2010-01-18 00:45:37 UTC
I choke at the feelings that swell in my heart
I do not know how to explain
I want, I want to die
Still, I am afraid from where I will go
It is like walking in a tunnel blinded by your fears
And guided by your illusions.
Ohh God take away my soul, but leave the pain.
My ego swirls in my chest, asking for more.
The oblivion it faces from the world when no pain dwells with in it
Is like the oblivion you offer when I need you the most.
The river rises and covers me up with raging waves. The fish are smiling at me
Through the droplets of water and I’m dangling away across the mud and stone
Everything swirls in one big hurricane and darkness prevails.
I know, I am dead, Good-bye the sorrows of this world and welcome the pain of afterlife.
Hell shall be my resting place and my biggest sin shall always dwell upon my shoulders.
I waited until God decided to clasp my soul; I should have clasped it myself.
But it’s late and I shall dwell under the writhing blaze of hell wishing for an an uncommitted sin