I need New Moon quotes!!?
2009-01-09 17:08:30 UTC
as many as you got, but just from new moon!
Fourteen answers:
2009-01-09 17:26:54 UTC
Taken from my friend's blog... Sorry it's so long.

Time passes. Even when it seems impossible. When each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise. It passes unevenly in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.

– Bella

Forbidden to remember, terrified to forget.

– Bella

“Oh c’mon! The blood squirted twenty feet out of that guy. How fake can you get?”

– Jacob

“Who’s afraid of the big, bad wolf?”

– Jacob

“Death, that has sucked the honey of thy breath, hath no power yet on thy beauty,”

– Edward

I knew we were both in mortal danger. Still, in that instant, I felt well. Whole. I could feel my heart racing in my chest, the blood pulsing hot and fast through my veins again. My lungs filled deep with the sweet scent that came off his skin. It was like there had never been any hole in my chest. I was perfect—not healed, but as if there had never been a wound in the first place.

– Bella

It was heaven—right smack in the middle of hell.

– Bella

“I’m here, and I love you. I have always loved you, and I will always love you. I was thinking of you, seeing your face in my mind, every second that I was away. When I told you that I didn’t want you, it was the very blackest kind of blasphemy.”

– Edward

“Before you, Bella, my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars—points of light and reason. And then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty. When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black. Nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded by the light. I couldn’t see the stars anymore. And there was no more reason for anything.”

– Edward

“She won’t be tainting perfectly good air by breathing in and out for much longer.”

– Edward

“Marry me first.”

“Okay… what’s the punch line?”

“You’re wounding my ego, Bella. I just proposed to you, and you think it’s a joke.”

“Edward, please be serious.”

“I am one hundred percent serious.”

– Edward/Bella

“So eager for eternal damnation.”

– Edward

“Yesterday, when I would touch you, you were so… hesitant, so careful, and yet still the same. I need to know why. Is it because I’m too late? Because I’ve hurt you too much? Because you have moved on, as I meant for you to? That would be… quite fair. I won’t contest your decision. So don’t try to spare my feelings, please—just tell me now whether or not you still love me, after everything I’ve done to you. Can you?”

“What kind of idiotic question is that?”

– Edward/Bella

“I may not be a human, but I am a man.”

– Edward

I’m sorry that I can’t be the right kind of monster for you, Bella.”

– Jacob

His words in the forest meant nothing. It did not matter if he did not want me. I would never want anything but him, no matter how long I lived.

– Bella

“I think she’s going into hysterics. Maybe you should slap her.”

– Alice

“How strongly are you opposed to grand theft auto?”

– Alice

“I told him that you were planning to corrupt my youthful innocence.”

– Jacob

“If I’m silly, then you’re dangerously unbalanced.”

– Bella

For now, it felt like he wanted me, and that was enough to offset the horror of the subterranean tunnel and the prowling vampires behind us. It was probably no more than guilt—the same guilt that compelled him to come here to die when he believed that it was his fault that I killed myself. But I felt his lips press silently against my forehead, and I didn’t care what the motivation was. At least I could be with him before I died. That was better than a long life.

– Bella

Well, clearly, I’d gone too far; it must have been a mistake to let my imagination get so out of hand. Okay, so “let” was the wrong word. I’d forced it to get out of hand—pretty much stalked my hallucinations—and now my mind had snapped.

– Bella

“I can see where you might confuse me with a nightmare, but I can’t imagine what you could have done to wind up in hell. Did you commit many murders while I was away?”

“Obviously not. If I was in hell, you wouldn’t be with me.”

– Edward/Bella

“The worst the Volturi can do is kill me. You can leave me.”

– Bella

“I’m not going anywhere. Not without you. I only left you in the first place because I wanted you to have a chance at a normal, happy human life. I could see what I was doing to you—keeping you constantly on the edge of danger, taking you away from the world you belonged in, risking your life every moment I was with you. So I had to do something, and it seemed like leaving was the only way. If I hadn’t thought you would be better off, I could have never made myself leave. I’m much too selfish. Only you could be more important than what I wanted… what I needed. What I want and need is to be with you, and I know I’ll never be strong enough to leave you ag
2009-01-09 17:36:19 UTC
’m dead, right? I did drown. Crap, crap, crap! This is gonna kill Charlie.”

Bella Swan, New Moon, Chapter 23, p.502

You should probably know that I’m breaking the rules right now. Well, not technically, since he said I was never to walk through his door again, and I came in the window… But, still, the intent was clear.

Edward Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 23, p.503

After all the thousand times I’ve told you I love you, how could you let one word break your faith in me?

Edward Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 23, p.510

I could see it in your eyes, that you honestly believed that I didn’t want you anymore. The most absurd, ridiculous concept—as if there were any way that I could exist without needing you!

Edward Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 23, p.510

You’re not asleep, and you’re not dead. I’m here, and I love you. I have always loved you, and I will always love you. I was thinking of you, seeing your face in my mind, every second that I was away. When I told you that I didn’t want you, it was the very blackest kind of blasphemy.

Edward Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 23, p.510

Of course I love you—and there’s nothing you can do about it!

Bella Swan, New Moon, Chapter 23, p.512

Before you, Bella, my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars—points of light and reason… And then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty. When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black. Nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded by the light. I couldn’t see the stars anymore. And there was no more reason for anything.

Edward Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 23, p.514

My heart hasn’t beat in almost ninety years, but this was different. It was like my heart was gone—like I was hollow. Like I’d left everything that was inside me here with you.

Edward Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 23, p.515

He was a fool to think you could survive alone. I’ve never seen anyone so prone to life-threatening idiocy.

Alice Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 17, p.386

Edward was right—you’re a magnet for danger. Weren’t you supposed to be staying out of trouble?

Alice Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 17, p.387

Leave it to you, Bella. Anyone else would be better off when the vampires left town. But you have to start hanging out with the first monsters you can find.

Alice Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 17, p.387

What did you think you were going to find? I mean, besides me dead? Did you expect to find me skipping around and whistling show tunes? You know me better than that.

Bella Swan, New Moon, Chapter 17, p.389

t was night of the living dead around here. I still hear her screaming in her sleep…

Charlie Swan, New Moon, Chapter 17, p.397 (so sad)

It was like someone had died—like I had died. Because it had been more than just losing the truest of true loves, as if that were not enough to kill anyone. It was also losing a whole future, a whole family—the whole life that I’d chosen…

Bella Swan, New Moon, Chapter 17, p.398

I didn’t have to look to know who it was; this was a voice I would know anywhere—know, and respond to, whether I was awake or asleep… or even dead, I’d bet. The voice I’d walk through fire for—or, less dramatically, slosh every day through the cold and endless rain for. Edward.

Bella Swan, New Moon, Chapter 1, p.4

You’re only a senior once. Might as well document the experience.

Alice Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 1, p.9

How many times have you been a senior?

Bella Swan, New Moon, Chapter 1, p.9

So, as discussed, I am not allowed to wish you a happy birthday, is that correct?

Edward Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 1, p.9

It was easy to see where his inspiration came from—but Edward’s look wasn’t something that could be achieved through imitation.

Bella Swan, New Moon, Chapter 1, p.12

Attention is never a good thing, as any other accident-prone klutz would agree. No one wants a spotlight when they’re likely to fall on their face.

Bella Swan, New Moon, Chapter 1, p.12

College was Plan B. I was still hoping for Plan A, but Edward was just so stubborn about leaving me human…

Bella Swan, New Moon, Chapter 1, p.13

Money meant next to nothing to Edward or the rest of the Cullens. It was just something that accumulated when you had unlimited time on your hands and a sister who had an uncanny ability to predict trends in the stock market.

Bella Swan, New Moon, Chapter 1, p.13

Sometimes it bothered Edward how very comfortable I was with being close to him. He thought he was hazardous to my health—an opinion I rejected vehemently whenever he voiced it.

Bella Swan, New Moon, Chapter 1, p.14

You want a nice stereo? Drive your own car.

Bella Swan, New Moon, Chapter 1, p.15

Bella, the last real birthday any of us had was Emmett in 1935. Cut us a little slack, and don’t be too difficult tonight. They’re all very excited.

Edward Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 1, p.23

Emmett, Edward’s playful be
2009-01-09 17:10:33 UTC
"I didn’t have to look to know who it was; this was a voice I would know anywhere—know, and respond to, whether I was awake or asleep… or even dead, I’d bet. The voice I’d walk through fire for—or, less dramatically, slosh every day through the cold and endless rain for. Edward."

"What was so great about mortality? Being a vampire didn’t look like such a terrible thing—not the way the Cullens did it, anyway."

"The movie eventually captured my interest, thanks in large part to Edward whispering Romeo’s lines in my ear—his irresistible, velvet voice made the actor’s voice sound weak and coarse by comparison."

"Dazed and disoriented, I looked up from the bright red blood pulsing out of my arm — into the fevered eyes of the six suddenly ravenous vampires."

"What’s the worst that can happen? I flinched. That was definitely the wrong question to ask. I was having a hard time breathing right. Okay, I thought again, what’s the worst I can live through? I didn’t like that question so much, either."

"'Of course, I’ll always love you… in a way. But what happened the other night made me realize that it’s time for a change. Because I’m… tired of pretending to be something I’m not, Bella. I am not human'" -Edward Cullen
2009-01-09 19:17:56 UTC
"You haven't changed at all. I expected a perceptible difference, but here you are, red-faced just like always."-Emmett, page 26

"I have to step out for a second-Don't do anything funny while I'm gone."-Emmett, page 26

"How the hell did Mike Newton end up in this conversation?"-Bella, page 45 i think.

"You're like a little doll. A porcelain doll."-Jacob, page 179

"Nothing. I just hadn't realized before. Did you kow, you're sort of beautiful?"-Bella, page 192

"Yes, me, too. Maybe we'll get lucky tomorrow and something will eat us!-Bella, page 200

"Bears don't want to eat people. We don't taste that good. Of course, you might be an exception. I bet you'd taste good."-Jacob, page 200

"The usual-slave for life, that kind of thing."-Jacob, page 202

"So, what are we doing tomorrow? Hiking, or the ER?"-Jacob, page 203

"No. I told him you were planning to corrupt my youthful innocence."-Jacob, pg.209

"That's okay, you know. As long as you like me best. And you think I'm good looking-sort of. I'm prepared to be annoyingly persistent."-Jacob, page 212

"You know what makes me so mad I could just spit?"-Jacob, page 306

"Yes. Are you the wolf girl?"-Bella, page 332

"There's a vampire inside your house. And you want to go back?"-Jacob, page379

"Leave it to you, Bella. Anyone else would be better off when the vampires left town. But you have to start hanging out with the first monsters you can find."-Alice, page 387

"Alice. What did you think you were going to find? I mean, besides me dead? Did you expect to find me skipping around and whistling show tunes? You know me better than that."-Bella, page 389

"I do! Oh, Alice, do it now! I could help you so much-and I wouldn't slow you down. Bite me!"-Bella 436

"It doesn't count until she's conscious, Rose."-Emmett, page 498

"The way I feel about you will never change. Of course I love you-and there's nothing you can do about it!"-Bella, page 511

"Before you, Bella, my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars-points of light and reason....And then you shopt across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancey, and there was beauty. When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizone,everything went black. Nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded by the light. I couldn't see the stars anymore. And there was no more reason for anything."-Edward, page 514

"Hell, yes! We can find some other way to pick a fight with this Demetri."-Emmett, page 534

"I know, but...Seriously, Bella! I don't have any idea how to not kill you."-Alice, page 535

"You're wounding my ego, Bella. I just proposed to you, and you think it's a joke."-Edward, page 540

"Well, I'm nearly a hundred and ten. It's time I settled down."-Edward, page 540

Hope this helped!
Sweet Blasphemy
2009-01-09 17:49:26 UTC

“Well, I wasn’t going to live without you.” Edward PAGE 19

“If I develop this film, will you show up in the picture?” Bella PAGE 25

Not tonight. Tonight the sky was utterly black. Perhaps there was no moon tonight—a lunar eclipse, a new moon. PAGE 74

Forbidden to remember, terrified to forget; it was a hard line to walk. PAGE 117

Only a teenage boy would agree to this: deceiving both our parents while repairing dangerous vehicles using money meant for my college education. He didn’t see anything wrong with that picture. Jacob was a gift from the gods. PAGE 136

“It’s just that, I know you’re unhappy a lot. And, maybe it doesn’t help anything, but I wanted you to know that I’m always here. I won’t ever let you down—I promise that you can always count on me.” Jacob PAGE 218

One thing I truly knew—knew it in the pit of my stomach, in the center of my bones, knew it from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, knew it deep in my empty chest—was how love gave someone the power to break you. PAGE 219

“You’re just scared because I’m a murderer? That’s the only reason” Jacob PAGE 308

“Sorry I called you a hypocrite,” Jacob

“Sorry I called you a murderer.” Bella PAGE 308

“Who’s afraid of the big, bad wolf?” Jacob PAGE 321

Love is irrational, I reminded myself. The more you loved someone, the less sense anything made. PAGE 340

“We’re a pretty messed up pair aren’t we? Neither one of us can hold our shape together right.” Jacob PAGE 349

Juliet gets dumped and ends up with Paris would have never been a hit PAGE 371

“Who did you just hang up on? In my house, and on my phone?” Bella PAGE 412

“I wasn’t going to live without you,” PAGE 427

“Bite me!” Bella PAGE 436

“You are so bizarre, even for a human.” Alice PAGE 437

“How strongly are you opposed to grand theft auto?” Alice PAGE 439

That would be just like me—ruin everything, destroy the world, in a moment of klutziness. PAGE 442

“Is this a joke?” guard in Volterra

“Only if you think it’s funny.” Alice PAGE 446

“Bella’s all about extreme sports these days.” Alice PAGE 457

“I think she’s having hysterics. Maybe you should slap her,” Alice PAGE 486

I’d forgotten that I had access to a toothbrush. It brightened my outlook considerably. PAGE 492

“Bella, I can’t live in a world where you don’t exist.” Edward PAGE 509

“The most absurd, ridiculous concept—as if there were any way that I could exist without needing you!”

“I’m here and I love you. I have always loved you, and I will always love you. I was thinking of you, seeing your face in my mind, every second that I was away. When I told you that I didn’t want you, it was the very blackest kind of blasphemy.” Edward PAGE 510

“Before you, Bella, my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars—points of light and reason. …And then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty. When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black. Nothing had changed but my eyes were blinded by the light. I couldn’t see the stars anymore. And there was no more reason for anything.” Edward PAGE 514

“Marry me first.” Edward

“Oh, c’mon, I’m only eighteen.” Bella

“Well, I’m nearly a hundred and ten. It’s time I settled down.” Edward PAGE 540

“Forever,” Edward

“That’s all I’m asking for,” Bella PAGE 547
2009-01-10 07:12:02 UTC
1. "I was ninety-nine point nine percent sure I was dreaming."

Bella Swan.

2. "Do you want me to drive you to the hospital, or would you like me to take care of it here?"

Carlisle Cullen.

3. "Bella, I don’t want you to come with me."

Edward Cullen.

4. "Speak of the devil and the devil shall appear."

Jacob Black.

5. "Edward was right—you’re a magnet for danger. Weren’t you supposed to be staying out of trouble?"

Alice Cullen.

6. "You should probably know that I’m breaking the rules right now. Well, not technically, since he said I was never to walk through his door again, and I came in the window… But, still, the intent was clear."

Edward Cullen.

i hope the above helped was all i could do!
2009-01-10 01:00:33 UTC
hopefully this helps, they are only from New Moon:

1. My own life meant little to me today. (Bella)

2. I didn’t have to look to know who it was; this was a voice I would know anywhere—know, and respond to, whether I was awake or asleep… or even dead, I’d bet. The voice I’d walk through fire for—or, less dramatically, slosh every day through the cold and endless rain for. Edward. (Bella)

3. Well, Gran, you might have noticed that my boyfriend glitters. It’s just something he does in the sun. Don’t worry about it… (Bella)

4. Edward stood beside me, casting no reflection, excruciatingly lovely and forever seventeen. (Bella)

5. I couldn’t feel anything but despair until I pulled into the familiar parking lot behind Forks High School and spotted Edward leaning motionlessly against his polished silver Volvo, like a marble tribute to some forgotten pagan god of beauty. (Bella)

6. You’re only a senior once. Might as well document the experience. (Alice)

7. How many times have you been a senior? (Bella)

8. So, as discussed, I am not allowed to wish you a happy birthday, is that correct? (Edward)

9. Attention is never a good thing, as any other accident-prone klutz would agree. No one wants a spotlight when they’re likely to fall on their face. (Bella)

10. College was Plan B. I was still hoping for Plan A, but Edward was just so stubborn about leaving me human… (Bella)

11. Money meant next to nothing to Edward or the rest of the Cullens. It was just something that accumulated when you had unlimited time on your hands and a sister who had an uncanny ability to predict trends in the stock market. (Bella)

12. You want a nice stereo? Drive your own car. (Bella)

13. Edward had drawn many careful lines for our physical relationship, with the intent being to keep me alive. Though I respected the need for maintaining a safe distance between my skin and his razor-sharp, venom-coated teeth, I tended to forget about trivial things like that when he was kissing me. (Bella)

14. Do you think I’ll ever get better at this? That my heart might someday stop trying to jump out of my chest whenever you touch me? (Bella)

15. You know, I’ve never had much patience with Romeo. (Edward)

16. Anyway, you don’t irritate the Volturi. Not unless you want to die—or whatever it is we do. (Edward)

17. No matter what might ever happen to me, you are not allowed to hurt yourself! (Bella)

18. I’ll never put you in danger again, so it’s a moot point. (Edward)

19. Put me in danger! I thought we’d established that all the bad luck is my fault? (Bella)

20. What if something did happen to you? Would you want me to go off myself? (Bella)

21. If I develop this film, will you show up in the picture? (Bella)

22. Sorry about this, Bella. We couldn’t rein Alice in. (Carlisle)

23. I have to step out for a second. Don’t do anything funny while I’m gone. (Emmett)

24. Dazed and disoriented, I looked up from the bright red blood pulsing out of my arm — into the fevered eyes of the six suddenly ravenous vampires. (Bella)

25. Edward stood over me, still protective, still not breathing. (Bella)

26. Well, that’s everyone. I can clear a room, at least. (Bella)

27. I couldn’t imagine anyone, deity included, who wouldn’t be impressed by Carlisle. Besides, the only kind of heaven I could appreciate would have to include Edward. (Bella)

28. I look at my… son. His strength, his goodness, the brightness that shines out of him—and it only fuels that hope, that faith, more than ever. How could there not be more for one such as Edward? (Carlisle)

29. If you believed as he did. Could you take away his soul? (Carlisle)

30. If he’d asked me whether I would risk my soul for Edward, the reply would be obvious. But would I risk Edward’s soul? I pursed my lips unhappily. That wasn’t a fair exchange. (Bella)

31. Tonight is exactly the kind of thing that he fears the most. You being put in danger, because of what we are. (Carlisle)

32. Carlisle sews faster than any other doctor I’ve had. (Bella)

33. Charlie was never surprised to see me bandaged. (Bella)

34. Bella, you gave yourself a paper cut — that hardly deserves the death penalty. (Edward)

35. Don’t try to take any of this on yourself, Bella. It will only make me more disgusted with myself. (Edward)

36. I’d rather die than be with anyone but you. (Bella)

37. You can’t have it both ways—either you want people to ignore your birthday or you don’t. One or the other. (Edward)

38. He smiled my favorite crooked smile, and then he disappeared into the darkness. (Bella)

39. You’re greedy tonight. (Edward)

40. You’re overestimating my self-control. (Edward)

41. Which is tempting you more, my blood or my body? (Bella)

42. The guilt made my head bow and my shoulders slump. I’d run them out of their home, just like Rosalie and Emmett. I was a plague. (Bella)

43. Surely Edward could wait a year. What was a year to an imm
2009-01-09 17:19:33 UTC
there's a website like dedicated to quotes from the twilight saga, and like each different character and stuff..

here's r all the quotes from new moon!
2009-01-09 17:19:26 UTC
Love, Life, Meaning...Lost


You don't want me?


~bella then edward

I was perfect-not healed, but as if there had never been a wound in the first place


Your Hold is permanent and unbreakable. Never doubt that.


it will be as if i never existed.


Hope i helped!!
Suɱɱeʁ 0ɟ 69
2009-01-09 17:20:19 UTC
Im not sure if its all he way true because i dont thave the book with me but its like in the last chapter:

"If you want me to be the one- then you have to meet one condition."

Condition? What condition?

Marry me first."

I love that one :)
2009-01-09 17:16:39 UTC
numba one source for new moon quotes:
2009-01-09 17:13:38 UTC
sry i dont have any off the top of my head :( o and your name is totally cool lol
2009-01-09 17:11:04 UTC
just look them up onliiinee! it'd be a lot easier
2009-01-09 17:12:00 UTC
Wow...your username is very sad.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.