Why are some people so anti feminism?
2016-07-15 20:29:40 UTC
I just don't understand how they don't see why we have a need for equality and don't try to say that western countries don't need feminism because feminism is wanting equality for women all over the world.
31 answers:
2016-07-17 00:30:32 UTC
The sad reality is that most non-feminists don't actually know what feminism really is - just the stereotype of "angry" and "man hating." It doesn't help that there are so many conservatives and religious extremists deliberately manufacturing these lies to keep women subservient. Feminism is genuinely about EQUALITY, but there are forces working very hard to convince men that this equality is somehow a threat to them. I had a friend who described herself as "the opposite of a feminist" - but in reality, she's the family's breadwinner, with a good job, and also the person in her family who makes all of the major decisions and handles most of the business transactions. She's a good example of an educated person who clearly has no idea how feminism has allowed not only women, but society to progress. I'm looking forward to raising my children with a real understanding of feminism.
2016-07-17 06:53:55 UTC
"Why are some people so anti feminism?"

Why did NOW make mattress girl their woman of the year?

I mean that case, and their decision kind of sums up why I am antifeminist! They are THE voice of mainstream feminism, and that was a case of a woman who complained before a kangaroo court that she was sexually assaulted by a male classmate, who was found even in that forum not responsible for the accusation she made against him.

She then proceeded, apparently with the approval of the university, to carry out a project meant to harass bully him into leaving, or the school into throwing him out.

There's no proof that he did anything wrong to her...but she's their woman of the year?

That is the kind of nonsense that makes me "so antifeminist!"
2016-07-16 16:21:56 UTC
Because some feminists are so anti-men.

Many of the feminists reckon that men have always had rights, a voice, but not women. However, women's issues at least in the west have been in the spotlight since around 1900, men's haven't. Specific men's yes, but not men as a whole. Many people aren't even conditioned to see that.

One wouldn't know how it really is to be the opposite gender.
2016-07-16 17:01:06 UTC
Have you considered the possibility that feminism is not the answer to equality and that other answers are available? I understand if you don't since feminists and feminism in general presumes to hold the monopoly on this discussion.

Many of the users here actually give strong arguments on why anti-feminism highlights the flaws and failures of feminism and why it is not the answer to equality. You should give them a good read and think about what they are saying before giving it a dismissive wave of "sexist" or "misogynistic" for daring to question the authority that is feminism...and for those of you who realize that is what you are doing, congratulations! you just realized you developed a religious/cult mentality surrounding feminism.
2016-07-17 20:39:01 UTC
Because no one in the movement follows the dictionary definition. They say the dictionary definition of "we just want equality" but the problem is their actions are far different.

A movement has to be judged on its actions and Not just words. Feminism's actions have been very anti-male since the very beginning and are even worse today.
2016-07-17 10:52:19 UTC
Feminists are some of the most anti-feminist people around. They think they,themselves are perfect, and all other women are wrong.

Take,for example, clothing. When talking about societies where women have to wear veils, they say "Men there don't have to hide their faces - why should women?" Sounds fine, until a woman from their own area says " Men here don't have to wear a top - why should women?" Suddenly they no longer think. women should have that equal right - instead they call them sluts, because they don't share the same view as their "perfect" selves.

Two-faced hypocrites!
2016-07-16 01:22:31 UTC
1. Feminism does not have monopoly on equality. There are many ideologies out there that support equality. You can follow any one of them. One can choose NOT to follow any ideologies and still support equality.

Here's an example, the Bible says "Thou shalt not kill". You can't say someone is automatically a Christian if they are against killing. You can't also say if someone's not a Christian, they are for killing. Ok. That's not how it works.

2. Not everyone who is against feminism is against equality. Most are for equality.

3. Equality is subjective. Equality can be equal opportunities or equal outcomes.

4. Feminism (the definition) and Modern Western Feminism/Third Wave Feminism (the movement) do not align with each other. Modern Western Feminism/Third Wave Feminism does very little to support third world countries. They are wrapped up in their own first world issues.

5. Even if someone is against equality (equal outcomes), it still doesn't mean they are a terrible human being. If history has taught us anything, forced equal outcomes do not work. It's a little something called COMMUNISM!

“A society that puts equality before freedom will get neither. A society that puts freedom before equality will get a high degree of both.”

― Milton Friedman
2016-07-16 07:03:41 UTC
You have 2 options.

1) Feminism is this dictionary definition and we won't think too hard about that definition (Merriam Webster's 2nd definition, for example, isn't very flattering) and that's what feminism is b/c dictionary says so. This is actually quite a weak argument b/c of the fallacy of definition, living language, the hypocrisy of feminists when it comes to the definition of things like 'sexism' and their objection to 'fireman', etc.

But OK. We run with "feminism is wonderful b/c dictionary says so". Fine. NOW you have to find me a feminist. You can't just say "Oh, I am a feminist!" b/c first you have to live up to that dictionary definition. Will you? If you're the standard SELF PROCLAIMED "feminist", you won't. Most of the people who CALL THEMSELVES "feminists" are just sexist idiots.

2) Anyone who says they are a feminist IS a feminist. BUT... we all get to judge 'feminism' by the great mass of those people. Most people are running with option 2 but if you want to just judge Republicans by the dictionary then they must just be people who support a republic and the definition of 'republic' isn't very offensive. You pick. I'm going to pick as well. I'm going to pick option 2.

What most 'self proclaimed' feminist want is for people to HEAR "I'm a feminist!" and take a little bit from option 2 and then combine it with some of option 1. It's like me saying "I'm God!" and then expecting every leader of every country to kiss my butt b/c the dictionary says I'm all powerful.
2016-07-15 20:45:27 UTC
Why are some people so anti New York Yankees?

Answer: Because I don't like the bastards and never will.

Why are some people so anti Dallas Cowboys?

Answer: Because I don't like the bastards and never will.

Why are some people so anti feminism?

Answer: Because I think feminism in word is noble, but in action it's a bunch of BS.
2016-07-16 18:25:30 UTC
Feminism promotes gender discrimination against males. Most oeople orefer gender equality.
2016-07-16 21:40:03 UTC
Feminism sucks!
2016-07-15 23:58:38 UTC

: organized activity in support of women's rights and interests

Feminism is all about female entitlement. Stating that feminism = 'gender equality' is like saying, "I'm KKK, but I love all people of all colors and I treat all people equally, regardless of skin color."

Feminism is fighting for equality, but only when it benefits women!!! Feminism, in reality, has nothing to do with equality and everything to do with women's rights... only. The movement is very gynocentric. Feminism cares about men & men's issues like a pedophile cares about children & children's safety. Feminism promotes discriminatory and unequal policies against men... counter to their supposed ideals of equal rights.

'Equality in privilege' is definitely not what feminism strives for. Feminism wants female privilege is all walks of life and, simultaneously, they want to eradicate male privilege completely. That is feminism idea of equality!

Feminists claim that they want equality. Yet, feminists vilify all men as oppressors and the creators of all bad things (imaginary or not) in society: patriarchy, glass ceiling, wage gap, rape culture. Feminism has always been about playing the victim. The feminist campaign tells strong women that they are, and will always will be, victims of society.

Treating the sexes equally (with the same dignity, empathy and respect) would be a good start in proving that feminists actually want gender equality!
2016-07-16 12:43:47 UTC
I agree. Not only that, but all the antifeminists claiming we should go to muslim countries to see how real misogyny works are about to have muslim misogyny in a western country near you, so their lame point is moot. Antifeminist is just another way to say antirealwoman. They think they are entitled to the use of a woman and entitled to a subservient trophy wife. Anyone else has purposely defied their outrageously narrow view of womanhood. No one else deserves a place in society, a voice, a say. Antifeminists are fond of describing the most outrageous physical appearances and extremist behaviors in a minority of women who identify as feminists and try to transfer those attributes to all women who identify as feminists. They have shamed alot of passive women into renouncing feminism. It's disgusting. Not only do they lump all feminists together but they lump us in with other groups they see as leftist. And neither group wants white women who aren't gorgeous young token yes women.
2016-07-16 17:15:00 UTC
A feminist is someone who thinks that women should have at least roughly the same legal and social rights that men do. Some feminists want female superiority (I think they're wrong). Some feminists hate men (I also think *they're* wrong). But the only actual requirement for being a feminist is the belief that women should have about the same rights as men.

People view feminism negatively for a few reasons:

1. They only notice or pay attention to the misandrists and those looking for female superiority, rather than the (often more quiet) feminists who are simply trying to achieve equality

2. They don't want things to change, because they like the way they are

3. They genuinely believe men are superior to women

4. They mistakenly believe that women already have full equality in this society (we're... a lot closer than we were, but not quite there yet), so think no one honestly interested in equality would call themselves a feminist

5. They're me-too-ing someone who falls into one or more of the other categories, and aren't really thinking about the issue themselves

And, possibly also other reasons I haven't thought of.
2016-07-17 02:20:24 UTC
Perceptions vary among various type and kind of people.

It is because all are not born at the same time and at the same place. They belong to different places. It is not necessary to know their destination.
Freedom Soars
2016-07-16 06:54:07 UTC
It's not equality that we should strive for in how we treat the different genders, but that we should treat everyone with respect. Men and women are not the same, and they can't strive for equality in that way. Just treat everyone with respect and you don't need to treat people equally. How can you treat anyone "equally" when people are different and need different treatment as suitable for their situation.
2016-07-16 01:08:31 UTC
People don't disagree with equality (of opportunity), but with feminism actually being for equality instead of privilege. Basically what they see is feminists who preach equality but their actual actions paint a very different picture.

Take a look at the Duluth model, based on feminist doctrine. which severely discriminates against men who are victims of domestic violence (women are just as violent as men, by assuming that men by default are the aggressors and having the man who called the police for help arrested even though he is the wounded one.

Take a look at how there still is affirmative action for women in colleges even though women nowadays earn 58% of college degrees.

Take a look at reproductive rights - feminists ask for more of these for women, yet men have NONE. Women can legally surrender parenthood without the father's consent even after birth, while men cannot ever do this - not even if the child was conceived by an illegal act of the mother, such as statutorily raping a boy. Here is an example of a boy who was statutorily raped being sentenced to pay child support:

How is fighting for even more reproductive rights of women and ignoring those of men equality and not privilege?

Take a look at calls for gender quotas in the workplace - pretty much always for nice white collar jobs. Why not call for quotas in ALL jobs? That of course may then also include the nasty ones, such as sewer maintenance. But doesn't getting an equal share of the nice jobs also mean that one must do an equal share of the dirty work?

Asking for quotas only in the nice jobs is asking not for equality but for privilege.

Take a look at how sexual abuse of men in general is treated. It's ignored and victims of it are ridiculed. Men generally don't have access to the DV shelter structures despite of paying their share in the funding thereof.

Take a look at the sentencing bias between men and women for the exact same crimes and criminal history, which is greater than that between blacks and whites:

Yet feminists have the audacity to ask to have women sentenced to even less prison time than they already are, even suggesting to abolish women's prisons completely.

If that's not demanding privilege, then what is?

I could list some more issues, but i don't want to do a Gish Gallop on you. Please take your time to read up on these issues - preferably not only from feminist sources, but from the other side as well.
Dont Call Me Dude
2016-07-15 20:39:13 UTC
Because BESIDES the NEEDED fight for women's rights, many feminists ALSO stir in weird anti-male "theories" and generalized anti-male crap, and muddy the waters.

Call out the damned man-haters in your ranks, and let us fight the anti-female sexists TOGETHER, which is the ONLY way that fight can be won. Women can't do it alone.

YOU gotta choose -- either your pride and "right" to male-bash, OR your RIGHTS.

You can't have both. You can ONLY pick ONE.
2016-07-16 15:34:46 UTC
Feminist are just a bunch of over sensitive women. If they would obey the rules of GOD and not follow their own agenda then they will have happiness.
2016-07-15 20:31:40 UTC
Because many people, myself included, see it as a false premise.
2016-07-15 21:30:40 UTC
Many people find feminists' ideas and motives to be radical and over the top. If the concept of feminism isn't explained correctly, it's easy for it to sound as if feminists are targeting men and praising women.
2016-07-15 20:39:29 UTC
We should promote self actualization for all citizens, regardless of whether that results in equality or not.

You guys understand that "equality" in Feminese isn't the same thing as equal individual rights yeah?
2016-07-15 21:12:19 UTC
I respect your autonomy to believe in whatever mythical fairy tales you want - doesn't mean I have to believe in the feminist religion or accept the mythology without evidence
2016-07-15 21:25:30 UTC
Because it is out to destroy the traditional nuclear family, to sully the sanctity of marriage, and to denigrate the role of fatherhood while belittling the role of motherhood. It's leaders saying that it is only for the equality of women throughout the world is much like Hitler saying he killed Jews for God's sake. You are being led by a huge ruse, sister.
2016-07-17 02:15:57 UTC


" Youtube "
2016-07-16 00:15:18 UTC
Feminism is man hating.
2016-07-16 08:32:12 UTC
2016-07-15 21:14:27 UTC
The only solution is to KILL Dude. Dude is the source of all Anti-Feminism. Kill him! Kill Dude! KILL!
2016-07-16 01:38:15 UTC
They want women to be second-class citizens as in the past. Many anti-fems fear change and want their status to be superior to that of women.
2016-07-16 18:01:42 UTC
because they are jokes
2016-07-15 20:48:34 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.