2009-11-25 16:14:13 UTC
So the main character is named Ashley Howell, and yeah, he's a guy. He thinks his name is too girly, so he goes by Ash, and will NOT let anyone know what his real name is :) He is average height with brown, thoughtful eyes, light brown hair that gets in the way of his eyes, and he's thin. Well, he's very insecure. He likes to write poetry and play the guitar (absolutely LOVES music...especially Green Day and Linkin Park), and he hates sports...
But all of his friends are obsessed with sports. (Are they his true friends...? That is a question asked many times within the story...) His friends are all very sporty and popular and fun.
Spencer and David (Davey) are both in soccer. Spencer is tall with light, short, blond hair and blue eyes. Thin... Cheerful, with always something to smirk about. Davey is a bit shorter with black hair and green eyes, always thoughtful...he isn't as thin as Spencer, but he's average. Very serious when he needs to be, yet very energetic when he wants to be!
Jayden, Cayden (twins), and Richard are in basketball. Jayden and Cayden are both identical, but their only difference is their eye colour (and their completely different personalities)! They're both incredible tall and intimidating. Jayden's eyes are a deep, deep green, while Cayden's are brown. They have dark blond hair...Jayden is always joking, and Cayden is always serious. Many people say that Cayden took Jayden's seriousness and Jayden took Cayden's fun at birth! Oh, and Richard is average height with light brown hair and green eyes...he's Ashley's best friend since Kindergarten.
And, last but definitely not least, is Jo-Jo. He's the odd one out. He is into baseball. He's kind of that dangerous-looking guy. With black hair that falls over his eyes and borders his pale face, with almost-black eyes, and very slim body, you would definitely not assume he was a sporty kind of person. More like a secluded punk/emo guy.
Then there's the other main character, Anastasia Stanwood. She's the spunky, crazy, full-of-great-ideas kind of girl. She calls herself Talia. So it became her nickname...well, she's average height with brown, wavy hair that borders her pretty face. Her green eyes are always bright and dancing with whatever is on her mind. She is true to herself, not caring what everyone else thinks, but believes only what she believes. She's rather interesting.
1. What do you think of the name Ashley for this insecure guy? Who isn't true to himself? Who needs a bit of cheering up and fun with some real friends?
2. What do you think of the name Anastasia (Talia) for the spunky, fun girl? She's the one who will let out Ashley's true self (his poetry and music, etc...)
3. What do you think of the name Richard for Ashley's best friend? (By the way, Richard changes a lot...because Ashley moves away in grade 4 and comes back in grade 9 and Richard made many "popular" friends...etc...) So they basically talk to each other, but their best-friendship kind of ended...with time...yeah...
4. What do you think of the names Spencer and David (Davey) as soccer players?
5. What do you think of the names Jayden, Cayden (twins), and Richard as basketball players?
6. What do you think of the name Jo-Jo as a baseball player?
Thanks soooo much, definitely will choose best answer :)
This is for a story...just wondering your opinions (suggestions welcome) on these names..