2014-08-23 11:01:13 UTC
Assume that I am completely ignorant and know absolutely nothing about orcs or elves or halflings, where would you recommend I should start?
Keep in mind, assume that I know nothing of fantasy sub-genres. If you were to ask me what I expect from a fantasy novel I would simply answer "Adventure and Magic with knights and wizards". Really, treat me like a completely ignorant individual who has never even watched a movie or tv series, or played a video game in that genre.
Also, I would enjoy it more if you recommend a series that is part of a bigger world that features many more stories, rather than it being a one-off story in a world that is exclusive to that one adventure.
Thank you so much for trying to help! :)
Oh, and if you really feel like it (and I know this is an outrageous request already because fantasy is such a huge genre and this is all hard enough), you could also recommend me a Sci-Fi book for starters (haha) Again, assume complete ignorance!