. The interviews of the soldiers are as they looked when the interview took place, which would have been 10 to 15 years after Vietnam. Andy, as a person, does not exist; however, upon close study of Silver star recipients throughout the Vietnam conflict shows a very brief description of a soldier with a similar incident. Very little is available on this particular soldier after his honorable discharge and details on the events are short and fuzzy. Very much could be a coincidence, but you never know......
2015-02-24 05:12:16 UTC
Anyone that thinks this is true, or even believed that for a momment, is a complete retard and should not be allowed on the Internet or to watch TV without intelligent supervision.
Mona K
2014-12-30 21:49:24 UTC
Okay it might not be fiction but it can be resulted from other consequences. How can an explosion awakes the other brain and helps him kill 4 other Vietnamese with bottom of a weapon! I think he went crazy after seeing his friends dying in that explosion and got so out of control revenging them and then lost his mind totally or maybe turned into multiple personality
2014-07-04 00:19:39 UTC
No. Show is fake as hell. You can tell these people are acting.

Also 32 year old Vietnam vets? Uhhhh. ...
2014-07-02 18:57:51 UTC
Wow I wish it were real. Then It would be a great show. Reminds me of wrestling
2015-05-08 01:44:12 UTC
But Jerry Haughton is a true story though. There is stuff online about that
2014-07-28 19:26:10 UTC
Could or not be truth, could or not be fake. I could understand , if it's not fake, that people involved would change their names.I post this, to remind this could be too:

"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine."--William Blum
2014-09-17 00:00:27 UTC
The Program is what is called a "Mockumentary" It is based on truth and made to look true but has both elements of truth and fiction. Mockumentaries have been being made for a very long time and some are very good and convincing but, for the most part not fully true. If you are interested in the subjects that are discussed in this type of program; as in further research on the subjects, you have to take a broad brush approach. Starting with the basic category, then topic, then subject and individual stories, separated by individual cases if available .ie digging down. Finding and separating the facts from the fictions that are added as filler. The mockumentary makes for great entertainment and is also quite fun to use for research purposes, but you must use great discernment and broad strokes to find the connected cases that are often combined to make one sensational case. In conclusion are the stories in this series true? Well, yes and no. They are based on truths and if you know how to research the subjects involved you will find those truths. Then as I have stated above you will have to separate the true cases from the fictional filler. I hope this helped.
2015-04-07 05:34:03 UTC
I looked up the havenhurst incident and it comes up with the right date and the year it happened but no story i kind of find that a little odd?
2014-07-13 11:46:23 UTC
maybe this is some kind of social experiment to see how far they can stretch the truth and still get people to believe. How far they can push mass hysteria
2015-05-17 12:17:21 UTC
The show provides reenactments of true events.
2014-06-27 23:40:02 UTC
Seems pretty fake to me but entertaining none the less.
2014-06-27 17:03:00 UTC
I don't know I'm watching it right now... And the "relatives" never seem legit... And 2nd brains and wtf... Seems out there but it's going to be on the history channel
2014-07-11 08:18:00 UTC
The whole show is B.S. not even remotely a reality created for the purpose of urban legends. The stories are no more real than them magazines you see at the grocery stores Walmart and sh-t, but for what it's worth I suppose it would make good story telling to scare kids on Halloween or around a campfire. beyond that it's crazy for any adult to believe something so far fetched is real. I had a feelings someone would question weather it's real or fake. Most people seem to know it's fake. What is sad is most women are more likely to believe that it's real, where as most men are naturally skeptical and have very good logical common sense reasons NOT to believe it. Most not all, but most. I'm also not saying all women are this stupid either. Just glad to see more ;people waking up to this,. being listed as reality when it is clearly fiction and should be listed as such.

However I would entertain the idea of going to a state park with electric on the camp sights and have an extension cord and tv near, not in danger of being burned by the fire pile and scare the kids with this B.S. Mockumentary. Some kids won t even fall for this and be skeptical and question weather or not it's real or B.S. like some of us know it is. Don't underestimate kids.
2015-01-28 13:10:49 UTC
This story is similar they could have added on to it
Thanks for all the Fish
2015-03-23 16:32:38 UTC
I want to believe...
2014-07-04 22:33:30 UTC
Two words: attack dolphin.
2015-03-25 23:23:37 UTC
so true

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.